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Everything posted by Moomintroll

  1. Neymar (jr) has a long history of believing he is all that matters, hence his hissy fit & departure from another football club to chase money & massage his misplaced ego as he would never be the top man there. He is a blatant cheat & conman whereas Di Maria was just a bit shit at Man Utd yet has down well since even though he is also a bit too fond of the triple salchow.
  2. Because he is a diving, cheating, incestuous piece of shit that has been getting overindulged for years. He also plays for a club that is a PR exercise for a Country that has Medieval attitudes towards Women, LGBT & Human Rights in general towards those who do not meet their narrow definition of, ooh you are rich & were born here. HTH.
  3. Right you, Ruel St attendance is required, bring whoever thought Jarjar Binks was a good idea.
  4. I am not even going to look at said lists as I will properly lose my shit.
  5. Yes, because their "struggle" is so reminiscent of Apartheid South Africa.
  6. Could have been worse, could have been Keith. https://images.app.goo.gl/nBxKRyXRoyGUx7vh6
  7. At least he tried something, not a Darvel fanboy by any stretch of the imagination & pretty sure they will go the same way that every club does when the influx of money dries up but the guy has the gumption to do something to help other teams & he should be applauded for that.
  8. I'm obviously at the wind up, but deary me that club do not help themselves when it comes to the drug trafficking allegations.
  9. Some quality class A gear heading the IRA's way after that transfer.
  10. Paul Willis is the other. Fucking shite footballer as well. Someone should tell whatever alias ballermk is on now.
  11. I am fairly confident that this tedious c***s IP address can be blocked on here but as he doesn't actually cross the line then it shouldn't be. Nonetheless he needs to give up his creepy obsession with all things Darvel related & accept that the World moves on.
  12. I think he will, can see him getting a quick fivefer in the morning, will never see the likes of him again that is for sure.
  13. All I know is that Dr Cement should not be allowed near any debate about breakfast components, or anything to do with food really, the utter deviant that he is.
  14. That would be oor maths then, didn't realise he was a veggie.
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