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Posts posted by staggy1929

  1. woman in my team is covering as manager due to my manager and the usual cover manager being on holiday and she seems to think that gives her authority to change the whole set up of the team when in reality she's only there as a place holder as we all already know what we are meant to do.

    Making an absolute dogs dinner of it just cause she can, hope my manager rips her to shreds when he's back.

  2. In my opinion we need to scrap the 4-4-2 as more often than not other sides are controlling the game in the middle, as much as I rate Vigurs he shouldn't be starting in a midfield 2. With our injuries i'd like is us to bring in a no nonsense Central Midfielder who can sit in front of the back 4. If we continue to play with the same 'style' we have been we  will either win games comfortably or get absolutely pumped rotten.

  3. 6 minutes ago, Torpar said:

    Watched the documentary too and was inspired to get back into trying to lift heavy again. That and I recently moved from a Goodlife Fitness, a chain gym which is everywhere in Toronto, to a place called Torque Barbell which is a proper old school powerlifting gym. The founder and owner is a competitive powerlifter  who did an internship at Westside Barbell and was clearly inspired by it, they have the same record board up on the wall etc.

    After my knee starting making a cracking sound every time I stood I just started squatting the bar with a plate on either side, but I'm now trying to squat heavy again so I'm up for the challenge too

    Quality,  Your man from westside bench pressing right after surgery is ridiculous, don't think i'd ever be that committed.

    I'd love a gym like that round here.

  4. 1 minute ago, Widge said:

    He’s had 3 strikes at saints and Wright doesn’t suffer fools gladly. Dependable player, but if it’s not going well you don’t want to be around him. Found he was also slow and closing down and let balls into the box from deep far too easily in the later stages of his saints career.

    We have had Sean Kelly and Kenny Van Der Weg at Left Back he surely can't be slower than them!

    At best he starts for us and helps our back line and at worst he's cover for two positions.

  5. 5 minutes ago, MixuFixit said:

    Aye OK yer on. I'll get nowhere near your numbers but it'll be a good laugh, end of next week?

    I think you'll be surprised as I generally avoid deadlifts but it'll be good fun.

    I'm gonna film my lifts I think, might not post them in here but just for the fun of it.

    Anyone else up for the challenge??

  6. 3 minutes ago, MixuFixit said:

    I'd be up for it but the idea of squatting and deadlifting heavy on the same day fills me with terror

    It doesn't have to be done on the same day, can be done over say 5 days or so?

    I watched the Westside Barbell doc on Netflix and now I may be hooked on powerlifting 

  7. my split currently is 

    Chest and bi's

    bench press

    Incline press 

    cable fly (up and down)

    Strict curls

    Hammer curls 



    Leg Press

    Hamstring curls

    Leg extensions 

    Calf Raises

    Shoulders Tri's

    Seated smith press (alternating sets between overhead and behind head)

    Cable cross overs

    Lateral Raises 


    Tricep pushdowns 

    overhead tricep extensions 


    Sometimes deadlifts

    Lat pull down 

    Cable pull overs (dunno the name for them)

    Barbell row 

    Plate Shrugs


    Run 5-10k

    Crunches/Russian twists/ Leg raises

    Maybe some curls if I need them.




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