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Vic Mackey

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Everything posted by Vic Mackey

  1. Lack of ideas up front from Hearts, high balls easily knocked away by ajer
  2. The green plastic bibs will catch all the pie and bovril dribbles nicely
  3. Seems like the tip of a nasty iceberg, was there a UK wide paedo ring using their positions at various football clubs to commit crimes??? 4 or 5 linked to celtic & the latest sicko higgins at Southampton was also linked to Bennell and possibly celtic too. Celtic could and should have met this head on instead of remaining silent or sayin boys club is nowt to do with us.
  4. Public phones especially, with the right know how you had pockets brimmin with 2p and 10p
  5. Makes a right old mess of splitting open a morning roll
  6. Never had a ticket, never had a car. Eco friendly
  7. Nationalism can be incredibly divisive, I prefer to remain in the eu and uk so LibDems got my X The targetting of a clearly ill, fine politician was beyond the pale. What we have now with Holyrood is just fine.
  8. What will you do? Throw things about the room? Slam a clenched fist on the desk? It'll be inescapable for a while yet
  9. Has Fiona been told to stop butting in yet? Not keen on her as presenter before you know it it'll be renamed Fiona Bruce's Question Time.
  10. Liberal Democrats got my X Used to vote snp but all the vitriol from cyber nats aimed towards the late Charles Kennedy really put me off them.
  11. I wish the BBC had boycotted the whole thing, it was garbage.
  12. If they had any baws they would have waved their wee Palestine ribbons during their performance.
  13. Steve Clarke's dream job. Make it happen
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