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Everything posted by DukDukGoose

  1. Why do most teams in the big leagues use it then? It must have some use.
  2. One could argue that we're finally set up to.play football that he could actually thrive in
  3. Could break his leg tomorrow. Arsenal should be looking to do what Spurs have done with their players.
  4. Of course. I just can't see many offering that for his position.
  5. Looks like he ahs three year left. Probably wise for him to extend it at this point.
  6. I think the boy is loyal to a fault. He'll be more interested in trying to drag Arsenal up a level than make the first big move he's offered.
  7. I don't think many teams could afford him.
  8. Not if we're not reinvesting it in a creative player this window though.
  9. It's effectively a tool to show you how good the chances you are creating actually are. You could have 23 shots in a game and lose to an opponent who had 2. Looking at it purely as number the team that had 23 shots should have won. Look further in to the stats and all 23 could have been speculative efforts that are never going to score whereas the 2 for the opposition were in better positions etc. That's a very basic explanation of it.
  10. What are you trying to say like?! There's a lot of merit for it but not when it is used in nonsense examples like above.
  11. Came here to post that. As big a Brexit signing as you'll see. A bizarre move for all involved apart from Scott Wright's wallet.
  12. Knew Julien was infected and made him shit with the shite IMHO.
  13. There's a list of the isolated players going around. The players Celtic allegedly have available are more than comfortable of winning against any team in the country.
  14. I can't even laugh. An injured player went all the way to Dubai for a training camp. Gets infected and then causes the whole team to isolate. WTF?!
  15. I don't think there is anyone who hasn't said Rangers deserved the win? The added time issue was actually raised by a Hibs fan.
  16. Oh I understood his point. It just wasn't a very good one.
  17. Yeah. I think that is fair. Roy Keane was asked about the best centre midfielders in the world a few months back. He said himself there's only a few he thinks can play a traditional centre midfield position to a high level. The rest fill certain roles.
  18. Laughable trying to compare him to McCrorie but you are correct with Ferguson. Dean needs to step up and offer a bit more. Derek likes a midfielder who can sit on the ball and make the simple passes but we need more with the current system.
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