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Posts posted by staggy1929

  1. 12 minutes ago, Les Westander of County said:

    I'm hoping to see Grivosti more - he was among the most positive in the Livi debacle. Might be a good substitute for Draper in that midfield role.

    It's an interesting idea, difficult to just throw him into an unfamiliar position at premiership level though. Could work but it's risky.

    I'd like to see him at Centre back again though as Fontaine is absolutely done at this level.

    A full back and a centre mid in please and thanks Roy!

  2. 2 minutes ago, NJ2 said:

    There’s “an absolute wetwipe” who has made you his bitch, Ryan.

    Initially I'd be inclined to agree however he does it with a few in the office (calls them different wrong names not just Ryan), I think he's genuinely just lost the plot! He has about 3 teeth and is constantly sweating his tits off at his desk. Rumours of him having a bought wife in Singapore also haha.

  3. 6 minutes ago, G_Man1985 said:
    9 minutes ago, staggy1929 said:
    The trick with people like that is to out-eye contact them, just constantly stare at them until THEY become uncomfortable. (may result in your untimely death however)

    Usually find if you shout over to them and call them a different name, they will eventually get pissed off at being called a different name that if comes to the point they just blank you all together . It is fun

    there's a guy at my work who is an absolute wetwipe who repeatedly called me Ryan every day despite it not being my name at all. We all wear security passes too with our names on them so I don't get the confusion, He eventually stopped when I had to send him an email about a case I was working on.  There isn't even a Ryan in this office!

  4. 8 minutes ago, Dele said:

    One at my work like this. We put it down to the fact he's too busy hiding the bodies of the women and children he's murdered to bother hanging his clothes out or up to dry. 

    You can be anywhere in the department and turn and look in his direction and you'll always get eye contact with him as he's staring straight at you. Very uncomfortable person to be around. 

    The trick with people like that is to out-eye contact them, just constantly stare at them until THEY become uncomfortable. (may result in your untimely death however)

  5. 12 minutes ago, Victor von Doom said:

    I wouldn't support mass shootings in the Bahawalpur sense, but a visit to UEFA HQ by a Martin Bryant, Michael Ryan, Derick Bird, Baruch Goldstein, Anders Breivik, Brigadier Dyer type of head-the-ball wouldn't go amiss... assuming the Nyon branch of Rentokil is too busy to deal with the vermin. 

    "Offensive" / "Sectarian" / "Racist" singing. In a supposedly Western / Enlightenment culture. 

    Displaying banners? What will they say? "Iesus Nazarenus Rex Judeorum"?  Or maybe just "Jude" on a yellow background. 

    f**k UEFA. f**k Scottish football. f**k what Scotland has become. f**k this forum. I'm out of here. 


    At least you aren't letting it all bother you chief...

  6. 45 minutes ago, Senor Bairn said:


    At my previous place of work, there was a big school shooter looking guy that would always come in after being outside from a smoke and spray himself with about 9 sprays of aftershave, then crack open a monster.

    Was the weirdest most disgusting smell it would create, he’d then sit doing his work with his phone resting next to his computer, watching anime. One for the watching, glad I never have to see him again.


    My work has multiple people in it who smell like damp clothes, and multiple people who eat ridiculously loud with their mouths open.

  7. 24 minutes ago, Senor Bairn said:


    I’ve not tried a 1 rep max for bench in a while, stopped doing them once I hit 100kg, maybe give it a go over the next week and see what happens, never tried a 1 rep max for squatting cause I’m scared i either shit myself or seriously injure myself.

    Got a 200kg deadlift I’m quite chuffed with though!


    200kg is a class lift

  8. 16 minutes ago, Senor Bairn said:

    Congrats! Any tips/methods to increasing your bench quicker? That's some amount of weight. 

    Work up to a heavy single then do your working sets after, so your chest is used to the idea of one rep of heavy weight.

    warm up your triceps before benching. 

    try messing around with your grip, I've got a narrow grip when I bench as my shoulder dexterity isn't great and it feels comfortable but a lot of people prefer a wider grip as the reps can be more controlled and less distance to travel.


    That's what I'd suggest but I'm not a pro or anything haha.

  9. 8 minutes ago, GordonD said:

    I'm curious to find out what kind of jokes she tells. No doubt somebody somewhere could take offence - if they were extremely petty.

    It reminds me of Isaac Hayes when he provided the voice of Chef on South Park - he was quite happy to rip the piss out of various religions, until they got round to Scientology and he resigned from the show.

    Those in glass houses shouldn't throw stones springs to mind...

  10. 2 minutes ago, Bairnardo said:

    Yeah thats always been the aim, so I can take 5.10 off for that last 0.5 and assuming the 10k doesnt finish on a massive hill my last 2 should be faster so hopefully maybe sneak below 55 mins. Il do that run another cluple of times in the nect 2 weeks I think and see how I go 

    good stuff, planning on attempting a 10k tonight myself but it's absolutely chucking it down right now so I'm not sure...

    do you get any issues with joints when running on roads and what not?

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