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Lobby Dossar

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Posts posted by Lobby Dossar

  1. 57 minutes ago, gogsy said:

    Do you have any actual evidence that many clubs are flouting the rules and if you have have you contacted the people in charge of the league with this evidence?

    Below is the statement from Coronavirus Officer of a WoSFL club who along with the manager and coach of that club resigned at the weekend

    “We’ve left until it is safe to make a return to football. You can’t have control of the situation. You’re trying to contact everybody, get your temperatures done and the next thing somebody’s come in and you’ve not noticed them or they have not contacted you. It just goes on and on and it creates what we consider an unsafe environment, on top of the lack of shower facilities, lack of promotion. It just went on and on, the concerns we had for the season itself and for people’s safety."

  2. Just now, Chis said:

    Agree completely. Stories of dressing rooms being used; individuals being asked to take team strips to games etc. Seems some Clubs are just doing their own thing and paying no attention to Covid rules without any recriminations. When is the IMG going to start taking some action?.

    Also 3 or 4 players (all different households) travelling in the same car to games and training 

  3. 1 hour ago, theesel1994 said:

    I watched a game in the East the other night on Facebook. If the committee can't socially distance themselves what chance have you got of getting fans to do it.

    Got it in one

    More than 80% of teams that are playing are nowhere near following the rules that are in place 

    I would go as far to say they are making up rules that suit themselves 

    The quicker non announced inspections take place to see who is and who is not following the rules the better.

    Seen it on here that a clubs nominated compliance officer and management team resigned as they found it impossible to follow the rules. 

  4. 12 minutes ago, Bankies Alive said:

    So called?

    Players get paid therefore they are professional.Certainly no less professional than all of the part time clubs in the SPFL .

    Clubs that have no intention of getting licensed and wanted to stay Mickey Mouse should just have stayed in the West Juniors imo.


    Maybe if you hadn’t made such a rip roaring c**t of it the last time you were in the promised land you wouldn’t have try and bankrupt yourselves to get back there.

  5. 11 minutes ago, BANKIEBILL said:

    We wouldn't be back to completely normal but the players have been great and we'll continue the dialogue with them as we make our way through this.

    Most clubs who are still playing - would welcome crowds of up to 350-400 as close to normal anyroad. Hospitality is obviously an issue - although other options such as remote hospitality at a venue that could accommodate may be something that could be done. 

    None of it is easy - but who'dve thought that Live Streaming of our games would be a thing a mere few years ago. We looked at it but technology has caught up and its now a revenue source. 

    Hopefully Ladeside back as soon as possible. 

    Whit planet are you on ??????

    Remote Hospitality your having a giraffe 🦒 

    Can only sit at a table in a cafe or restaurant with people from my household and one other household and you think fans can go somewhere and gather to watch a football match being streamed !!!

    Just accept that we ain’t going to see football in grounds or remotely for the foreseeable future

    Also IMO the government should not be allowing a Mickey Mouse kid on so called professional league to be playing at all 

  6. 2 hours ago, mishtergrolsch said:

    Where are you seeing this?

    I've seen Ogren saying Scottish Football needs Government assistance and at United things are tough, may get messy etc but I've seen nothing about him saying he has little money left.

    And if we've paid off loads of employees it would have hit the papers/social media by now surely?


    Disappointing but not surprising. 

    There is no way any government should be giving football clubs handouts while their continue paying players thousands of ££££s a week. Clubs need to come into the real world and players need a accept a hard dose of reality of where ordinary people are in the real world. 

  7. 7 minutes ago, Dev said:

    Let's hope something meaningful can be worked out:


    Have you seen the latest numbers ??

    Looks like North/South Lanarkshire going to tier 4   

    WOSFL Areas

    • South Lanarkshire - 388.4
    • North Lanarkshire - 341.6
    • Glasgow - 322.1
    • East Renfrewshire - 261.7
    • East Dumbartonshire - 261.4
    • North Ayrshire - 251.6
    • East Ayrshire - 240.1
    • Renfrewshire - 223.9
    • West Dumbartonshire - 185.5
    • South Ayrshire  - 166.1
    • Inverclyde - 69.4
    • Dumfries and Galloway - 67.2

    And you still think fans are going to be back anytime soon !!!!! 


  8. 19 minutes ago, Robert James said:

    So Let's all blame the WoSFL for the pandemic.  Sorry but that is absolute drivel !!!  Trying to keep up with Government changes, and the new "spike" throughout the UK, is a nightmare for football, and for sport in general.  At least the WoSFL is underway, which is more than can be said for the Highland League at the moment. 

    According to the WoSFL fixture list, and removing Dalry Thistle, (only)16 of the 57 West clubs, have withdrawn for this season.  There may well be more clubs leaving, as the season progresses. But at least, the new league, and 41 of its clubs, are prepared to give it go. 

    If the season is completed, where will the clubs who haven't participated this season, be slotted in for season 2021/22 ?  Would this mean another season of conferences at tier 7 for 2021/22 ? What will be decided regarding relegation from, and promotion to, the Premier Division ?  Plenty of scope for differing views on this forum. 

    Think you need to keep up mate …… already been decided only promotion that may happen is the winner of Premier league being promoted to Lowland league if there licensed.

    All the clubs that are not playing slot back into either the Premier league or conference that they abstained from.

    This is where I think the decision to play on is a financial disaster for these clubs.

  9. 1 minute ago, gogsy said:

    Do you really expect to reply with answer to that, how should I know?

    Your the one that said clubs in the East have been allowed to change indoors for weeks if they follow the guidelines. 
    As you seem to be the fountain of all knowledge regarding the east was only asking what clubs have the facilities and which clubs dont

    Simple question !!!!

  10. Just now, gogsy said:

    You do realise that clubs in the East  have been allowed for weeks to change indoors if they can follow guidelines issued and that as per the WOS league guys interview in the Daily Record last week they were looking to bring in the (same?) guidelines. Has all of this just passed you by? Do you think all the teams that are/will be doing this are just making it up as they go along?

    So tell me how many teams in the east have facilities that  comply with the guidelines and what’s happening at the ones that cannot.

    And yes I think some teams like a lot of other people are applying their interpretation of the guidelines to suit themselves 

  11. 5 minutes ago, gogsy said:

    WTF are you on about, you're moaning about players not having changing facilities, and when you are told  it is a possibility that players will be allowed to get changed indoors WITHIN THE RULES  then you're still moaning

    And that’s exactly why we are where we are certain people trying to circumnavigate the rules at every turn

    Can you not get it into your heid this virus thrives between people indoors in poorly ventilated areas 

  12. 1 minute ago, gogsy said:

    WTF are you on about, you're moaning about players not having changing facilities, and when you are told  it is a possibility that players will be allowed to get changed indoors WITHIN THE RULES  then you're still moaning

    Whit rules are these …… nobody else seen them as far as I know or are some clubs just making them up as they go along

    Have you read the proposed tier guidelines that are about to be implemented.  … … if not I suggest that you do 

  13. 1 hour ago, gogsy said:

    Already beginning to happen, pretty sure it was mentioned in last weeks interview with the WOS guy in the Daily Record that they had (strict) guidelines to allow players to change indoors (not sure if this had filtered through to clubs yet?), someone else mentioned on here that there were talks ongoing re shuttling players in dressing rooms x amount at a time. Looks like fans will be allowed in when areas (possibly council) hit the new tier one as well. Ok that's a fair bit away from WOS league teams at the moment as most will likely start at tier 3 but some league areas won't be far away from that eg Highland League , SOS league ,North Juniors.

    Aye right ah canny go and visit ma mother, brother or sister but bakers, builders and candlestick makers can go indoors in group’s of 6 to get changed !!!

    Thats really going to encourage the rest of us to follow the rules 

  14. 11 minutes ago, Bestsinceslicebread said:

    Probably gonna suffer a backlash here but maybe I'm thinking wrongly.
    but if any team pays players, part time or full time are they not considered professional or part time professional team

    Are some teams run at a high standard and are some teams run at a low standard, yes of course so but if they still pay players then yes, they are classed as professional, either full time or part time.

    Another post above. about changing out in the rain.
    The players MUST receive their strips earlier and come to the game changed in the strip and then leave in the strip.  I would expect and hope some teams let the players change their clothes in the stand / cover when they head for home but unsure if that's part of the rules


    At the majority of clubs some players might get a signing on fee if their lucky and then get paid expenses. Does that make them professional???

    As I say take a reality check, a lot of these teams play in small towns and villages and are kept alive by the community that’s where I find it hard to understand the decision to play on with no fans. Yes I think quite a few were hoping fans would be back in soon, but after statements yesterday this ain’t going to happen. 

    Think a lot will reconsider their position before 14th November 

  15. 3 minutes ago, Bestsinceslicebread said:

    Probably gonna suffer a backlash here but maybe I'm thinking wrongly.
    but if any team pays players, part time or full time are they not considered professional or part time professional team

    Are some teams run at a high standard and are some teams run at a low standard, yes of course so but if they still pay players then yes, they are classed as professional, either full time or part time.

    Another post above. about changing out in the rain.
    The players MUST receive their strips earlier and come to the game changed in the strip and then leave in the strip.  I would expect and hope some teams let the players change their clothes in the stand / cover when they head for home but unsure if that's part of the rules


    Aye the driving rain will just say canny go in there as the players clothes are there.

    Ive been in many a covered enclosure and still ended up soaked through while watching a game in driving rain (depends on which way winds blowing)

  16. 5 minutes ago, Buttocks Brown said:

    Maybe I'm naive but, basic stuff like car-sharing..... it's hard to believe that Jim Goodwin (and others), knowing how much is at stake, would turn a blind eye.

    IMO professional sportsmen think they can just do what they like !!! 

    Look at what’s happened to date at Aberdeen Celtic down south with their parties and the rugby players this week

    Classic cases of f**k you jack I’m alright …… it’s just your Donald Duck if it bites you on the arse and end up with cases

    Total lack of respect to the rest of us 

  17. Think Boris Johnson actually missed a trick here …… whoever was able to persuade the SG that teams the likes of Ardeer Recreation,Forth Wanders, Glasgow Perthshire should be considered PROFESSIONAL should have been in his Brexit negotiating team.

    The above statement is in no way a slight to any of the hard working committee of these teams, could probably mention another 40 or so clubs who come nowhere near PROFESSIONAL status. Anyone who thinks teams at this level are PROFESSIONAL need to have a reality check. 

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