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Harry Kinnear

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Everything posted by Harry Kinnear

  1. I wouldn't want him, have heard the rumour a number of times from different folk though. Hopefully it's a load of shite.
  2. I heard the Goodwillie rumour as well. Heard the same in January mind you so probably a lot of pish.
  3. To be honest I am not really that fussed about this. Felt at times last season he got off lightly with the fans when others were getting pelters. Also never really thought he was captain material. One of those if he signed fair enough, if he doesn't fair enough.
  4. Maybe the board are finally going to do the decent thing and bugger off, would be better than a signing 🤞
  5. Would love to hear some rumours regarding strikers, lack of clear cut chances and Zak being the only goal threat cost us last season. Hope McKinnon has some decent forwards lined up.
  6. Last comment from me on politics as this is a football thread [emoji122][emoji122][emoji122][emoji122][emoji122][emoji122][emoji106]
  7. All my SNP voting pals and me in the South Stand won't be renewing until the board are gone. #Indyref2
  8. The 4 of us that go haven't renewed as yet. We will if the board leave but not until.
  9. My only hope and it's a long shot is that McKinnon has agreements in place with decent players to sign once this sorry state of affairs is sorted. Me thinks I am clutching at straws though.
  10. I agree totally. To be honest I have no thoughts about changing the manager. My thoughts are totally focused on the damage this mob are doing to our club. I have real concerns regarding who they are negotiating with and the motives behind them wanting to buy Falkirk. I would be an extremely happy boy if they would just sell to the fans and f**k off.
  11. We will be back, just don't ask me when [emoji16]
  12. Very much doubt we will be an attractive proposition to decent players. If you were a player with a couple of offers on the table you would look at the mess we are in and run a mile. Money always talks as the career of a footballer is relatively short but I can't see McKinnon or whoever is in charge having a great budget. I know a decent amount of ST holders and none have renewed so far and aren't whilst this mob are still at the helm. Low ST sales must impact the budget but for me it's worth it to get rid of Ritchie and Co.
  13. We can only hope that they have agreements with a number of players to sign. Looking at how our board have behaved recently though I wouldn't be putting money on it.
  14. Every c**t knows we are racist, eyeball chucking, Chief Executive threatening scum, we don't need you to remind us.
  15. This is a Falkirk thread on yip I know a multi club Forum, our club is on it's arse and if we Falkirk fans choose to have a bit of a laugh about our situation then so be it. If you or supporters of any other club don't like it then there is an easy way to solve it, don't come on our thread.
  16. FH reporting today that Craig Campbell was threatened by text. Initially did the club not say it had been on social media. If it has been text surely this has been reported to police if he felt so threatened he had to leave his job. I honestly do not believe a single word coming out of this club at the moment and my hatred for this board is beginning to get to Deans/Fulston levels.
  17. I remember the last time we played at this level with gates of 1500 at Brockville. The way Ritchie and his clowns are going they may be playing in front of that kind of support again.
  18. I would take another season in League 1 after this one GB if it mesnt getting rid of Ritchie and his merry bunch of arseholes. I could feel the bile in me rising reading each word of that god awful statement. What next, it was the fans fault we got relegated because we occassionally booed some of the shite they allowed to disgrace the navy blue. You honestly couldn't make this up.
  19. If they are still in charge next season I will not attend any home Falkirk games. Breaks my heart but I hate these c***s. They are killing our club, this statement is unbelievable.
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