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Everything posted by Sortmeout

  1. Further evidence to reaffirm my fears that, unfortunately, AD is not the man to take us forward. Time for the board to make a serious go at Gary Holt this summer.
  2. His whole "the referees have been against us for years" line after his first league game in charge means that I can only laugh and hope he never gets another job in football again.
  3. Sure he's raked in the cash at Hamilton I’m guessing here but the wages getting bandied about at Sevco that year for players like him was around £7000 a week? Assuming he had a 3 year deal then that’s just over a million pound basic wage.
  4. Templeton is my favourite, scores against Liverpool at Anfield then 2 days later destroys his career by going with the bigots down to the bottom tier of scottish football. That’s a great shout. I hope he saved his money from his time there. Impossible to tell of course but he may be one of only a few examples of players who have signed for one of the bigot 2 and ended up worse off financially than they would have been staying where they are in the long term.
  5. Felt bad for the Hibs fans trudging out the stadium last night with that look of resignation on their faces. The look that says “we know we might beat them on occasion and sometimes finish above them but deep down inside we will always be the smallest club in this fixture”.
  6. Is this issue not (and this isn’t a dig at the Sevco supporters) that the fans of the club don’t have the patience to allow that? If Gerrard blooded youngsters and lost the next two home games would the majority of fans not be baying for blood?
  7. I always say the same thing - if you think referees in this competition or football in this country are corrupt then you should stop watching. Refs are inconsistent and easily influenced. A lot of them probably lean to one side or the other however if there was corruption it would’ve been outed by someone a long time ago considering how poorly ran the various football organizations are in this country. No way are the SFA etc competent enough to keep that a secret.
  8. If we beat Aberdeen tomorrow I will believe but sadly I don’t think that will happen and I’ll probably be happy with a draw. I don’t think we deserve top 6 to be honest. Been a bit of a shambles of a season.
  9. Just can't see where we will get the consistency from to get enough results before that final game against Livingston. We are a good goalkeeper away from being a top 6 team this year.
  10. Ndjoli did ok for us, he was very rarely played through the centre either when he did get off the bench.
  11. The second season in a row that there has been nothing between St Mirren and the 3rd placed team in the division. Nothing other than wins, points and 5 or 6 places in the table.
  12. Did you enjoy St Johnstone winning the Scottish Cup any less because (roughly) 35 of the 42 clubs from the top 4 divisions had less of a budget than you did?
  13. Were HSV not quite friendly with Rangers too back in the day?
  14. Yes mate. Think Cunny's attitude on here has been poor this week. Just my opinion.
  15. As a Kilmarnock local I would love to see Shortlees getting knocked out now purely based on the last couple of days of this thread.
  16. The highlight of his career will be scoring against Kilmarnock which sums it all up.
  17. We won 50% of our European games last season which is not an embarrassing record at all.
  18. Just you worry about the Sevco and let all the trophy winners worry about their own clubs mate.
  19. If the plans all work out it will be great for Hibs but I cannot personally guarantee that it will work out because I’m not actually involved. Hope that clears it up for you.
  20. I genuinely don’t think I’ve heard an owner of a club speak as well as that ever before in Scottish football. If I was a Hibs fan I’d be absolutely fucking delighted. The guy comes across so genuinely in my opinion that I don’t doubt a single thing he has planned. I’m not necessarily saying it will all work out but it bodes well for the future of Hibs.
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