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Les Cabbage

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Posts posted by Les Cabbage

  1. 48 minutes ago, Stylish Kid said:

    I mean the flat isn't massive, but it's hardly a hovel 🤷

    It’s less of an issue about the flat I think however it really isn’t great.

    The fact a 20 year old boy that can’t speak English has been isolated in Ormiston (a place miles away from Edinburgh) with no public transport is an absolutely dreadful look.

    Absolutely no chance we’ve got Kukhareych, Fish, Schofield etc alone in tiny flats in the middle of nowhere.

    Hibs.net’s faithful and a certain poster on here will be along shortly to tell us about how this is in fact good and that Ron Gordon played a master stroke by saving the club money on his accommodation.

  2. 39 minutes ago, Brian Graham’s Lovely Hair said:

    The 25/1 on offer for us to finish in the bottom 2 looks very attractive. 

    What seems mental is that 2 weeks ago it was 20/1, stuck a fiver on at that price after Boyle got injured and it’s somehow been pushed out.

    Also got us to finish bottom at 66/1, now seems to have moved out to 80/1.

  3. I was Ross out, hated his demeanour, style of football and to me he was just never a Hibs manager, he’s shown his abilities since leaving.

    I honestly would have let Maloney have a proper go at it, the signs were hardly encouraging however our two best players this season were Maloneys signings (Marshall & Rocky), he was trying completely overhaul the playing style and trying to do that mid season was an uphill battle.

    He might well have failed but he did deserve a chance which he wasn’t given, rather give someone like him a chance with the likelihood of striking gold a la Mowbray than be bored to tears by Jack “the best version of ourselves” Ross.

    With Johnson where I’m at is that there’s no point sacking him now going into a window and letting Ian Gordon doing our transfer window, not convinced he’s the man but sacking him will change nothing while we have Ben Kensell & The Gordon’s at the club.

    There is no point in buying new tyres when you’ve a broken engine.

  4. Hearts winning the Edinburgh derby and Michael Smith winning the darts.

    The Tory’s haven’t been this happy since they voted to reject free school meals.

    Hate to see that horrible c**t happy, do hope that he goes down the Aidy Lewis route and fades away.

  5. 1 hour ago, Tommy Tappin said:

    You're still clueless. 😉 

    It seems to be too much to ask a fanbase to understand that a business can flourish while the product is minging. Anecdotal 'Ah'll never be back' bollocks has ruled the club's thinking for too long.

    Ron Gordon has made three major errors so far, appointing Maloney, Johnson and allowing his son to be in the firing line. He's already learnt from all three. Plus he owns the place, he can do what he wants.

    He knows what we know, our average finish in the top flight is 6.5th - call it 7th or where we've been hovering most recently since the start of Season 20-21. So if a league position equates to a clueless owner and leadership, that's all we've ever had; including 'clueless' Dempster/Lennon/Stubbs.

    Back in reality land though, business owners don't like making a loss unless they are looking to save tax and don't like the lack of social standing that owning a losing venture offers. Finally, Hibs are doing a roaring trade in a poor season Why? Because Gordon knows that the biggest gap he has to close is the revenue/profit gap between us and Aberdeen/Hearts. 

    He's closed the biggest gap first. 

    The fans don't know/care about any of that. For fans, (some) go to the matches, get home and call upon the Hibs fan social media template.

    It goes like this, play along at home if you like. 

    GTF because of recruitment
    GTF because of where you're from
    GTF because of some team you used to play for
    GTF because your football is boring
    GTF because your interviews boring
    GTF because you're English
    GTF because if you don't sack xyz 'ahhhhhhhhh'mmmmmmmmmm never going back.'

    etc etc etc

    Gordon has quickly understood the need for Hibs to be financially independent of people whose opinions swing like this. Don't forget, most of us wanted Jack Ross out and were howling at Gordon to sack him; but would consider his record a success for Lee Johnson now, just two years later.  

    Can't build a business on that kind instability. 

    He's thrown a ton of money in, he's spent it very badly, he's raising revenues, he's having to learn fast. 

    Meanwhile Hibs are 8th, but we often are no matter who the owner/manager/players/fans are anyway. 

    We had 27 years out of 29 of 'Farmer out' and a good 22 or so years of 'Petrie out'. Before that we had 'Duff out' and I'm old enough to remember both 'Waugh Out' and 'Hart Out'. It was in fanzines and pub talk back then though. 

    So what's new pussycat? 

    It really sums up your level of knowledge when you suggest that I’m clueless for suggesting that we are currently “flourishing.”

    Hope you’re enjoyed your day today in the knowledge that the club is “flourishing” it sure seems it!

  6. Sacking Lee Johnson isny the answer, anyone that believes if we let him go it’ll change and we’ll be great is an utter simpleton.

    Ive been saying it for ages, I recall @Tommy Tappin claiming that I was clueless for doubting Ron Gordon, wonder how he’s feeling now.

    Club is rotten to the core, until we get the yanks out the club we will continue to be.

    Today was the first derby that I’ve been in the country for that I’ve missed by choice, I decided to put my ticket money on Hearts to win @ 6/4 so that’s been a decent investment.

    Prior to Ron Gordon’s arrival I was a 30-35 game a season supporter, now it’d be lucky if I go to 20 and even then the majority of them are purely as an excuse for a piss up with mates, and we are away back to the pub before within the first 60 minutes in the majority of them. That daft p***k has pretty much single handedly turned one of the favourite things in my life to something that I’m almost ambivalent about.

    Starting to wonder if relegation is the best thing for us because it’s the only way that we’ll be able to pull the anger and support within the fanbase to chase him and his son away from our club.  

  7. On 17/12/2022 at 21:39, Autistisches Nilpferd said:

    Not sure if it's because he's Mr Fallon or he just comes across as an arsehole but I cannot take to Cameron Menzies at all

    You know how you get Rangers fans that are just normal folk that support Rangers.

    Then you get Rangers fans that are proper horrible WATP NO SURRENDER mutants, he’s the latter.

    That may be why.

  8. Really enjoyed the darts last night, always good to see Soutar do well, an all round good egg.

    MvG v Rock was a superb watch, I think I said earlier in the thread that I managed to get Rock to win the worlds months ago at 200/1 and he’s now down to 12/1 in some places, suspect it’ll be MVG or Price that wins it in the end though.

    Its an MVG v Price final in this one tooI think, could go either way.

  9. Heading there in 2 weeks for a long weekend, will be there when France play Denmark at the World Cup too which I’m looking forward to.

    Booked a gaff at La Republique so based off the above it’s a decent location.

    Cheap/good bars/restaurant recommendations welcome.

    Assume we will do Louvre/Eiffel Tower/Montmarte like the silly little tourist we are but any recommendations are welcome.

    Red Star Paris are playing against Nancy while we’re there too although I’ve heard the area, Saint Denis isn’t great, anyone with any idea?

  10. On 08/10/2022 at 17:27, Tommy Tappin said:

    Ronbernian now up to third with another home win (11 unbeaten) 4th straight win and another clean sheet.

    Imagine how good we'd be if the Gordons knew what they were doing, Kensall hadn't got a fake tan and they'd all gotten the **** out of our club when we told them to.   

    Bet you’re feeling vindicated now champ, charlatans, the lot of them.

  11. 1 hour ago, HibeeJibee said:

    Take yourself along to some lower league or pyramid matches: especially during next 6 weeks when there aren't Premiership games anyway. Plenty of choice in the Lothians whether SPFL1/2, Lowland or East of Scotland... won't cost you more than a tenner (often less)... plus not a video review in sight. Might recharge your fitba batteries.

    I do that a lot of the time anyway to be fair, currently at 34/42 and aiming to go to Albion Rovers and possibly Kelty during the World Cup.

    Issue is if my emotional investment in Hibs is dropping, it’ll never really be replaced by anyone else, I go and watch Edinburgh City/FC Edinburgh/Edinburgh/whatever they’re called now a fair bit and it’s just not the same.

  12. I’m pretty scunnered with this in all honesty.

    Since VAR came in Hibs have had 3 games, 1 win and 2 defeats, 5 goals scored, 6 conceded, the results are what they are and they’re not the problem, it’s the removal of the uninterrupted celebrations and anticipation when my team attack.

    For the first time ever I’m now debating in my head whether I want to continue to watch my team every week and it’s nothing to do with the football standard because we’ve been a lot worse than this.

    Every time we attack, instead of me thinking “oh we could score here” I find myself overanalysing in my head if there’s been a foul in the build up or whether someone has been offside.

    Out of the 5 goals we’ve scored, I’ve only actually enjoyed one of them and that was because it was the first and I totally forgot VAR existed for a good 20 seconds after the ball hit the net, each of the others I was worrying about fouls and offsides (apart from one which was a penalty but who gets excited over penalties going in anyway unless they’re in the last minute?).

    I genuinely find myself really sad about it all to be honest, my team have been a huge part of my life, a huge part of my relationship with friends and family and I’m at the point where this change in the game has ripped the excitement away from it all.

    When Hibs have been shite, of course it’s not been fun but you still get those moments when you attack however rare they may have been where you get that little bit of excitement, in the past 3 games I’ve just not had that.

    I’ve still got my season ticket which will do me until the summer and even after that then I suspect I’ll still go along quite alot as a social thing as it’s an excuse to see pals/family but I honestly feel like my days of spending a substantial portion of my time consuming content about the game and my team might be at an end,

    At the moment I’ll spend hours every week reading stuff about football, listening to podcasts, watching things, searching for news and rumours but I honestly feel like “what’s the point?” 

    Everything that you look at and think about relating to football all comes down to watching your team and the excitement of scoring goals to win games. If you don’t have that excitement anymore then what actually is the point in giving it the time of day?

    I’ll obviously see how things go between now and the end of the season but I genuinely feel upset because I’m not sure if I can continue my love for football like I’ve had for all my life, it’s all I’ve ever known and f**k knows how else I’ll spend my time but this just has taken all enjoyment away from me.

    I don’t know if I’m the only one feeling this way but it’s utterly shite.

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