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Posts posted by FrankReynolds

  1. 13 minutes ago, football maniac said:

    Jeez cant believe so many want to waste so much of what we've got paying off Johnston. He had such a harder time as our club rightfully waited till as late as possible before doing their business. We have done things properly and at the end of the day we didn't gamble on our future as some clubs may have done. What we have is a group of a mix of talented young players and some who are just not good enough. It was always going to be difficult. People here are so impatient! I know our form is wretched but we have saw signs, including yesterday that we arent that far away, despite having such an inexperienced squad. There is no doubt we need to look at defensive options in january. Whilst the 500k payout is most welcome, in some ways its frustrating because the others who gambled WAY more than they should are getting bailed out, but we who lived within our means as everyone should have done are left in a more vulnerable postion in the league table due to our sensible approach. 

    Tbf our support has been pretty patient up until now - we waited nearly a whole year for a win! We're now tired of the same shit every week.

  2. 3 minutes ago, 19QOS19 said:

    Just saw the line-up. I really have no idea what to expect after seeing it.


    I mean, we are garbage at CM so I suppose only playing 1 CM won't make much difference.

    Happy to see Tommy getting a start. But the ball is going to be lumped up to him all game isn't it? Maybe not a bad thing with that midfield I suppose. 

  3. 24 minutes ago, Flash said:

    Your post only said it wasn’t allowed to be withdrawn by board members, not that it wasn’t allowed to be withdrawn at all. I think that restriction (and the one re owners) only applies to make sure directors don’t use it to pay themselves or to pay dividends to shareholders or otherwise reward owners. If it is used to pay the players’ or the manager’s normal wages, it will be withdrawn by employees.
    However, there may be other restrictions that prevent it being used for one-off events like paying off a manager.

    I was just quoting what I read elsewhere, I don't know much about it at all and was just trying to answer the questions put on this thread about it. But to be fair, I could have worded it better. 

    Anyway, it's some good knows at least. 

  4. 10 minutes ago, Flash said:

    Johnston isn’t a director is he? So why would it involve a board member withdrawing money? 
    Not saying the money could be used to pay him off but, if it can’t, it will be nothing to do with the inability of a director to withdraw it.

    No but if the money can't be withdrawn then how can we use it to pay off his contract? 

    ETA - What I mean is if the money isn't allowed to be withdrawn or pass hands then we won't be able to use it to pay off his contract. 

    Hopefully we can though. 

  5. 31 minutes ago, Flash said:

    I can’t think of a manager with a worse record that we’ve kept. The budget excuse only goes so far because if it was that bad, we should have gone part-time, even if only for the season. At least that way we might have got some battlers in the team instead of the gutless rabble Johnston has assembled. I mean, fair enough that low wages only attracts low quality. But you’d think they would still put in the odd challenge here and there.
    He has to go. And some of those players should not be far behind him. Sadly, I don’t think we will be able to afford the clear out that is required.

    Not just us, I can't think of any manager other than AJ who has been able to hold down the same job for so long whilst being abysmally poor at it. His record speaks for itself, is it 8 wins in 36 games? 

    Yeah, I don't buy into the budget excuses either. Pandemic or not, we still have to compete and we're not even doing that at the moment. Agree with you with putting in the odd challenge as well, I thought the only hope we had today was that Hearts would have an eye on next week and not commit to many 50/50 challenges so we'd at least rough them up a bit. But i didn't see one decent challenge, we were far too soft, again.  

    I fear he'll be here till his contract runs out. Everything that's happened with Covid keeping us up and no fans at the games has absolutely worked in his favour. 

  6. Fair to say that Hearts won't have an easier game all season. 

    We all predicted a hammering so it comes as no surprise. We're dreadful, not just at the back but all over. Our sloppy play and poor set up has been absolutely punished today and I fear it won't be the last we see a score line like this against us this season. 

  7. 5 minutes ago, Fae_the_'briggs said:

    A looping cross into the edge of the 6yard box,  centre of goal,  not a crowded area,  should Leighfield not be attacking that ball? We've had a couple of half chances but Hearts seem to be pretty comfortable.  Our 4-3-3 didn't last long into the game either. 

    He should be but like what was said above, it's been a while since we've had a keeper that comes out for crosses. 

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