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Lobby Dossar

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Posts posted by Lobby Dossar

  1. 1 hour ago, Mr. X said:

    All I know is that Ann Budge believes she has a legal case against the SPFL.  The SPFL have a Duty of Care for all members under common law and Restriction of Trade has also been mentioned.  I'm not even going to attempt to debate the legal stand point as I wouldn't know where to begin.  I do understand that couple of QC's have advised her that she has a strong case.  I also understand that it can  help your case if you can prove in court you have tried every possible alternative avenue prior to taking the legal route.

    That’ll be the QC’s that will get paid wether she wins or looses the case 

  2. 7 minutes ago, Stellaboz said:

    Really? Maybe I'm getting mixed up with something else... maybe the Champions League games? No other games to be broadcast at the same time? 

    Good news that though, hopefully any proposals on that front will be beneficial for all the clubs. Maybe they could even introduce a single pot for all this and distribute across everyone? 

    In your dreams 

    ALL and I mean ALL old firm away games are on Sky 

    There is not a hope in hells chance that this pair of shitsters are goin to share their home games with anyone

  3. 29 minutes ago, Pet Jeden said:

    Arseholes could yet chase the guy away. Clearly not wanting the  publicity. He managed to stay anonymous for years while putting millions into Hearts. One single phone call with the SPFL and the Daily Retard have him outed within 24 hours. 

    Obviously not enough for Hearts not to ask their players to take a 50% pay cut 

  4. 2 minutes ago, Dons_1988 said:

    This 'philanthropists' episode is the strangest twist in the global pandemic since BBC Alba picked up the ladies Bundesliga.

    I'm not sure why it was so abhorrent that the SPFL wanted some clarity about mystery investors wanting to hand over multiple millions to the game out of the good of their hearts (no pun intended).

    It actually struck me as quite a cheap tactic from Budge to smear Doncaster etc. 'I emailed them with an offer of 'FREE MONEY' and I can't even get them to move on that' knowing full well that isn't how things work in the real world but that 'Biscuits & Co' would absolutely lap it up.

    These guys may be absolutely genuine but Ann Budge knows fine well that a formal process would need to be followed.


    It just goes to show how unprofessional these so called sports pundits are 

    That they even tried to give this story any credibility the BBC should be reviewing there competence to be employed and payed for by a public body 

  5. 11 minutes ago, Ludo*1 said:

    Quite a few surprising one's in that list.

    I'd take Ferguson, Gillespie, Hartley, Tait and O'Hara at Dens. Imagine Gillespie has an English gig lined up or Robinson told him that Carson will be back as number 1? Was Ferguson not very highly rated? Thought he was meant to be the next big thing at Airdrie.

    Rumour has it he’s going to Newcastle 

  6. 45 minutes ago, wastecoatwilly said:

    Unfortunately they're a fecking necessary evil in the game so the players can focus on the football,the wages point I don't blame players for making as much as they can for about 15 years of their life if they've got the talent.  

    You can’t pay what you don’t have and all clubs will be in the same boat.

    Even the English ones 

  7. 17 minutes ago, Lebowski said:

    But those are the games that Sky are broadcasting on TV. They will have exclusive rights to those games.

    I honestly don't believe that clubs have signed away their rights to showing games to Sky, why would they have done that? Sky have developed a model which means that they are giving clubs in England so much cash that they're not going to jeopardise that by starting a rival broadcasting service which undermines them. I also think that Scottish clubs will have calculated that showing games online would undermine their crowds. The best funded club in Scotland has devoted a fuckload of resources to stop any streaming of games.

    Think you’ll find they have for £30M per season for the next 5 years 

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