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Lobby Dossar

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Posts posted by Lobby Dossar

  1. 28 minutes ago, Sgc said:

    Surely the teams not playing in league will struggle to keep players for next year ? If they do keep players they will have went a year with no games ? Do the 14 teams  play pointless friendlies against each other every week ? Surely players will either go to teams still playing or just stop playing ? 

    And what teams are going to have money to pay these players.

    Teams that are going to play on have already signed their squads and have players with contracts how are they going to fund signing new ones 

  2. 40 minutes ago, gogsy said:

    Nothing there that says clubs are responsible for nutters that are outside RED/AMBER/GREEN areas.

    Correct but inside Red/Amber zone they are but in that picture there are 11between 18 yard line and halfway line so only another 7 can be inside amber zone aye right !!!!

    Perfect example that clubs will not follow the rules that are set out 

  3. 1 minute ago, Burnieman said:
    11 minutes ago, Lobby Dossar said:
    Well that’s you broke the rule already ……… rule of 6 and you’ve got 9 in each dressing room 
    We either follow the rules or we don’t 

    Incorrect, there is no "rule of 6" when it comes to dressing rooms. Players must maintain 2 metre distance, wear masks in the dressing room, and minimise time inside.

    Point me where it says that in the SG/SFA guidelines 

  4. 29 minutes ago, Burnieman said:

    We have 6 dressing rooms, the 2 senior ones had 9 home players in each, whilst Jeanfield split across 3 youth changing rooms 6 players in each. 3 officials in the remaining one. Masks worns at all times, sanitizers available and time spent in them kept to minimum. Plans submitted and authorised by the league and it all went well.

    Appreciate most clubs won't have that but other clubs have been planning use of other rooms to supplement their normal two changing rooms. It can be done, although perhaps not by every club.

    Well that’s you broke the rule already ……… rule of 6 and you’ve got 9 in each dressing room 

    We either follow the rules or we don’t 


  5. 3 minutes ago, archieb said:

    Changing Facilities

    If these became allowable could you meet the 2m social distancing guidance?

    Yes – 52.7%

    No – 47.3%

    Having been in West of Scotland changing rooms over the years, unless a lot of teams have upgraded their changing facilities in the last 5 years there is no way 52% of clubs can meet this guidance. Creative accounting by a lot of clubs I think. 
    If as the guidance from SG/SFA say there will be spot checks a lot of clubs are in for a rude awakening 

  6. 4 minutes ago, LongTimeLurker said:

    Disgusting that you would stoop to that. Why don't you give the constant irrational scaremongering a rest now for a bit. The season is going to proceed whether you like it or not. Rationality has prevailed.

    I asked in the post above “How many clubs can meet the changing rooms criteria” being set out by SG and SFA 

    Answers on a post card !!! 

  7. Just now, LongTimeLurker said:

    ...or maybe it shows the virus is not as big a deal as we were originally led to believe it would be and is something we are just going to have to learn to live with, if it turns out to be more than a one and done sort of event (there's actually a very good chance it won't even without a vaccine)? Older people have been dying of respiratory viral infections in significant numbers every winter in Scotland for many centuries and there has been at least one flu pandemic in the past (in 1918) that has been significantly worse than COVID-19 in mortality rate terms.

    Ok I give up I suggest that you should apply for Jason Leitch’s job and then we’ll see how the country gets on 

  8. 10 minutes ago, AlanCamelonfan said:

    How is it. There is already rules that will allow them to use changing rooms. Just it will take a few weeks to get through.

    Here they are for you

    Scottish Government guidance currently states;
    Changing rooms are an area of increased risk of transmission. It is important that physical distancing is maintained in changing rooms and showers and that they are only used if essential. Use of changing rooms and showering facilities should in general be avoided where possible, although these must be available for participants with disabilities or special needs and are likely to be needed after swimming
    Our advice to clubs playing in the Betfred Cup is that in line with the above, changing rooms may be used under the following conditions
    • Clubs and facility owners have a legal obligation to comply with all sportscotland/SG legislation and ensure guidance is followed at all times. The checklist and relevant information are all available on our Return to Football Hub.
    • Clubs must submit relevant operational plans and documentation to its League.
    • The League must satisfy itself that all plans submitted are appropriate and meet the regulations and approve the use of changing facilities. We would recommend that Leagues conduct site visits to ensure procedures are as per the submitted documents.
    • The Scottish FA can request site of club operational plans other relevant information and perform site visits at any time.
    • At this stage dressing rooms CANNOT be used on a rotational basis by the same team – ie 5 players changing, they leave and another 5 enter and change.
    • Showers are not permitted under any circumstances
    If have attached an updated version of the approved numbers document which was circulate last week. 
    The fundamentals are the same, however the zoning colours have been changed to better reflect the Return to Play protocol document and the fact that stadiums have a bigger red zone than just the changing rooms and technical areas, that can and will extend into the stand in most cases. 
    The challenge in tiers 5 and below is that some games are in stadiums and some are not so there is an element of both needed. We are reviewing both to ensure consistency and will advise of any changes asap. These documents should be used in the meantime.
    We must all be aware that Scottish football will continue to have positive tests. When this happens, Test and Protect will investigate the circumstances and SG will ask the Scottish FA to carry out an examination of processes and facilities. This can affect us all and it is therefore absolutely incumbent of the league body to ensure that the law is being followed at all times. I appreciate the desire to use changing rooms however football is not ‘back’ as it used to be. We cannot be lax with this and not check plans properly, it is not simply a tick box exercise. The reputational damage to the game as a whole is too significant.
    Now tell me exactly how many club will meet this criteria????
    They  can kid themselves on but once they receive the site visit the bubble will be burst
  9. 5 minutes ago, AlanCamelonfan said:

    How is it. There is already rules that will allow them to use changing rooms. Just it will take a few weeks to get through.

    Go and read the rules then see what the majority of clubs have put in place ……… it’s not acceptable at youth football never mind supposedly professional football.


  10. 6 minutes ago, AlanCamelonfan said:

    But there lies the problem with the virus and why people are getting upset about it because she showed no symptons and a lot of people are like that so the virus isn't strong enough to over come them. Which is the same for many viruses. One scientist said its how many are in hospital with it is the real figure rather than how many actually have it.

    Yip totally agree, but to others it is deadly, unfortunately you cannot choose who you pass the virus onto and there in lies the problem. 
    I’ve said in previous post everything is fine until it’s one of your family or close friend who ends up in intensive care

  11. 2 hours ago, gogsy said:

     Is it safe to start doing anything ?Has anybody caught coronavirus from playing football?

    My sister tested +ve on Thursday … no symptoms what so ever and she feels fine but is now having to quarantine for 14 days along with her close contacts.

    Only reason she was tested was because she works in adult social care and has been tested weekly for the last few months

    How many people going about their daily business with the virus and have no idea that they have it and how many people then catch it from them but they show symptoms get tested and a + ve result comes back. There lies the problem for all of us 

    We need to go to supermarkets and try and keep some of the economy running ………… absolutely no need for junior/semi professional ( say that tongue in cheek ) clubs to be playing football never mind having fans at the game. 
    If anyone on here thinks, apart from maybe half a dozen clubs, are anywhere near professional their having a giraffe 

  12. 56 minutes ago, LongTimeLurker said:

    We'll see what the definition of professional is. In football you are either professional or amateur in registration status, so arguably everything except amateur and welfare is professional.

    Stop talking pish 

  13. 1 minute ago, Merkland Red said:

    So the SNP are trying to alienate hundreds of thousands of potential voters to prove a point? Doesn't make sense to me.

    Seems like they don't want thousands of people congregating in the same area for a small portion of the day.

    Don’t know where you get hundreds of thousands of votes from ……… all our blue nosed friends are for the union 

  14. 14 minutes ago, craigkillie said:

    They don't trust football fans and treat them differently to the general public. There is certainly no great public health reason as to why indoor social clubs at football stadiums can open with 1m social distancing, yet the outdoor stadium next door can't have anyone in even with 2m distancing (or more). The science is very clear about which of those is actually more dangerous.

    Have you seen some of the antics of the green brigade or the blue bears

    No wonder they don’t trust football fans 

  15. Look let’s put this fans back in to grounds into perspective. 
    Say they let 25% of ground capacity back in, too most clubs that will be season tickets only …… clubs already have this money. Doubt there will be any catering and a very limited club shop to buy merchandise so not going to make much if any money there. Also doubt they would be allowed corporate hospitality where most of their money is made. 
    How much will it cost a club to make their stadium COVID safe for fans  ???

    Don’t think the problem is in the stadium it is the travelling to and from the game and entry and exit of the stadiums where the problems need to be resolved.

    Also the arseholes of the gruesome twosome who will not abide by the rules no matter what !!! 

  16. 10 minutes ago, LongTimeLurker said:

    Didn't seem to stop all the friendlies from happening yesterday, so travel for grassroots level football is already very much happening with the SG's blessing. The only major sticking point at WoS level on having a season is getting spectators in. Transmission outdoors is less likely than indoors and plenty of riskier stuff is happening indoors at the moment with the SG's blessing, so this revolves around getting SNP politicians to explain/justify why Scottish nonleague is being treated differently from the comparable level in England.

    Have you seen some of the changing facilities that have been put in place at some clubs 

    Never going to work in wind, rain and sleet. Clubs have a duty of care to their players 

  17. 12 minutes ago, YassinMoutaouakil said:

    The problem is we cannot sign him as a professional until he is 17 

    More and more English clubs taking advantage of this 


  18. 3 minutes ago, Sergeant Wilson said:

    Try reading it again.

    Ok … … In the middle of a global pandemic the Government is going to listen to some  non league football fans complaining that they canny get into a game …… Don’t think so

    Peter Lawwell of Celtic has been lobbying the government, scientists and medical people to get fans back into games … … to no avail I may add

  19. Just now, Sergeant Wilson said:

    I'm not saying it's right but politicians react to pressure. An electorate of 10k say nothing and will get no attention but a few dozen from the local club demand action they are likely to achieve something.

    What fecking planet are you on if you add all the spectators at every single game in the whole WoS league games you’d be lucky to get 5K people 

    That’s Dumfries, Ayrshire, Lanarkshire, Glasgow, Renfrewshire and Dunbartonshire outwits the top leagues these games are watched by 2 men and a dug 

  20. 43 minutes ago, LongTimeLurker said:

    ^^^this needs to be explained politely but forcefully by as many people as possible in phone calls to their SNP MSP with the implication being that how this gets handled could be their Jo Swinson bowling club issue.

    Just how many people on the electoral role do you think give a flying f**k about non league football …… Most are more interested in their health and keeping their jobs 

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