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Harry Kinnear

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Everything posted by Harry Kinnear

  1. I’m all for anything to create a bit of atmosphere but then even though I’m 56 I’m still young at heart. Get the electric guitars and horns in too, noisier the better. It’s all they auld b*****ds rustling they werthers originals sweetie wrappers that gets on my tits.
  2. Yip I don’t agree with that, especially with us have an artificial surface.
  3. Going back to the ultra groups and the whole ultra scene I really don’t have a problem with it. Don’t get me wrong, I am way past getting involved in any of that stuff by probably about 40 years and I find it strange that any grown adult over a certain age wants to get involved in it but if that’s what floats their boat who am I to judge. Are we all so fickle that if a group of youngsters from the Falkirk area got themselves together and wanted to follow the team home and away whilst creating displays, banging drums and setting off pyros we would hunt them. If that’s the case then for me that’s sad. Whatever it takes to attract youngsters to follow the Bairns and keep them coming back and away from supporting the likes of the arse cheeks then so be it. The atmosphere at our games is shit and a lot of the younger kids that sit in my vicinity in the South spend there time on their phones probably dragged there by parents trying like my Dad did to make sure allegiance’s stick. I’m not saying I would enjoy the constant banging of a drum and I would probably make sure I had paracetamol with me but if that’s the current trend for youngsters at games then so be it. Us old foggies shouldn’t pick faults in it. Stick them in the corner of the Main Stand next to the away fans and let them do their thing. Who knows it might attract more youngsters to our games. Probably an unpopular opinion but so be it.
  4. The ref should have done something about the amount of shit lying on the pitch in the first half. Surprisingly it was cleared away in the second half.
  5. Watching ICT v Killie in the cup and sadly remembered who this pair beat when they both last won the cup
  6. I can’t remember that, I could be way off the mark though. The only person I can think of musically that did play for us at one point was the guy from Glasvegas and even then I’m not sure if he made a first team appearance.
  7. I think the St Pauli t’shirts/link was more political than football.
  8. Melt of a thread for me. Only two clubs in Scotland I would gladly see the back of and they will be the same as the majority of Scottish football fans who support their local teams. There are clubs and fans I have rivalry/banter with but the arse cheeks are the only ones I would gladly see the back of. Hope your dinner gives you the shits.
  9. We used to get loads of bands at the International too back in the day. Good times
  10. Rezillos was my first ever gig at Grangemouth Town Hall in the late 70’s.
  11. Yeah, I saw him doing a night a few years ago at St Luke’s with Bruce Watson and his laddie where they spoke about their lives. Some of Jobsons stories were hilarious. He was wearing a St Pauli t’shirt that night.
  12. I’ve seen them and Big Country loads of times. Seen The Skids at the Alhambra a good few years ago, was a cracking gig apart from the amount of black & white shite on show I know Adamson was a Par but I’m pretty sure I read somewhere Jobson was a Celtic man.
  13. We certainly didn’t, the so called Chally D boys were no lovers of me and my pals
  14. Nope pal, usually a canvas material with zips, straps, d’rings etc. Google early pics of the Skids etc, I’m sure Jobson would have cut about in they fellas back in the day. I’m sure Malcolm McLaren/Vivienne Westwood came up with the concept. They were very smart or at least I thought they were.
  15. Hey sir, don’t diss Forth Valleys no.1 shopping emporium
  16. Nope pal, we all hung about La Porte Precinct more.
  17. f**k it, we’ve been shite against the Pars bar one half of football and we got what we deserved. Our position in the league is about right. The refs/officials are shite in this league but it is what it is.
  18. I take it you’re too young to remember punk rock?
  19. This sounds like my dearly departed Dad when I first walked into the livingroom in 1977 wearing bondage trousers and a ripped t’shirt covered in safety pins
  20. I’m older and a bit like you but I’ll buy into anything that creates a bit of atmosphere. Even the pyro and drums. Not that I would be banging the fecker though. I love seeing some of the displays the foreign clubs, especially the Italians create.
  21. Our last attempt at a display against you a few years ago was woeful. It was a spur of the moment in reaction to the fans being miffed at the club for allowing the Pars to create the top picture display. It wasn’t well planned and not everyone knew about it. As you say these things have to be planned and communicated.
  22. I agree it is difficult as the sound seems to get lost into the vast emptiness of the space where the training pitch is. I thought the Pars fans created a good atmosphere during Novembers game though so hopefully we can do likewise on Monday night.
  23. With what you are saying the Ayr game is possibly bigger than Tuesday night. We still have an Avenue open to us to rectify Tuesdays defeat, beating Ayr would be massive. The crowd have to do their bit and be as noisy as possible. The young team are vocal but there are only a few of us in the Grangemouth end of the South who sing. We need the whole Main and South to be singing on Monday. No point having crowds of 4 thousand plus if the place is like a library.
  24. I was down after Tuesday night but on reflection we are in a much better place than we were this time last year. We have a Scottish Cup quarter final to look forward and we have a good chance in the play offs. Even if we don’t go up the squad won’t need the massive overhaul it has in the past 4 seasons. McGlynn has proven his worth in the transfer market and has emptied most of our dross to bring in better quality additions. It will be hard to face another season in League 1 but if it happens we will still be there in numbers. We are Falkirk fans and backing the team is what we do.
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