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Posts posted by Burnieman

  1. Congratulations, I was there last night and it was a thoroughly deserved (overall) win based on last nights performance.  You're number 5 hobbled through the whole second half and couldn't run the length of himself, but hardly gave Spartans a sniff.  

    All I say is 12 months ago Stirling Albion were on a crest of a wave, the greasy pole works in mysterious ways......

  2. Maybe someone can better explain what is going on here.  I assume these people are buying shares in Braves as an investment thinking they can make a profit? where does the profit come from? Braves aren't worth a bean.  


    Chris F
    Hello, I'm new to all of this so apologies if these are basic questions. I see investor perks at roughly 1 "share" per $100. How many shares are currently being made available and what percentage of the club does this represent? Are there plans for future funding rounds / share sells and would that dilute any current shares that exist?

    Christopher Ewing
    Founder And CEO
    Hi Chris

    50% of the authorized shared are outstanding and the club is offering 25% of the total authorized shares now. We intend to offer the final 25% in future raises. Our aim is to make the Braves a 50 + 1 club similar to what we see in Germany.


    Adan Farrah

    How will the investors make a profit 

    Christopher Ewing
    Founder And CEO

    Investors may make a profit by earning dividends (dividends are not guaranteed) or by a rise in stock value should the club be sold in the future or by the ability to sell shares on a marketplace (should that become possible). The shares offered are restricted securities and cannot be sold by investors on an exchange and will not be able to be sold on an exchange unless they are registered in the future. Currently, we do not plan to register the shares in the near future.

  3. 6 hours ago, Cowdenleith said:


    Yeah, would have thought there must be some truth to money being raised. Where it’s spent is another matter entirely…





    Use of Funds
    $50,000    30% towards hiring a General Manager, 20% towards app/technical  improvements, 30% towards social media and digital marketing, 10% towards kit, 2.5% towards ground improvements 7.5% WeFunder Fees

    $750,000    30% towards hiring General Manager and Commercial Manager, 30% towards improving 1st Team Squad, 10% towards ground improvements, 5% App improvements, 5% towards kit, 10% digital marketing, 2.5% Sponsorship, 7.5% WeFunderReaching our maximum target will allow us to improve the playing squad (high quality of players), employ more staff, have financial stability, increase stadium capacity, improve live streaming equipment and content, and create a documentary about the club

  4. 4 hours ago, Neilly said:

    My hunch is Edinburgh will lose their league status very shortly due to not meeting the criteria. A pointless club who really got to League One spending beyond their means they wouldn't be missed.

    The irony of course is that your charlatan of a Chairman has been trying to close the door to the Pyramid for years as he's shit scared his club would be next for the drop.  He half succeeded with the Bronze licence.

  5. 1 minute ago, tamthebam said:

    The plans are on public display in a cellar with no stair light in a locked filing cabinet in a disused toilet with a sign saying "Beware of the Leopard" on the door

    You're not afraid of leopards are you Tam, surely not.

  6. 1 hour ago, AllyMonc said:

    Thanks for sharing - I actually think that the specific criteria won't be updated until the overall award is made, i.e. if we've been able to get the Stadium up to Bronze but need the other month to sort the Legal/Admin/Finance element then they'll update everything at once rather than doing 1 element at a time.


    That's not based on much other than the voices in my head.

    The Licence postion is updated after every meeting.  Therefore if there's a change in only one category, it will be noted, or should be.

    Are EC not updating their fans on the current position? 

  7. 10 hours ago, FairWeatherFan said:

    I doubt Buckie would feel all that great about any of the options that may play out. Say EK lose the SPFL play-off. Edinburgh City get expelled after the June review, where Buckie are due to audited again who do achieve Bronze. EK get handed a place in the SPFL because they were the 'candidate club'

    Going into June the leagues will have finished, had their AGMs and started planning for next season. It would cause a mess cascading down. When it will be easier slapping a club with a hefty points deduction and fine. Punishments that should all but guarantee Club 42 status, saving all the panicking SPFL2 clubs for another season.

    I'm fairly sure the SPFL have contingency in the event EC are turfed out.  I understand EC requested an extension to their 1st July derogation which was kicked into touch, this was before yesterdays Licence meeting.    If there's a "final" deciding meeting in June, it will likely be before the 27th June fixture release day.

    That's not to say there wouldn't be some sort of fudge ie hefty points deduction instead, but EC don't have much credit in the bank with the SPFL.

  8. 2 minutes ago, To B or not B said:

    When is the next review?

    No idea TBH.  Edinburgh City (and Kelty Hearts for that matter who still have boxes to tick) have a derogation until 1st July therefore I would assume there's another meeting before then.

  9. 6 hours ago, welshbairn said:

    There's a very good chance they'll never play at SPFL level, so why spunk money on something they don't want or need?

    Correct, and this is where the Bronze Licence requirement is flawed.

    Clubs will go only so far down the path and draw a halt to see whether they are actually going to need one. Why source a GP and pay for his services if it isn't required for example, or upgrade lights to a higher lux which can be very expensive, if it's not actually required.

    Clubs in HL and LL will therefore always be playing with fire when it comes to a Bronze Licence and most will go to the last deadline before being awarded one which can go badly wrong.  That really shouldn't happen. 

    If clubs can show they are some way down the Bronze path to a certain point, perhaps by ticking off the less arduous requirements by 31st March and can show they will meet the remainder within 12 months, then they should get an automatic derogation.   The GP requirement should be launched anyway.

    Don't argue with the Virgin, he's clueless and life's too short.

  10. 8 minutes ago, jimbaxters said:

    Yes, you are right but the reason they are popping up is the lure of the apparent raven haired virgin that is pyramid advancement.

    I don't think that is true across the board, it applies to some of course but for others it will be the lure of decent organised football and the chance for community clubs to field adult sides at the top of their own "pyramid" or "pathway", as well as amatuer clubs wanting something better.

    The EoS don't allow cages, the WoS should follow suit.

  11. 1 hour ago, jimbaxters said:

    Absolutely right. Circumstances have prevailed i.e. Beith winning the league which have made it easy for those so inclined to point at the WoSFL to try and make out no-one wants it. 

    The truth is that the pyramid is a mess, clubs are all part of Scottish football, which is intrinsically a mess anyway and the new dawn of clubs consists of astro cages and portaloos. All of which make the prize seem futile but that has no bearing on the fact that no West team has gone up yet. It is simply that Beith Juniors have been the best team in the WoSFL for the last two seasons. 

    That shouldn't get in the way of the thigh slapping naysayers though.

    I think the problem you allude to is largely a WoS one where the board are allowing clubs into the league with cages and poor facilities. That needs addressed although the horse appears to have already bolted.

  12. 9 hours ago, FairWeatherFan said:

    Nobody doubts that the Lowland League will look different in 10 years time. In complete seasons since returning from lockdown its been Bonnyrigg, Spartans, VOL, Dalbeattie, and Edinburgh Uni out. Cowdenbeath, Albion Rovers, Tranent, Linlithgow in with this year's play-offs to see further changes.

    People constantly throw out Colts, Broomhill, and Braves as plastic clubs that are just going to get swallowed up and disappear. They're all 10 years in now. If SPFL was the goal, none of them have had a sniff. Nobody knows how or why they exist, yet they do. During that decade there has been times they've finished above ex-SPFL or promoted clubs. Give it another decade i'm not going to surprised they've still not been flushed away.

    It's just an opinion, nothing to get hot & bothered about, my crystal ball is a bit ropey these days anyway.

  13. 9 minutes ago, FairWeatherFan said:

    Right now there are those in the West worried about St Cadoc's, Drumchapel Utd, and Gartcairn potentially clogging up the top of the table. Hutchison Vale and Tynecastle are settling into solid EoS Premier teams, Bo'ness Athletic continuing their climb. The Colts, Braves, and Broom might hanging around a lot longer that people may like.

    There's this idealised version of what the Lowland or either of West/East Premiers would look like and its probably never going to play out like that. The margins are too fine at this level. Little bit of money from one person's vanity project, or the right fundraising committee, or simply the right manager can elevate clubs.

    In a decade's time? I'm willing to look into my crystal ball and bet that both Broomhill and Braves may not even exist, Colts have solid foundations as a club but may eventually struggle to sustain a LL place, as will the likes of Gala and Strollers, perhaps even East Stirlingshire.  Gretna will be a distant memory.  We may even see a former SPFL club return to the fold and a former LL club drop the other way.

    The LL 10 years down the track is going to look very different, and much stronger than what we see now.  The WoS clubs will probably begin to make-up for lost time and dominate the play-off over that period as the EoS is already shorn of it's bigger clubs.  There may well be an outlier/project who pop-in but overall it'll look much closer to what people hoped it would eventually look like.

    We may even have more than one up/down as the balance begins to shift towards ex-Junior clubs.

    Just a guess at what the future may look like.  Next weeks lottery numbers coming up......

  14. 3 hours ago, PossilYM said:

    Long term the LL will be ex Juniors and the diddy teams launched from the one time closed shop above.

    It will be.  Perhaps it will take another decade or so but by then there probably won't be B teams and there won't be many Broomhill's, Braves, or Colts either.

  15. 11 hours ago, Dev said:

    As Morrison says we'll all have to wait and see what happens, but a pyramid doesn't work in the way you are believing, no matter what individual league rules wording may say.

    If you don't agree with that it's ok but expulsion from any pyramid league isn't the same as expulsion from the whole pyramid - unless the club goes bust. It would make the so called pyramid a bigger farce than it is already, from some perspectives.

    Let's disagree, leave it there and see what actually happens!

    So which specific part do you disagree with? that a club, when expelled from a league within the pyramid is no longer part of the pyramid, and they then apply for inclusion in a new league? None of that is even up for debate surely, it's obvious.   

  16. 10 hours ago, tellyboy said:

    There is a proposal going in from the Management Committe for the AGM in June for teams to play each other once (19 games) then split into two tens. This seems to be a good solution and means the teams in the bottom half still have something to play for. Will also cut the games down from 38 to 28 which makes sense these days as players seem less committed to a long season and climate change playing havoc with pitches. They could add in an extra cup or two and one could be for the top ten and one for bottom ten which would give some clubs who have had nothing to play for years to actually get into a final at least. The downside would be that there is no gurantee that all teams will have reached 19 League games at the same time however even a 2-3 week break for teams in Jan/Feb would still outweigh the benefit of the split. 

    Decent idea, but good luck getting everyone to 19 games within a week or two of each other.

  17. Next season you're already looking at bottom spot being occupied by Gretna unless they strengthen significantly, which removes most of the jeopardy at the bottom end of the table. Once they drop - probably next season - then at that point some of the former SPFL clubs will be a little more edgy, same with Braves and Broomhill.

    I think Broxburn will be in the middle of the pack.

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