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Everything posted by Kuro

  1. It might have even been three times per week Ferguson said, can you see Luka Modric doing that? Remember the outcry at rangers when le guen banned monster munch? I mean fucking monster munch? Really? Professional athletes on 30 grand a week and they're eating monster munch? It's fuckin unbelievable.
  2. Barry Ferguson said he ate at McDonald's twice a week whilst Rangers and Scotland captain. Do you think Xavi did that? It's a lack of professionalism and dedication that is the problem. As well as small minded myopic wee neds thinking playing for rangers or Celtic means you've made it and is the be all and end all when really it means you're a third rate footballer.
  3. Boyd displayed a lack of ambition and a pigheaded refusal to even try to improve his obvious weak points right throughout his career, as well as a big time Charlie attitude and a shit lifestyle for a footballer in terms of diet, professionalism, training and alcohol. He might want to look a wee bit closer to home for reasons why we're failing.
  4. Boyd himself is the perfect example of why we are shit, there's a guy with a talent who.was given an opportunity to become a top player. A combination of laziness and lack of professionalism saw him.never realise his potential, did nothing whatsoever at the top level and spent his career scoring against utter jobbers like St Johnstone. There is no doubt whatsoever that guys like Boyd and Derek Riordan had the talent to play for a team like Liverpool or Sevilla. We produce them, the problem is why do they end up at Hibs instead. It's a mindset thing.
  5. This is true. The problem is we aren't very good at it. According to morons like you what you are supposed to do is pass it forward all the time, otherwise known as giving the ball back to the opposition and resulting in a pumping. Did you.not learn anything even from watching Belgium tonight? Some people will just never get it.
  6. It bothers me more the players we have lost because of that. McGeady would have been phenomenal for Scotland, having him and McFadden at their best would have made us tremendous, and James Mcarthy would be a great addition for us now. His composure, experience and passing ability would help enormously with ball retention and protecting our CB's. Its very frustrating when we produce players like those two, 100% Scottish born bred and produced, and they go to play for another country. As for Mcarthy, I have it on fairly good authority he was playing for Hamilton as a 15 year old, their manager Billy Reid was harassing the Scotland set-up saying we have this kid who is brilliant why is he not getting picked, so they sent Archie Knox along to watch him. Knox watched him and said to his face after the game, as a 15 year old, 'you'll never fuckin play for Scotland'. Mcarthy was devastated and cried, and he played for Ireland as a f**k you to Knox. Knox's ability to judge a young player was obviously laughable, given Mcarthy has now played over 200 games in the Premiership and would have got about 80 caps for Scotland if he had chosen us. Our problem essentially is our game is run by idiots, and this is a prime example, as is losing H Souttar cause nobody picked him for the 19s and 21s for over eighteen months despite him patently being our best defensive prospect at that level.
  7. Actually under rated by people in Scotland, cause most people here don't know anything about football. Like you for example, with your forward pass comment. Watch this about Guardiola, the best manager in the world, and how his teams play. You'll notice most of their passes are sideways or backwards. That's football, that's how you play the game.
  8. The best passing team in the world scoring a goal after 42 passes, most of them sideways or backwards. Anybody who talks about a player as squarebaw etc is a fucking moron.
  9. Oh look, another of the greatest passing goals of all time, again you'll notice forward passes are in the minority. You can only pass forward when its on and when there's value to doing it
  10. Watch this, probably the greatest passing sequence you'll ever see, and as good as football can possibly be played. You'll notice most of the passes are sideways or backwards, and that's the best team in the world at their best, opening up one of the best defences in the world at the time.
  11. Its a good rule of thumb that any football fan who ever says anything along the lines of passing the ball backwards and sideways too much is an absolute moron who knows diddly squat about the game. Watch Xavi, go and youtube him, maybe the best passer of all time, around 80% of his passes would be sideways or backwards. That's football, unless you are playing a girl guides team it simply isn't feasible to pass the ball forwards most of the time. Attitudes like that are why we are so bad at football. And 'passing is okay as long as it is with a purpose' is also nonsense, sometimes the purpose is simply to keep the ball.
  12. Because they don't get released after seven years, I think that would be the key difference here.
  13. I'm probably going to watch it in bed and crack one off so it's kind of similar.
  14. The irony is without the police there Brown would have absolutely hammered the guy, he's a hard fkn b*****d and no danger the fat middle aged sad act wankstain would have the balls to say that to him without a line of police separating them. On a similar note, I feel bad to admit I once spat on Andrei Kanchelskis as he got off the team bus walking into Hampden to play against Scotland, just seemed the right thing to do at the time.
  15. I think after this campaign would be the time to bring Gilmour in, after the Euro's our first friendly that would be the time to call him up.
  16. We don't have an obvious first choice pair, the only obvious starter is McKenna. There's no point picking Bates who can't get a game for Sheffield Wednesday just cause we picked him before or Mulgrew who just got punted by Blackburn cause he's utterly finished just cause he's 'experienced'. Cooper, Lindsay and H Souttar are the three best Scottish CB's on the planet right now who are available for these games, making it a total no brainer all three should be in the squad and two of them starting.
  17. And what difference does that make to the level a player plays at? If he signed for the champions of Luxembourg he'd play in Europe every year, would that improve him? Would it be a step up?
  18. Europe is incidental and irrelevant, McBurnie could sign for Linfield and play in 'Europe' every year, would that mean he's at a better level than he's at now where he never plays in Europe at all?
  19. Exactly, Bates is struggling badly, Lindsay should obviously be ahead of him now, just not even up for debate. Continuity from two games is laughable pish, its not like they've been playing for five years. And Souttar of course, would also be ahead of him.
  20. This is absolute nonsense, its a total skoosh for any CB to play either side, really doesn't matter at all. The number of times in a season they will be put in a position where it makes them uncomfortable would be miniscule, its just nonsense dreamt up by fans. Mulgrew is utterly finished and should be nowhere near this team. Incidentally, Harry Souttar would probably be starting for me, he's better than everyone else we have available. But clueless u19 and u21 coaches have fucked that for us.
  21. Sigh. I honestly couldn't be bothered replying to this cause it was such utter shite, but I have five minutes now. Europe is nothing, Connahs Quay Nomads and Linfield play in Europe, so playing in Europe and scoring a goal or two is utterly meaningless, especially when your team take the shaft on a regular basis every time they play in the fabled 'Europe'. When your talking about a level a player plays at you're talking about the league they play in, the bread and butter every week. McBurnie plays and has played at a vastly higher level than Griffiths, its not even close. The English Championship is light years better than the Scottish Premiership, absolutely miles. Evidenced by things like an hour ago a player who got two games for a league one club (Peterborough) last season signing for Hibs, and one of the best players in the Scottish Premiership last season and for the last few seasons Greame Shinnie not even being able to get on the bench at Derby. Whether a player gets a handful of games here and there in 'Europe' is entirely incidental and irrelevant. If McBurnie was shite enough to opt to play at the level Griffiths plays at and if any of the clubs at that level could dream of affording him, he'd get quite a few games in Europe too, and it would be just as meaningless in judging his quality. Compare their intl records at the same age, I don't think Griffiths had even made his debut. Griffiths' goals in the 'Champions League' have been almost exclusively against utter shite in qualifying. You're an idiot, virtually every word of that is utter shite, and those are the real facts.
  22. Utterly bizarre that Lindsay hasn't been called up, he's miles better than the likes of Devlin and Bates. Inexplicable.
  23. I read it was the first time since 2009 Atleti have come from two goals down to win a game. Which is quite incredible. Another of my favourite stats is under Simeone in his entire reign they have averaged less than half a goal conceded in each game over all competitions, which is phenomenal.
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