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Lobby Dossar

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Posts posted by Lobby Dossar

  1. 9 minutes ago, LongTimeLurker said:

    What do you have in mind by "disaster" on this? Physically fit people in their 20s and early 30s have almost zero chance of dying from COVID-19.

    Disaster = Financial meltdown, a lot of these clubs are imbedded into the local community and with nothing to play for and playing with no fans present is farcical 

  2. 1 hour ago, lithgierose said:

    ^^^ never played on a public park on a Sunday. Rain sleet or snow. Even with jeans and Auld gutties on. Then walked home in same clobber covered in mud. Stick to fifa on device. 😂

    Yip many’s the time … … BUT not in a so called professional league 

  3. 8 minutes ago, gaswork said:

    Dear oh dear what a lot of nonsense and utter state to get in over the fact the vast majority of clubs in the west and everywhere else in the non league game are going to be playing games. 

    As the guy above said its totally bizarre that the only people who don't want to make a go of things are a tiny handful of west clubs. 

    Like many of your type you are raging that more clubs haven't pulled like you expected and desperate for more to do so to somehow try justify the decision your own club made to bin football for another year after seven months already out. 

    Its a small close knit world at clubs like your own,  no doubt you have been in the ear of the gow committee feeding them over the top scare stories to get them to bin football .

    How is it the saying goes along the lines of .... thank god people like you weren't about during the war or we'd have been in trouble ...  meekly giving in without even a fight when faced with adversity thankfully isn't how most people are programmed. 


    The team that I watch when my SPFL team are away from home are continuing to play. 
    That decision was made by the committee but was not a unanimous decision.

    Watch this space and see how many more clubs pullout before 14th November once they realise that it is not financially viable to play on for a season with nothing to show at the end of it.

  4. 1 minute ago, Dev said:

    The football that has been played has had no fans present so it's just players, match officials and club officials who've moved around. Try comparing that with a visit to a shop or a pub or kids going to school or students to college and university.

    ..... so how many people have become infected due to football matches taking place this season? Serious question.

    No idea unless there tested !!!
    Some could have mild symptoms ( not just footballers ) but make the decision to carry on regardless and infect others  hence the rise in cases in Lanarkshire and Glasgow.                         . Don’t know about Glasgow but Wishaw Generals COVID wards are bursting at the seams. But that’s ok you carry on with your professional football. 
    Think you were a professional club once but yous made an arse of it 


  5. 14 minutes ago, LongTimeLurker said:

    Wouldn't even matter on that last bit though. The SJFA is also defined as professional in player registration terms and was also given an exemption to proceed on that basis. In player registration terms the divide is professional or amateur depending on whether there are financial payments beyond expenses involved. What's more interesting maybe is why there are so many cranky people in WoS circles desperately trying to dream up reasons to put their own league into cold storage? This doesn't seem to be happening elsewhere in the Scottish game at the moment.

    Numbers are through the roof in Lanarkshire / Glssgow and rising, but it is deemed ok for hundreds of people to travel between Lanarkshire, Glasgow, Ayrshire and Dumfries.

    And before you start the only reason we don’t know how many have got the virus is because unlike in the SPFL no testing is taking place 

    And yes I put the Championship, League 1 and 2 in the same category unless your  tested you have no idea if your spreading the virus all over the place.

    Just seen the weather forecast for tomorrow will be interesting to see how getting changed outside with no showers at the end of the game goes

    Think more teams will call it a day next week. apart from the few how will undoubtably flout the rules and say f**k you jack im alright 

  6. 6 minutes ago, Bankies Alive said:

    If we weren’t classed as professional we wouldn’t be allowed to play at all.

    There is no grade,we’re not under the SJFA anymore.

    Who mentioned SJFA 

    If you think clubs in WoSFL are professional you’ve got a different definition of professional than me.

    How many players in WoSFL are on professional contracts … … answer on a postcard 

  7. 1 hour ago, ibenji said:

    As the league got classed as Professional a few weeks back, this is taken fron SFA guidance on Return to Play for professional football. 

    teams are well with in their rights to live stream games. Not sure why Largs are saying no because of the guidance. Something was mentioned about the distance of travel now that should be up to clydebank and their media team to decide not Largs!

    All coverage can be done quite easily socially distanced too


    If clubs are trying to use this as the guidelines that apply to them they in cloud cockoo land !!!!

    These guidelines are fo SPFL clubs not clubs in our grade where most are run by willing volunteers who give up there own time for their clubs !!!!

    Get real people there is no way this applies to any clubs in our grade  … … you can kid o were professional but in 99% of cases were nowhere near it 

  8. 34 minutes ago, not man of the match said:

    I agree with all of that, I just don’t believe that referees can or are even expected to enforce it. I was under the impression each club had to appoint someone to oversee things at every match they take part in? I’m also now led to believe that hosting media is allowed including both clubs media reps and press.

    I haven’t seen anything in writing, it is all hearsay to be fair.

    Unless teams are kidding themselves and think that they should be following the guidelines set out for the SPFL. 
    The guidelines that they should be following,unless someone has changed them are as follows 

    Note that in NO circumstances should the total number of players, team officials and match officials exceed 41 between the Red and Amber Zone combined. Where possible numbers should always be kept to a minimum.

    Matchday Zones


    11 players per team (22)

    1 Match Official (1) (Maximum of 23 within the Red Zone)

    The total numbers of substitutes will be dependent on individual ANA or League Association October 2017 Nov/Dec 2017 rules/guidelines2018 2019


    (During the match)

    Maximum of 18 within the Amber Zone)

    Team A - Maximum of 9 additional team officials and/or subs

    Team B - Maximum of 9 additional team officials and/or subs

    All non-playing individuals above must maintain 2m physical distance within the Amber zone at all times and roll-out

    No Spectators No Changing Rooms No Showers Toilet access only

    course design


     Car Parking or Stadium/Facility Entry



  9. 1 minute ago, not man of the match said:

    I don’t believe that a match offical has the right to challenge that however I’ll look into it through a referee I know.

    There have been rules set in place re the number of officials from either team that can attend the games.

    If all clubs don’t follow these rules then watch the plug being pulled for everyone ……… as it should be clubs know the rules but a few are trying to circumnavigate them by applying their own interpretation of them.

  10. 6 minutes ago, santheman said:

    I think it's taken a few friendlies for some to realise that the practicalities of financing and playing games under the current circumstances aren't working for them however much they hoped it would.

    Don't think they'll be the last unfortunately

    Don’t think they will be the last before November deadline for no penalty to withdraw 

  11. On 18/10/2020 at 17:58, Andy groundhopper said:

    Meant the restrictions across the North West of England and was just glad to see that a League was putting a plan B into place - rather than last season's farcical endings. Think every league in England & Scotland faces difficult times and decisions ahead, hope the Scots can get back to watching games asap.

    Think they’ll need more than a plan B if they keep this sort of behaviour up

    Twelve members of a football team have been fined after claiming they were from the same household while drinking in a pub. 

    They were in the Wouldhave in South Shields, South Tyneside, when staff members challenged them after seeing their football kit under their jackets.

    Northumbria Police said the member of staff reported a breach of the coronavirus regulations, and officers arrived at the pub. The group was fined £200 each, which will be halved if it is paid within a fortnight.

  12. 4 minutes ago, gogsy said:

    And yet again another attempt to denigrate the clubs that have started the season.

    Sorry don’t agree no attempt to denigrate any club .

    My club has taken the decision to play on but it was not unanimous among the committee and that is for them to work out .

    Was on the committee for years ( gave up due to work commitments) and know just how much money is required under normal circumstances to stay afloat.

    Good luck to all clubs those playing on and those taking time out … … just hope everyone come out the other end.

  13. Just now, Derry said:

    So are the teams who have pulled out it’s a gamble either way 

    On that we can agree.

    Away from the football side of things I think what people are forgetting are that most of the clubs are imbedded in the local community and a lot of their money comes from local small businesses who are just about to hit the buffers when furlough ends at the end of the month. For most clubs it’s the same well that they go to and I’m afraid that it could be running dry.

  14. 4 minutes ago, gogsy said:

    😃😃😃Absolute shambles, are you telling me 50+ treasurers haven't actually been working things out in recent weeks/months?

    Quite sure they have and I’m sure it’s not a unanimous decision at all clubs that are committed to play on …… many hoping that fans are going to be let in sooner rather than later 

    As I said above IMO there playing Russian Roulette with the future of their clubs 


  15. I can see how clubs who have sugar daddies can play on but where is the money coming from for the majority clubs ???

    Players might play for zilch because at a lot of clubs that is what normally happens.

    But there is still an outlay for clubs travelling, players insurance, ground rent, rates, water rates, training facilities in the winter month, ect

    I know gate money comes nowhere near cover these items but it along with catering, raffles, match day hospitality helps. 
    Clubs run their last man standing, football cards, bonus ball, Xmas raffles but a lot of that is generated on match day and in the local pubs.

    My club usually runs 2 -3 race night a quiz night and a speakers dinner … all usually in the local bowling club at no charge to the club and a significant amount of money is raised from these events. None of them will be happening this year in the current climate.

    To date I have contributed to donate a ticket on a number of occasions, paid my £10 for last man standing and also weekly bonus ball, unfortunately my son has just being told he’s being made redundant at end of the month (end of furlough) and I’m sure he won’t be the only one. My priorities know are family not the local football team.

    IMO and it’s only my opinion a lot of teams are putting their very existence on the line by playing with no fans 

  16. The SPFL/SFA need to get a handle on this if clubs can just say half their squad have to self isolate it leaves the whole process open to abuse

    If individual players are being told to isolate by test and trace the evidence needs to be provided as to why that is happen to the majority of the squad as protocols were put in place to stop this from happening. If clubs are not following the protocols there should be punishments. 
    I do not want the 3 points and it’s right that the game should be played whenever possible, but this is going to/is become a farce unless the teams are deducted points for these breaches.

  17. 31 minutes ago, lithgierose said:

    Does budge think if there were only Premier and championship. And1&2 teams. Their stadiums would be full to bursting. From fans of leagues below those  divisions. Jumping on board another team? 

    Ok let’s take Linlithgow within a 20 -25 mile radius we have at present Livingston, Hearts, Hibs, Dunfermline, Cowdenbeath, East Fife, Stirling, Motherwell, Airdrie and probably Hamilton …… 9 clubs within a 20-25mile radius 

  18. 5 minutes ago, LongTimeLurker said:

    ...at the very least they need to dream up some meaningful alternative incentive for being the champion of each section. Beyond that, if a club like Darvel or Kilwinning can get licensed in time to move up to the LL for 2021/22 by winning the Premier and then beating the EoS and/or SoS champions, it isn't completely impossible that there will be a promotion place up for grabs. Maybe they need to talk that possibility up a bit more.

    This whole pyramid thing is pie in the sky only for glory hunters with sugar daddies ……… Cove and Kelly come to mind.

    Lets take Darvel as an example there are already a SPFL and Championship teams within 15 -20 miles of Darvel so the area needs another “professional “ team like a hole in the head.

    The same goes for most of the teams in the west of Scotland they would all be chasing the same fans 

    Don’t agree with a lot of what Anne Budge says but one thing she said which was correct for the size of the country population wise we have too many professional teams 

  19. 6 minutes ago, cmontheloknow said:

    Tail tried to wag the dog here going by the calibre of clubs that have withdrawn.

    These are the clubs that will be paying bigger wages to players 

    A lot of clubs in the 3 conferences will be paying buttons to 2 or 3 players and expenses only to the rest 

  20. 4 minutes ago, Sgc said:

    Will some not be good enough for league 1 or league 2 clubs ? 

    Many of them will be an upgrade on what league 1 and 2 clubs have and will in most cases be on better money in WoSFL 

    If you have a good look at league 1 and 2 there filling there squads with development loans from SPFL teams at very little cost to themselves 

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