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Everything posted by Moomintroll

  1. ^^ Big team found. All joking aside, it is shite, it was a moment in time & if it was Killie I would be a snottery mess. In a few years time it will all be a distant memory, the financial impact of relegation in Scotland is minimal, get a decent manager in & all is quickly well.
  2. Imagine facing a bowling attack of Courtney Walsh, Jimmy Anderson, Curtley Ambrose & Stuart Broad in their mid 30s.
  3. All joking, and successful businesswoman moonhowlers baiting aside I do fear this will be the case Alf. There will be several clubs on the brink because of this, whatever league Hearts end up in nect year will not change that narrative one single iota however.
  4. Live near to a farm that offers walks & feeding, would love to do it as they are great animals. The first ever Capybara Cafe will basically bankrupt me, would set it up myself to cut out the middleman but I am far too lazy.
  5. If he didn't spend so much time painting, he couldn't have held up his right arm so long, APAB.
  6. Sure that Stevie G will have links to the Colombian Connections on Merseyside, Wink will take that sort of payment in kind any day of the week. Free transfer it is then
  7. I would love that for 2 reasons, firstly, it is the only way we are going to get A*rshire Derbies again, and secondly it means that Successful Businesswoman FC have made an arse of it as the accies will inevitably win the play off.
  8. Any time I had figures like that it tended to be 5-0-63-3 as the other team were giving it humpity against my dross.
  9. Run things through spellcheck first m74, just saying. No idea what is going on there.
  10. The forecast down here for Saturday and Sunday is not looking too clever so a result is unlikely. Stokes is the Number 3 ranked batsman in the rankings so play him in his usual position & tell him to forget about bowling. Anderson, Broad, Archer and Woakes with Root being reminded that he is a deceptively decent option and forced to take the ball will be the best options.
  11. Windows down, heating up full blast needs to find a place somewhere.
  12. Can he become the Man United Boss then, I can think of someone who needs several shades of shite knocked out of them.
  13. Lies, I would never listen to Badly Drawn Boy.
  14. Well, duh. You are better than this Grahame.
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