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Everything posted by DukDukGoose

  1. Hamilton away last season. Not quite sure who is where in that line up but I think I like it.
  2. Even so I've heard or seen nothing about any complaints until he mentioned them himself. I'm also pretty sure the SPFL were fussed about Killie because there was an outbreak.
  3. Is anyone fussed? They literally jump about on top of each other on the rare occasion they score a goal.
  4. Aye. I've not seen them be accused of anything aside from a bit of stupidity for going in the first place?
  5. There was a couple of games we should have won and ended up on the end of 2-3 goal defeats.
  6. Interview with Kieran Ngwenya up on Redtv. Comes across as an intelligent and sensible young man.
  7. So will anyone pull Klopp up on the Liverpool team playing too many games after this?
  8. The odds for Villa to win with correct score
  9. It's just the cup! How long are the first team players out for?
  10. He's been fantastic for months. If half of them had an ounce of the desire he had then they'd have been nowhere near the bottom of the league. I don't think he's their 'best' player but that's a pointless argument anyway. Saka is a game changer and is probably the most effective player with Tierney just behind.
  11. I'm just playing football manager in real life and trying to find ways the club could cut the budget somewhat without losing too much quality.
  12. Recalling Virtanen is a strange one. Maybe he's going to get six months to see if he has it. If so then we can offer him something and that maybe takes Ojo's place next year?
  13. As mentioned above there's a load of bodies to leave in the summer and all will be on a decent wedge. This is a very critical summer in terms of recruitment. We can't allow for the mistakes we've made in others. McGinn, Logan and Devlin alone has to shift around £10k off the weekly wage. Main will surely be away. Anderson and McLennan won't be on much considering what an experienced player in the same role would be earning. Maybe Bruce is worth another year?
  14. Strange for them to be saying that now and completely contradicting his comments last month. Maybe couldn't shift someone we thought would go?
  15. Yeah exactly. Of the out of contract players in the summer I think McLennan and Taylor will be here next season. Hernandez, Cosgrove and Ojo will also be gone by the start of next season. GMS was/is a talented player. There's no question about it. My main concern was always GMS played for GMS rather than himself. It's no real surprise to me that televised games were where he shined. It's also interesting to look at the stats in his final season. It felt like he was carrying us at times but then when he was injured the team as a whole played better. I'd really doubt they have a clue of what's going on transfer wise. Regarding Watkins I wouldn't be happy if we put all of our eggs in that basket. I'd like us to sign a similar, younger player. I doubt we'll get Campbell but it could be we can't sign Brophy or GMS because we've offered him a very good wage.
  16. We're going to be a few players down after the summer. Some big wages will go. We have the nucleus of a very good starting XI. These guys could have been told they wouldn't be considered guaranteed starters. Alternatively we could also be skint. I'm wary of getting myself upset jumping to that immediate conclusion.
  17. It could just be the fact we're not that fussed about signing him or Brophy?
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