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Andy groundhopper

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Everything posted by Andy groundhopper

  1. Rather bizarrely it seems the English FA have thrown clubs out of the FA Cup if there are positive tests, mainly because the games won't get replayed. Will always be isolated cases, across all walks of life, can we really afford to have a non-season ?
  2. Wearside League ,damned keyboard doing what it wants these days
  3. Said this ages ago, join the Northern , or Westside League and fly through the pyramid -what a journey, ending up in the EFL 2 in the distant future. If Guernsey and Jersey can get in , then who knows eh.
  4. Just society I'm afraid, like when you see anti mask folk claiming 'i want my freedom: or 5,000 idiots outside Leeds and Liverpool (sad scousers) celebrating. If any of them catch it from being there, don't mention Hillsborough ever again. The clubs are going to try really hard to stick to the guidelines - they are doing it for US the fans, respect their decisions please ?
  5. There are always going to be loads of cases v a low death rate (at the moment) I would rather believe that it's the poor actions of adults that are seeing a rise in cases - rather than schools. People returning to pubs, shops and work ,along with ignoring the household guidelines. The longer this goes on,i feel that everything is now politically based struggle rather than trying to save lives (as things were at the start)
  6. Sounds great but I'll send a mystery amount of money for a mystery shirt, if I don't like it then I'll happily have my money refunded unless you're over in the Costa's by then. Best get a market stall and take your chance
  7. Can't imagine everyone turning up to get tested, but if that's what she wants, and everyone stays home for 2 weeks, imagine if she was in India or somewhere with overwhelming cases. Good luck !
  8. Many thanks, thought it was a good idea, much more fashionable than those burkha things ! And you wouldn't have to keep throwing them away. Best start knitting now
  9. From the games I've seen,clubs look ok having team talks on the pitch and why do you need a 10/15 minute break anyway ? Agree,the games have to have fans with the English limits of 300 a place to start, the clubs are working hard to follow the guidelines. Ha a gazebo, brilliant idea !
  10. Thought i saw lookout towers in the corner just like Colditz ! Another good improvement anyway, just needs the admission costs posted to the door and a welcome mat.
  11. Kids back at school, people back at work, pubs open, the bit I find hard is yes, more people are being tested BUT it's difficult to get a test, and even harder to get the results asap SO how do the numbers increase ? My apologies for being thick up top adds to the confusion.Maybe we should all wear balaclava's ?
  12. Really think that the non league game in general is a different beast to the rest of football tbh, already watching games down here in Bristol, with parks games (below county league) starting yesterday. Just gotta go with the flow,do the right things.
  13. Silly keyboard, meant people in general, no idea what Pele thinks of it all
  14. Think the guidelines should stick to pubs, shops and Pele in general. Playing sports are different, guess 30 players are 30 different households, sure clubs can mark pitches into quarters and keep 6 to a section. English FA guidelines on grassroots explain things ok, and clubs down here are already playing league games. Dressing rooms aren't being used, or its maximum 6 at a time, no showers though. Be sensible and don't go into panic mode .... yet.
  15. Guessing that every league is taking October as a restart with fans unless told otherwise ? Trying to get up in November but not if I can't get to see anything !
  16. Think we also have to take football in various stages, you can't compare the Premier Lge with 40,000 SPFL with average say 12,000 crowds v the non league with crowds of 300. People seem to get confused, main sticking point seems to be changing rooms at lower level - while it's mass gatherings at highest level. If Scottish non league has a month of friendlies with very few cases, everyone feel safe to go back ?
  17. Interesting idea, already have some clubs in the English pyramid for overseas people, .FC Romania, Deportivo,Punjab,Assyria (I think) New Salamis (maybe) London Welsh, Scottish ,Irish reached their level without getting great crowds, and now Guernsey and Jersey are members who knows. A sneaky way for the OF to enter the English League, crafty swines.
  18. Seeing as there's a 'no split' proposal on the table, I'll go for something ridiculous now ! The OF play each other all season ,as I expect most fans find them tedious and boring. The winner of that mini league plays the top 3 in the SPL to work out the champions. The OF naturally give a cash handout to all clubs to compensate for lost earnings.
  19. Getting close 59 and I'm a plodding postman for my sins !
  20. Totally agree, just managed to make it to Almondsbury 1 Ashton & Blackwell 5 right on kick off time. Same as you, players stayed out at half time,noisy teamtalk ! Was only about 60+ in the ground, all fairly close to each other tbh. Again I felt ok watching a game, stayed clear of any fans and enjoyed myself.
  21. Quite a grown up response, tbh I'm not one of the anorak hoppers - I dislike them and their attitudes. One club ? Seeing as I'm a Bristol Rovers fan, since 1966, unable to get to many games now due to work commitments, puts that argument to bed. Kello ? Yep been there 3 times,f**k knows where the tantrum comes from. Nice hearing from you.
  22. Any chance that this season could actually be played in the summer, if authorities don't give it the green light ? Would keep the interest going.
  23. Good to see many games taking place, anyone heard how the clubs have managed things, changing etc ? Got a feeling that we'll always get isolated cases, just hope that it doesn't spread and non league fans can see a return on the horizon.
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