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Lobby Dossar

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Posts posted by Lobby Dossar

  1. 3 minutes ago, FTOF said:

    Of course it does, when you have a small squad and you don't routinely test every youth player, due to costs.

    This is where clubs with bigger finances than us, clearly have an advantage.

    So your saying you’ve got 3 players suspended and a few injured you just ask  for a postponement ………… PISH 

  2. 8 minutes ago, NorthBank said:

    St Mirren admitted certain things happened but did not admit that they were responsible. For example in the car sharing the Club did not tell players to car share and when they found out it happened they told the players to stop. But admitted it did happen. And two weeks ago on Off The Ball Jason Leitch said car sharing could be allowed if it was the only way someone could get to their employment. So are the rules not clearly defined? Other Clubs have had players break rules with no comeback on the Clubs involved (Dundee Utd and Celtic team photos for example; Rangers players going to a party).

    St Mirren literally did not have 13 players available to play the games as we had a small pool and a horrendous injury list and suspensions and everyone else in isolation. We had players who did have Covid and were effected by it only recently claiming that they are feeling back to normal. St Mirren did not have enough to make a squad. If we had 13 players available the games would have been played.

    Horrendous injury list and suspensions don’t  come into the equation !!! Part of the game.

    Motherwell have had at least 6 players who would 1st team picks and 2 players who had to isolate due to U21 f**k up and yet they just had to get on with it.


  3. 10 minutes ago, craigkillie said:

    A fine seems reasonable.

    Dundee United trying to get a game postponed would have been completely wrong, if you're able to play you should play. I can't speak for St Mirren, but Killie were prepared and ready to play until we were told not to on the morning of the game.

    What’s the difference between what you did and Dundee United having 7 players + manager a coaching staff not available.

  4. 1 minute ago, craigkillie said:

    A fine seems reasonable.

    Dundee United trying to get a game postponed would have been completely wrong, if you're able to play you should play. I can't speak for St Mirren, but Killie were prepared and ready to play until we were told not to on the morning of the game.

    You’ve got a £40K suspended fine at the moment 

  5. 6 minutes ago, Shuggie_Murray7 said:

    The only team wronged by the awarding if the points seems to have been County? Isolated at the bottom of the table as a result of Accies and Motherwell being awarded points they hadn’t earned.

    Motherwell and Accies have nothing to complain about.

    FWIW I think the points will almost certainly be reawarded following the appeals process.

    So what punishment do St Mirren and Killie get for not following the rules Which by the way both have admitted too.

    Dundee Utd played a game that they would almost certainly have tried to get postponed due to the action that the SPFL dished out. 

  6. 48 minutes ago, Coventry Saint said:

    I think it's at least an acknowledgement that they were wrong to award the points while there was chance of an appeal.

    Nobody's coming out of this looking good, mind.

    We should never have been awarded the 3 points in those games … … they should be played

    Having said that St Mirren should be docked 6 points and Killie 3 points for not fulfilling those fixtures … … anything else makes it a farce 




  7. 9 hours ago, gaswork said:

    The three main bedwetters in here are pathetic. 

    One a Talbot supporters who doesn't go to any games. 

    One a Pollok supporter who goes to very few Pollok games 

    One a Lesmahagow who goes to very few games all have openly admitted to this on here. 

    All preaching and take the moral high ground telling grown men be it players, management and committee what to do in a controlled outdoor environment all within the legal framework of the laws. 

    Players,  management,  committee men and the west of scotland leadership are all fighting to keep the competitive  non league game alive and going , to give us  all something to look forward to in a small way on a Saturday , to keep our clubs in a small way relevant in these times , the importance of the  game of football at all levels should never be underestimate no matter what there doom and gloom merchants say  . 

    Nothing but proud of all those involved and the vast majority of everyone involved in the non league game will feel the same make no mistake about it. 

    Not a Gow supporter, if Motherwell are away from home I check Gow, Larky, Albert, Carluke, Lanark and Forth fixtures and decide which one to go to.

    3 playin and 3 not playing and the decision to play cost one of their management teams to resign.

    As you say the importance of football for the local community at this level should not be underestimated but explain how the community can look forward to something they cannot attend on a Saturday ??

    This new strain is 70% more infectious and everyone is being advised not to make unnecessary journeys or travel between local authorities. At the moment Scotland has relatively low numbers with the cases mainly in Glasgow and Lanarkshire areas. No one is saying playing football is the problem it hundreds of people travelling unnecessarily all over the West of Scotland that is the problem,all for a game of football (friendly) that counts for nothing at the end of the season. 

    Perhaps if these team had any respect for their local community they would suspend playing till new strain was under control.

    Oh if your under any illusions on how bad things are take a trip to Wishaw General, there is not a spare bed in the place and they have been turning ambulances away for close on a week.

  8. 3 minutes ago, not man of the match said:

    If you dont want the football, give it a wide berth. Let those who WANT it, continue with what they are doing. Everyone knows the risks, they choose to take that. Those who didn’t have taken time out.

    Change the record, it’s boring. Very very boring.

    So tell me what is the end game for all those playing this season apart from maybe bankruptcy 

    Take it Clydebank are praying that they get a shot at the playoffs so they can take another step to try and reach their holy grail of reaching the big leagues.

    You were there once before and made a rip roaring c**t of yourselves so just content yourself with trying to be Billy Big Bass at the level your at.

  9. 7 minutes ago, amidst-tundra said:

    Not sure why the fixation on stopping football? You should take a trip to the Forge in Glasgow right now. Thousands of people crammed into an enclosed shopping centre, many choosing not to wear facemasks or observe directions of travel. If that's OK, why should there be a moral panic regarding lower tier football. 

    It’s not about stopping football !!!!  
    It’s WoSFL playing friendly’s with no fans and no income, it’s an unnecessary risk to take for both committee, players and officials with nothing at the end of it.

  10. 38 minutes ago, glensmad said:
    59 minutes ago, Lobby Dossar said:
    The whole of Europe is banning travel from the UK   BUT hey ho WoSFL want to keep playing friendly’s Fecking stupid 

    If the scientists, Sport Scotland, the Scottish Government and the SFA thought it wasn't right to play then they would say so. But none of them have done so.

    Just because you can do something does not mean that you NEED to do it.

    The management committee should grow a pair and show some LEADERSHIP and cancel all games till at least the end of January 

  11. 12 hours ago, glensmad said:

    As far as the restrictions are concerned, Scotland is going back into tier 4, not into a total lockdown. The rules are the same as they were the last time we were in tier 4, i.e. the leagues designated by the SFA are allowed to continue and their teams/officials have travel exemption for training and matches. 

    The whole of Europe is banning travel from the UK   BUT hey ho WoSFL want to keep playing friendly’s Fecking stupid 

  12. 3 minutes ago, FairWeatherFan said:

    £1.35m split amongst the non-league pyramid. Nothing going to the SPFL, Juniors or NCL. If everyone was treated equally it would be just over £8k per club.

    Their professional …… they can apply for a loan and pay it back !!! why the feck should the tax payer give money so clubs can give people playing sport as a 2nd job money.

    As I say it’s a sport and not these guys main source of income if they want to play the sport then by all means carry on but no way should they be a looking for joe public to bail them out. There’s going to be enough people shortly with no job without throwing money at clubs who will just pish it against the wall paying stupid wages to a lot of very average football players.

  13. 1 hour ago, Illgresi said:


    I don't get the impression from Cormack etc that they are the types to shy away from a bit of the old "speculate to accumulate". At least they're not nearly as reticent to do so as Milne. I would think they have a very good idea of what the compensation would be, and will have already made a decision whether or not to offer the lad a contract. Whether he accepts it is an entirely different matter!

    I would think we'll be looking at Gallagher, but again, he'll likely have offers south of the border.

    Campbell to Stoke

    Gallagher to Norwich

  14. 38 minutes ago, HibeeJibee said:

    £20M in loans for 12 clubs but Derek McInnes sounds about as glum his chairman:


    Aye f**k him 

    I set up my own business September 2019 so when this pandemic kicked off I got sweet f**k all from the government and have not had a penny since

    McInnes should maybe come into the real world and see how the other half are trying to survive 

    Maybe if he did not pay over priced shite footballers £10k a week I might have some sympathy with what he’s spouting 

  15. How many season tickets have Aberdeen sold for this season ???

    Say 1000 or even 2000 fans are allowed in I take it they will all be season ticket holders by ways of a ballot for each game. 
    Could end up messy you get a Hamilton game and your mate gets an old firm game. 
    So with all the extra procedures that will have to be put in place and no paying customers how does the club make money ??

    The big bucks are from hospitality and I’ve had hospitality at Aberdeen and there crammed in … this ain’t going t happen anytime soon ( hospitality I mean ) 

    Genuine question how many paying customers do Aberdeen need through the gate before they make money from them 

  16. 22 minutes ago, Meadowman said:

    I thought if you were self isolating ,it was for a period of 14 days,so they couldn’t play next Saturday 

    Naw it will all be a massive con job come Monday 

    Did Darvel manage a cheeky we training session somewhere in Glasgow on Saturday … … Asking for a friend

  17. T&T is a non medical person working in a call centre and will go by the script sheet that is in from of them so will apply the rules depending on what they are TOLD and the local health board may follow up. For a contact to self isolate I’m sure the guidelines are in close proximity for >15mins

    It may suit some clubs depending on the motives (injures or suspension) to just give all the names get the game postponed, then hey presto NHS gets involved a couple of days later  and we find that only a couple of players need to self isolate.

    Be interesting to see how many player are self isolating this weekend 

  18. 5 minutes ago, AllyM said:

    I agree it would have been harsher on us. However, the thing I am not clear about is why Hamilton and Motherwell should selectively benefit out of this.

    As Coventry Saint says, it is not that the matches had to be postponed that is the problem, it is that we didn't adhere to regulations. The two things are separate and any penalties should have reflected that.

    The reason that the matches were postponed was because you broke the rules and did not follow the guidelines that were put in place to eliminate matches being postponed. Something that both clubs have admitted to.

    From St Mirren and Killies point of view the games against Motherwell and Hamilton were games they would hope to get something from.

    How many players actually tested +ve ??
    And how many players were struggling from injuries suspensions for these games ?? these players should not be counted as not available due COVID 

    They especially St Mirren chanced their arm and IMO played the system and got the games were postponed by saying they did not have enough players to fulfill the fixtures. Penny to a pail of shite if they were due to play Celtic or Rangers they would have conjured up enough players to fulfill the fixture and take the proverbial doing.

    But as it was Motherwell and Hamilton they took a chance that the games would be rearranged and it’s come back to bite them big time.


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