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Everything posted by Spyro

  1. I remember 20 years ago they were looking for help with the flooding but just banging their heads off a wall. Wrong shaped ball for Borders Council I assume
  2. Wtf just happened there?! Behave yourselves Scotland
  3. It's crazy that they haven't been able to join forces with Tweeddale ammys and develop the top part of the park (where Tweeddale play) into something usable.
  4. I agree with these 2, IHS had a decent plan and a vague agreement in place but councils... Edinburgh South claimed to have had detailed plans for Inch and St Cadoc’s were meant to have plans for somewhere in Newton Mearns, but I don't know how serious they were.
  5. Fair enough. If they had their own press releases, like we were promised the first time the Colts were voted in (better media coverage), then everyone would be on the same page. I stead of leaving it to the Daily Record 'journalists' to do for them
  6. HOLD ON! I'm I just sleep deprived and going mental here? Have the LL clubs in this proposal basically voted to split their own league up, dropping it down a tier AND given the thumbs up to a direct rival? And half of them won't get near an OF Colts team again as they'll get swallowed up by whoever else ends up in the 'new' Lowland League
  7. What clubs in history are still at the ground they started at? I think every club have had upheaval and some make it work, others don't but most clubs moved a fair bit until they found their permanent home. I suppose it a chicken and egg situations with new clubs, what to get 1st? A position in the league? A permanent ground at great expense? As for vetting. Where do you start? There's probably about half the clubs in the league that if certain people stopped giving their time and money to keep the lights on, they would fold tomorrow. Some VERY established clubs are ticking time bombs with aging committees and a complete lack of support from punters
  8. Black Rooster advertising boards getting taken down from Ibrox as we speak… fair play to him, no one else high up at any club is speaking up tbh Typical Daily Ranger “journalism” though. Monkey writes what monkey told, then searches on Twitter for a footnote to bulk it out
  9. I think once things settle down, they will look to levelling up Div2 and 3. From what has been said before, a regional split is out the question so at least have leagues of 14/12 eventually. If done with a Premiership style split, that would give 32 and 27 league games. The other option would be 39 and 33 game seasons but that’s pushing it It would be unfair to relegate another club from this season on the back of a club above them pulling out.
  10. Was there not a problem with the actual Selkirk team and they drafted in the ‘Vics’ players from the amateur league to play? Basically a lads day out to Stirling by the sounds of it!
  11. There’s your crowd there. Aye a squad of bairns and the dug might get criticised at first, but some of them will stick around as they grow up… then take their kids, etc. My mate’s wee lass plays for Blackburn and she’s always dragging her dad with some friends to the senior games after her training, she’s absolutely daft about them. Suppose at that age it is a massive thing to be handed your first strip, allow to play on the adults park and made to feel a part of the club. It’s what Blackburn have been doing for a while and it’s already reaping the rewards.
  12. So no official document or press release on their site stating when each club will go, we all need to email them individually and ask? Why the secret? You would think destination of the relegated team(s) would be something that was made clear to supporters if its already sorted? I'm not the only one who would like to know. I'm really not that bothered to email them to ask though, just thought it would be public knowledge and easily accessable
  13. Nope, not seeing it... Gretna 2008 are listed under the East of Scotland's list of clubs on their website though
  14. Where are you finding this? Makes sense, just can't remember seeing it anywhere apart from hear'say on here
  15. That's what most of us are led to believe... but nothing has been 100% officially confirmed yet. Which I find very strange
  16. They should both be going West... I can't see Gretna bring allowed to go to the East. That only happened as it was 1 of 2 very poor options at the time for them
  17. I reckon Edinburgh Uni will settle around Division 1 in the EoS, they won't free fall as hard. They usually manage to put put a decent team, just seems this season has been a bit of a nightmare. Dalbeattie and Gretna? We still haven't had it confirmed what league they will be playing in so time will tell.
  18. Tbf that is a bit of a clanger! As much as I PERSONALLY believe that Talbot should be held responsible as playing a very clearly cup-tied player is 99.9% a slamdunk and something should have flagged it up, especially considering the circumstances of the transfer... But, if the statement from Talbot is 100% true then I couldn't argue if they were reinstated. I would actually much prefer Talbot still in the cup than EK so it's not like I've any agenda either
  19. Irvine Meadow XI 2-3 Pollok Troon 1-3 Darvel St. Cadoc’s 2-1 Whitletts Victoria Ardeer Thistle 0-2 St. Anthony’s Bellshill Athletic 1-1 Newmains United St. Peter’s 2-5 West Park United
  20. Albion Rovers = deadwood https://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/sport/local-sport/albion-rovers-gaffers-birthday-relief-22198675.amp After voting against reconstruction had the brass neck to complain about what they got… https://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/sport/local-sport/albion-rovers-covid-crisis-could-23009817 At least they won’t have to play Brora away twice a season though Diddies!
  21. ‘Next home game v Stoneyburn Tue 21st Mar 1945’! Is that just before their cup tie vs the Athenians?
  22. And FC Cumbernauld Openlegs BSC Alloa Podcast Broomhill AFC?
  23. Fair enough. Piss poor from everyone then, at this stage of the competition this is basic stuff. I would say “amateur” but after watching the amateur (amateur) Scottish Cup draw it could be worse!
  24. Yes and I praised them for that at the time. I shouted early on that they should try Bothwellhaugh and was told “no chance”. They’ve actually done a good job with it considering, but their model doesn’t work and other clubs have done more with A LOT less
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