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Everything posted by Kuro

  1. No he doesn't, he wants a deal and he's pushing MPs and EU into a corner with the no deal threat. It amazes me how stupid people are.... No he doesn't, he's not pushing the EU anywhere they have been clear and consistent all along, there's nothing to push.
  2. That's utter nonsense, if Johnson was not committed to leaving on October 31st no deal cou!d be avoided if he wanted it to be. It amazes me how stupid people are, Johnson wants no deal I can't believe people still can't see that.
  3. Burnley, another team you could have 'supportee' if they'd been the best team when you were a kid. Could have been anyone really.
  4. No times actually Rab, Major became PM in 92. And you can hardly gloat about Liverpool's success, given their success is why you chose to glory hunt for them in the first place. Its not like its your team is it.
  5. At least you'd have seen them win the league this side of John Major becoming PM.
  6. Shame you didn't grow up ten years later eh Rab, or you'd have been a Man Utd 'fan' instead.
  7. Castle Stuart is easy, wide open, just expensive is all.
  8. It's the oldest one of all actually. Clearly you know nothing about any of this. For Kennedy's position on foreign policy I suggest you read JFK and the Unspeakable by James Douglass , for CIA involvement in his assassination you could start with on the trail of the assassins by.Jim Garrison, the only person ever to raise a prosecution in the case.
  9. That's utter nonsense about JFK and nuclear war, the polar opposite of the truth. You need to do a little research. That's actually why the military-industrial-intelligence complex killed him mainly.
  10. Yeah that game will be one of the hardest to get tickets for, but not impossible.
  11. It does but that doesn't mean they'll let us go. They're just going to refuse a Section 30 and hope they can ride it out.
  12. Davidson is an ultra British nationalist, who has long been handled and guided by British intelligence as she is viewed as the best bet of preventing Scottish statehood. This course of action will have been decided for her, as the best strategy for minimising the damage to her reputation in the eyes of Scottish people to keep her untainted for the expected referendum on the horizon. In the same way they distanced her from the Rape Clause etc, they are trying to put distance between her and the damaging policies of her party. She will be championed now as some defender of the union and an attempt will be made to engage in populism similar to that which won Brexit with her as the figurehead of some new movement which won't be new at all but will allow them to unburden her of all the negative connotations of a no deal brexit, that's all that's going on here. She will either become a Lib Dem, form a new grouping like the wallopers down south or the 'Scottish' Tories will pretend they are in any way different to the scum down south and she will be their detoxified figurehead.
  13. You'll be seeing ridiculous prices because an agent will be buying the tickets, more than doubling the cost, then selling them to you online. You need to buy them direct from the club, which may involve you speaking spanish or at least being able to read it online. Your best bet is JDMP on here, he lives in Madrid and goes to Atletico home games, he could probably buy them for you and send to you or leave for you to pick up.
  14. Six quid for a Kit Kat at Turnberry, no shit.
  15. Brent crude 2017 average $54.19 Brent crude 2018 average $71.31 32% increase Production up 4% yoy Capital(£5bn) Unit Operating Cost (£15-16 boe) Decomm (1.75bn) expenses largely flat North Sea revenue in GERS unchanged @ £1.43bn? Doesn’t add up I’m afraid
  16. Aye, and your Mrs was just giving your best friend a shoulder to cry on. She was sucking him off mate open your eyes.
  17. Aye that's not on at all, as a manager I don't think you can have that in your squad. I'd tell him not to bother coming and enjoy ten years of relegation battles cause that's all he's got to look forward to. Imo that should be the end of his intl career, thousands of people spend money they can't afford following Scotland all over the place, not for players with an attitude like that. To be the darling of the tartan army is the greatest thing in some players careers, ask James McFadden what he looks back on with the most fondness that's what he would say and that's while achieving nothing. You're not going to be 65 and looking back to.that time you scored against Burnley. I say get him chased tomorrow morning.
  18. Have to say I agree. Get him right to fk.
  19. Yes by far. All teams in La Liga are good to watch.
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