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Ingo ohne Flamingo

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Everything posted by Ingo ohne Flamingo

  1. Hahaha so it is you, you're the only c**t that ever says that to me. Well guess what? I've been to more Clyde games over the last 20 years than you've probably ever been to in your life, so go and f**k yourself with that Ibrox chat. Feel free to come and have a chat the next time you come up to Scotland.
  2. Anyone who has Billy Reid in their username is obviously a p***k who shouldn't be taken seriously. If the user is who I think it is, then I'm double correct. Norrie was brilliant for us, but he's gone and he's now trying to shaft us so f**k him. Lastly. Currie, lang, Rumsby, Rankin, Lamont, cogill, boyle, Duffie, grant, McStay, banks, love, McNiff, Goodwillie, Stewart, Hughes, Syvertsen, Cuddihy, belmokhtar, and the managerial team of Danny and Alan got us promoted, end of discussion...
  3. Or he could pay the £14 a game which is £210 over the season...
  4. It's Bishop Brennan ya little bollox. Don't call me Len you little p***k
  5. That'll be the season Thistle we're going to do an "arsenal" but ended up getting relegated
  6. How much money we get Falkirk and Thistle away twice... Stupid idea to play 27 games, can easily fit the 36 games in and play midweek games.
  7. Couldn't have put it any better myself. You're 100% right. The marches look good on TV but you're right, calm persuasion is the right way forward and it's proving to be right based on the recent polling. I'm desperate for independence but we need to get it right this time. The far left obviously think we can keep re-running the poll until we get the answer we want. As for the BLM as well, yep the left wing fucked that one up as well. AUOB need to realise that Yes is now the majority and we need to act like we are in the majority and get rid of that wee man attitude of being the loud voice in the corner.
  8. Cracking player for us and was an important player in probably one of our best sides in the last 30 years or so. 47 years old man . Glad he's rid of this horrible disease and he can rest easily. God bless him. RIP Hagen
  9. I get the idea of a unified Pro indy list vote, however this could fall nicely into unionist hands. Team up on the FPTP and knock the SNP candidate out then the split in the SNP, green and united indy vote then allows the tories etc to make up the rest of the numbers. It's a huge gamble. It would only work if we are certain the SNP would win in pretty much every constituency seat. Then I've seen the United Indy thing is coming from the Tommy Sheridan brigade, f**k that. I would've been hopeful for maybe an Alex Salmond lead party but I think his PR isn't the best at the present moment I had a good think about this but I'm going to stick with SNP/SNP. I don't like the Green Party so I couldn't bring myself to vote for them. The 2nd vote SNP is more or less an insurance policy in the unlikelihood the SNP candidate loses their seat, it should be picked up again on the list with a bit of luck.
  10. I had no idea about AUOB and I only followed them this year as I was going to go to the big march in Glasgow couldn't find my snorkel and flippers that morning so patched it. At first I was getting annoyed at the Anti Tory banners then the Anti Tory posts on facebook, don't get me wrong - f**k the tories, but we need to encourage people from all parties to get on board for independence. Unfortunately the far left element who seem to be involved at AUOB are treating this as an "us v them" situation, how the f**k are you meant to encourage people to join our cause with that attitude? They're like the Aberdeen fans in the Tartan Army questioning a Rangers fan why the f**k are they at a Scotland game... (true story by the way, happened to my auld man). The marches are always great to watch but what people want to see is examples of how Scotland can do things better on our own and right now people are seeing this hence why the polls are going up and up, and that's with no campaigning! Lastly, one thing I don't understand about the indy marchers. They pick up their phone, keys, wallet and then have the huge decision whether to take a Scotland flag, or a catalan flag, Palestinian flag or Ireland or whatever, why? I don't get it.
  11. Anyone else getting pissed off at whoever runs All Under One Banner? Consistantly posting shite on Facebook and getting slated for it by their followers, then now organising demos and protests in the midst of a pandemic and again, their followers telling them not to. Their obsession with wanting a referendum right now at this present time is getting more ridiculous by the way. I genuinely feel now that the greatest risk to a Yes vote is our own kind...
  12. I've only driven past but with the airport there it'll be a great base to go exploring. Freiburg and Basel nearby, Zürich is one of my favourite cities and is only just over an hour drive. Direct train from Basel as well.
  13. Surprised no one has mentioned kicking father brennen up the arse yet. Amazing 2 parter Father Ted is got to be one of my favourite all time Programmes. A shame it ended the way it did but fair play to the producers for not trying to replace Ted and instead allowed the programme to become a classic that is still watched today.
  14. Really liked her song Moi Lolita. Was on German music channels a lot in 2000 or 2001.
  15. Fucking hell. Honestly didn't know whether to laugh or to worry that there are actually "people" like this in our country...
  16. Someone mentioned it on the Falkirk herald Facebook so could be shite but he's just been released and he's a player that Clyde could probably do with.
  17. Gregor Buchanan apparently linked to us. Imagine he's the type of centre half that Danny is looking for with his experience, never been impressed with him but I suppose any centre half will look shite against Goodwillie, Falkirks defensive record last year was excellent with him at the heart of it so probably would be a good shout.
  18. Hopefully Nicola invites that Doctor on again
  19. Definitely very encouraging news, also worth remembering that lockdown has been easing for nearly 2 months now. Now is the biggest test! Scotland didn't exactly deal with things brilliantly at the start however with our economic hands tied by Westminster, we were always pissing into the wind. But since then Nicola has played a blinder whilst admitting she has made mistakes (unlike the fanny in Number 10), the fact we are where we are and for me under 12's no longer having to social distance where in England they still do shows how far we have came. Can't drop the guard, the next few weeks are going to be interesting...
  20. We've been enjoying the long lies in the morning , but I'm coming off Furlough and going back full time next week so it might get her up. She does wake up at 6.30-7 but we bring her into our bed and she'll say "baby sleep" and she'll go back to sleep again, she obviously enjoys her morning cuddles which is nice. I appreciate it a lot more than I did when she used to wake up at 11.30 or midnight and not go back to sleep again unless it's in our bed. Thank god that phase is gone!
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