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Harry Kinnear

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Everything posted by Harry Kinnear

  1. Fasan Robson McGhee Muirhead Russell Greenwood Sammut McKee Irving Haber Lewis To be honest haven't a clue and don't think anyone else will get it right.
  2. A signing or two before the deadline and it will be like Christmas come early.
  3. Hoping McKinnon's first conversation as Falkirk boss goes something like this. Ring ring, ring ring Hi there Ray McKinnon, Falkirk boss speaking. Hi Ray this is Richard Mitchell I have a top player for you. Hi Richard do you know how far fucking far is. Hi Ray yes I do Hi Richard well that if how far I wan't you to get from this club and then go a but fucking further, bye now.
  4. It's gutting when a big club comes in and steals your prized asset. Happened to us many many times but I take great pride in the fact that Falkirk fans always react with dignity and pride in these situations. #topclubtopfans
  5. I would be ecstatic about this given some of the names linked. All the speculation regarding McIntyre and McCall may have been just that and McKinnon may have been one of their preferred options. When a club are looking for a manager they will speak/approach more than one person as would any company. Until I see an official statement though still think it's pish.
  6. Gary Caldwell is probably the only one left most fans would be happy with. Just not confident of our board delivering happiness to the fans.
  7. It's a deal if you will happily accept one or two (14 or 15) players from us in exchange [emoji106]
  8. Time drags when you aren't working, glued to Twitter and P&B waiting on an update. These 4 days have been torture.
  9. The patter from some c***s on here makes me yearn for One F. Things must be getting bad.
  10. I agree it's like losing a tenner and finding a quid but it would appear we are now scraping in the poundstrecher bargain bucket of management. Still have hope we are all going to be pleasantly surprised by the announcement but it is dwindling as time goes by.
  11. They must have taken the not lifting a finger mantra onto the park as well !!!
  12. Probably living in cloud cuckoo land but I'm hoping for a manager announcement the morra followed by a couple of players.
  13. I would rather have Duffy than McCoist. I think I would actually hate us if we had that c**t as manager.
  14. For a manager who is unemployed and not really that sought after taking us on in our current state isn't that bad a gig. Reading this thread the majority of fans would be thrilled if they can keep us up so expectations might not be that high. The players have looked absolute shite so far but the right manager might be able to get them playing.
  15. According to a Herald tweet the players are down after Hartley left. I would be in the depths of depression if some of the names being mentioned got the job. The fans need a lift not another hoof in the chuckies.
  16. I feel if someone like Kerr got it the fans would get behind him more being a rookie manager than some of the been around the block duffers that are being muted. Might just be too big a job for him the now given the state we seem to be in.
  17. Caldwell or Hopkin would be acceptable. The other names quoted would be a bit of a let down but being a Falkirk fan makes you immune to let downs as they are quite regular.
  18. A double fish supper out of Benny's would go down a treat the now. Might settle my nervous guts.
  19. The wait for an announcement is killing me. I just know its going to end in " Get him to f**k".
  20. I couldn't think of anything worse than that fat b@stard parading about in gear with the steeple on it [emoji21]
  21. Just hope our board really take the time to think about the state we are in and how crucial the wrong appointment would be. Imagine how our fans would react if we got some c**t like McCoist. It would just prove that they hadn't a clue with regards to the feelings of the support.
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