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Everything posted by DukDukGoose

  1. As much as I think you're being the sensible one here I'm just not sure if we can afford to let him go without replacement. I reckon the club will be looking to get as much off the McCrorie fee as possible. Are the league rules still that you can only have one loan player from a team at any time?
  2. I was told by the same person I've mentioned to you previously. Didn't even bother mentioning it here as I thought it was complete nonsense. Made a subtle reference to it at the end of a post yesterday to see if anyone else had heard similar. I wouldn't give it anymore stock than a twitter rumour as they didn't mention who they got it from.
  3. I feel like we're thinking of different GMS'. I remember us playing you that season. He looked like he'd never been near a football pitch in his life. Then made a lovely run and scored. Glass was what I was told. Didn't believe it myself.
  4. Sigh. There's been little reason to laugh at Celtic since 2012. On the odd occasion it's happened we've all made full use of it.
  5. You obviously don't read the player threads in there Willy!
  6. Are we all in agreement that Erih Shtrep and Rammit is one guy agreeing with himself?
  7. Mixed emotions seeing that result. In the end seeing one of the arse cheeks making a c**t of it never fails to raise a smile.
  8. Let's be real for a second. Scott Wright is in no position to turn down a decent offer from the ****. Can get to f**k once he signs though.
  9. I wonder if we'll consult with Stephen Glass before we make future signings.
  10. It's been a shambles from the start. The very start. The SPFL have taken no responsibility for anything. I highly doubt they've inspected any of the stadiums or training grounds. They'll have given the club's checklists and left it there. They only care about games being played. f**k all regard for anybody. https://www.pressandjournal.co.uk/fp/sport/football/aberdeen-fc/2716180/aberdeen-boss-mcinnes-calls-for-scottish-covid-compliance-officer/
  11. Do we want to risk playing that lot and catching the jandies?
  12. Can't imagine it would be less stringent. If everyone offshore was positive then that would likely shut the platform down.
  13. I've probably been his biggest advocate on here. He was poor yesterday though and has been on most of his outings this season.
  14. That's actually incorrect. He spent the morning and afternoon admitting Celtic had fucked up. f**k knows where this about turn came from though.
  15. https://twitter.com/SimpsonsSPFL/status/1348683015870885897?s=19
  16. Tests for offshore folk can have the results returned in an hour at the moment.
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