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Lobby Dossar

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Posts posted by Lobby Dossar

  1. 14 minutes ago, andy25 said:

    You know that for certain?

    No one knows for certain what is going to happen

    What does appear to be certain is that this virus thrives in badly ventilated confined spaces with lots of people present.

    I’ve been in enough dressing rooms in the West of Scotland over the years to confidently predict that more than 60% of them will not be suitable for use to meet the current guidelines 

  2. 2 hours ago, glensmad said:
    2 hours ago, sctv said:
    Peter are you saying to fit those 38 games in for everyone those with floodlights will have home games midweek?

    The teams with floodlights will inevitably be asked to play some games at home in midweek. But it would be grossly unfair on them financially to make it a majority of their home games. But the fixture secretary and the WoSFL board are aware of that.

    How ????? There ain’t going to be any fans at the games

  3. Sorry but there is a bigger picture here 

    professional sport was given compensation to restart if they followed certain guidelines 

    to date a golfer and his caddie, a cricketer (who missed a test match) English Premiership footballers and a horse trainer atGoodwood have broken the rules and been dealt with

    dont know what guidelines the Scottish government have put for football but if the players have breached them the book should be thrown at them.

    if government can’t believe that professional sportsmen will follow the rules what chance is there of them letting fans into games ??? Or the season continuing 

    please please remember this virus has not gone away ( seems to thrive in confined spaces ) and the winter has yet to come 

  4. 1 hour ago, Swello said:

    Long was getting better as the season went on IMO and so I'm pleased that he's back - the last game we had at Hearts, he was outstanding if memory serves. He has got enough pace to cause most defenders in our league a problem - he's deceptively fast in fact and it makes a difference at our level.

    The main problem is that another 1 year deal means that we won't have a settled player but I suppose it never hurt with players like McDonald and Jennings who always made it pretty clear that they'd rather be elsewhere but were good for us anyway. 

    Correct he made some great runs but very seldom received the ball

    Cant wait for him and Turnbull in the same team … … can bet your bottom dollar Turnbull will see the runs and supply the ammunition for him

  5. 1 hour ago, Swello said:

    Scott Burns has tended to be pretty accurate with Motherwell stuff over a long period of time - if it was only Jackson, I'd disregard it.

    On the Turnball move itself - I honestly don't know if him hypothetically going to Stoke for a 7-figure fee and a good sell-on would be better or worse than him hypothetically going to Newcastle for a slightly larger 7 figure fee. You could make the argument that if he was outstanding in the Championship and then got a move to a Premier League club off the back of that, it could be more valuable to us than if he moved straight to the English top flight (the same argument could be made in favour of a move to Celtic)...

    If Norwich sell Tod Cantwell as rumoured think Turnbull would be a shoe in as his replacement

    A well run and well coached Championship club would kick his development to bigger and better things 

    Not a bad place to live in the country either 

  6. 2 hours ago, welshbairn said:

    In Chick's favour he tried to point out that Dundee were perfectly entitled to change their vote but he was shut down.

    Aye but he keeps going on about “We should have finished the League”

    Can someone not ask him how that could be done ?

    August 1st is still only a provisional and not set in tablets of stone !!!!!! 

  7. 19 minutes ago, Ped said:

    If darvel are deemed senior now and other senior clubs are allowed to fully train now with testing then aslong as darvel or any senior team does proper testing then it will be deemed ok but I'd imagine they will need to prove there testing players and coaches 

    The only teams in Scotland allowed to train are the 12 SPFL clubs 

    Championship, League 1 and League 2 are not yet allowed to train.

  8. 3 hours ago, Dons_1988 said:

    I haven't listened but Collins strikes me as someone who has decent ideas in terms of his approach to fitness, nutrition etc but has none of the character/charisma/leadership skills to get people to buy into it.

    It's a shame in a way but he definitely seems to have gone down the bitter route of just dismissing Scottish players as unwilling to change instead of looking at himself.


    He’s a guy with a chip on his shoulder …… for whatever reason 

  9. 1 hour ago, Luke92 said:

    I was never a huge Tait lover but he was a good servant to the club and always gave his all. A fairly steady performer for the most part and bought into what the club was about.

    Overall, I find this whole thing a bit regrettable.

    My first feeling is more of surprise that we actually offered him a new deal. I think it was clear to see it was a good time for him to move on and honestly I don't think we should have offered him anything in the first instance.

    The fact is though, the club offered him a deal and then tried to change it. Regardless of the economic situation I think he has a right to be pissed off about that. If someone did that to me at work I would be pissed off so I can see his side on this. Tait said he signed the deal and sent it off, so from his standpoint he probably thought it was done and dusted. The club then phoned him to say 'we actually need to change that'. I can totally get why anyone is going to be pissed off about that.

    I get the club wanting to clarify things but I'm not really sure a statement was absolutely necessary. I'm not really convinced the whole thing is a very good look for anyone.

    As usual, some of our support seem to blindly take the clubs side in every single scenario. All the best to Tait, i sincerely hope folk don't start booing him next season or I will take a total red neck for folk

    Think the club offered him a deal and he knocked it back

    He then decided that he wanted to accept it and the club said circumstances have changed we’ll have to start negotiations again 

    That’s my take on it and in the current state of affairs don’t see that the club have done anything out of the ordinary 

  10. 45 minutes ago, Romeo said:

    I see it now in the gossip section in a link to the Sunday newspapers.

    Very tame articles, don't see why people are losing their heads over it.......oh wait a minute...it's Neil Lennon.

    How you guys must have missed Neil and Celtic.

    Remember when you were allowed to cancel a league game so they could fit in a glamour friendly
    Funny how it was always an away game that got postponed 

    The above and Lennon spouting that we must wait for fans being allowed in before Old Firm games are played says it all about Scottish Football. 
    All clubs are desperate for money but Celtic ( all credit to them ) are in a better position of all clubs to absorb the financial hit. But hey ho lets make sure that we can get as much money in via Corporate Hospitality and buck the other clubs where this hospitality money could be a life line. 
    Just like the friendly ‘s you wanted games postponed to accommodate them but yet again let’s not screw up our income  let’s move Eg. A game against Hamilton from a Saturday in August to a wet windy Wednesday night in November with all the lost income to Hamilton.

    Think we can agree on one thing football needs fans to generate an atmosphere and the quicker we get them into the games the better BUT we cannot have one rule for Celtic and Rangers and different rules for the rest of us.

  11. 4 minutes ago, Romeo said:

    I see it now in the gossip section in a link to the Sunday newspapers.

    Very tame articles, don't see why people are losing their heads over it.......oh wait a minute...it's Neil Lennon.

    How you guys must have missed Neil and Celtic.

    Didn’t  miss you at all 

    The door can hit you on the arse on the way out as far as I’m concerned … and take your bigoted brothers with you 

  12. 30 minutes ago, Romeo said:
    57 minutes ago, kingjoey said:
    Neil Lennon "expecting" sporting integrity to be thrown under a bus by having all the Celtic and Rangers matches delayed until crowds are allowed back into grounds. Not wanting, not hoping, but expecting.  All of us other10 (or12) clubs must just bow down and be happy that this is allowed to happen. Nothing says more about how Scottish football is run than that Lennon statement.

    Where did Lennon release this statement?

    BBC sport web site 

  13. 52 minutes ago, kingjoey said:

    Neil Lennon "expecting" sporting integrity to be thrown under a bus by having all the Celtic and Rangers matches delayed until crowds are allowed back into grounds. Not wanting, not hoping, but expecting.  All of us other10 (or12) clubs must just bow down and be happy that this is allowed to happen. Nothing says more about how Scottish football is run than that Lennon statement.

    Nothing to do with the Corporate Hospitality money that they will loose

    If the SPFL agree to this we might as well shut Scottish Football and let the 2 of them play each other every week

    I’m pretty sure SKY would be happy with that

    What an attitude f**k you Jack I’m alright comes to mind 

  14. 25 minutes ago, ftk said:

    Why are we all obsessed with splits? Most leagues in Europe dont and they are happy enough without having constant tedious reconstruction talks.

    16 team leagues 30 games. No meaningless games as playoff fixtures for European/promotion/relegation places.

    Make up the shortfall in league games with champions league style Scottish Cup. Another guaranteed 6 games.

    No old firm 4 games but tough titties!

    Tell that to SKY … … … who pays the piper 

  15. 3 minutes ago, Morton Supporter said:

    I thought about that out before I posted, as I suspected the same thing.

    Looking at the current distribution list, if the sliding scale of prize money was to continue for two additional clubs, they’d be looking at 0.17% and 0.16% which combines to make a total £82,500 p.a. that the new clubs would be due.  The uplift from the new TV deal maybe brings that up to the high 80s.

    So on the face of it, the existing clubs would be losing an average of £2-3k per year but it’ll all depend on how the distribution model is rejigged. As while clubs 43 + 44 seem to have a marginal effect, any increases to the prize money for clubs 13 + 14 - and whether that’s recovered from clubs 1-12 or 15-42 (or 44), or a mixture of both - will have a much bigger effect.

    Thats without considering the gate receipts that League 1 clubs could lose out on from e.g. Falkirk and Partick Thistle, and Championship clubs from e.g. Hearts (assuming we have some fans in seats this year, or that these clubs are at that level in years to come).

    One things for sure the winners of Premiership cut won’t be changed, same as lat time when they changed the prize money 

  16. 15 hours ago, Archie McSquackle said:

    Any idea why we've not announced the two players we've signed on a PCA? Are we just going to wait until they're at training so we can post pictures of them in club colours?

    They may be furloughed with their existing clubs

    As soon as they sign for us we cannot furlough them and would have to pay their wages.

    Once our players start training and come off furlough think they will be announce. Monday I think 

  17. 7 hours ago, wastecoatwilly said:

    If Celtic hoover up all the young talent why do we still shop in the Scottish market?

    Because they discard 95% of their youth players there are only there, as has been said previously as jersey fillers 

    And both Celtic and Rangers shop in the Scottish market to weaken other teams to weaken them so that they are not a  challenge to them

  18. 2 hours ago, FTOF said:

    Fucking pish idea, which keeps rearing its ugly head. Apparently on the premise, that you say it enough times it will happen.

    Get it to fuck along with any self centred, ill-timed reconstruction shite.

    The only reason that it keeps rearing it’s head is that Rangers and Celtic want to hover up all the young talent in the hope that they hit gold dust with 1 or 2

    The rest of the are just collateral damage to there objective and in all probability will be lost to the game 

  19. 1 minute ago, wastecoatwilly said:

    The whole point of youth teams is to create more talent it doesn't matter who is paying their wages.
    From schools to 18 we have talent as good as any country after 18 we regress.
    18 to 21 is where we need to improve our development and plan the career path of players,even the ones that don't develop quicker that others.

    What development do either Celtic or Rangers provide to young players ????

    Remember Paul Slane at Motherwell 17 year old getting games in the Motherwell 1st team was even playing in Europe with them looked an excellent prospect going forward

    Along came Celtic ( Chris McCart the biggest disaster to development of young players in Scotland ) and filled his and his dads head with the Celtic development program 

    Dont think the boy ever stepped foot on Celtic Park or got anywhere near the 1st team

    Oh and by the way where is he now???? ………… Lost to the game !!!!! 

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