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Les Cabbage

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Posts posted by Les Cabbage

  1. This is a funny one.

    We’ve had our best spell of the season recently, other than the defeat to Rangers we’ve not had a bad performance since January, but with the recent games against the Old Firm and the emotional high of the Scotland games I’ve hardly given this a thought.

    Looking at Aberdeen/Hearts/Livi/even St Mirrens fixtures coming up, it’s a game we really have to win.

    No Elie Youan is a huge blow and I didn’t think I’d be saying that a few months ago but this is a blow for a number of reasons.

    Firstly because of his pace and threat and because he’s actually turned out to be good but more crucially, with him, Boyle and even McGeady (despite being crap) out, it limits our ability to play with wingers and generally when we’ve tried to play without wingers this season we’ve been utter rubbish.

    I seriously hope that Johnson goes with Nisbet/Kukhareyvch or even both rather than Hoppe, I don’t think he’s very good at all tbh.

    Hard to pick a line up but would go with something like this;


    Cadden       Fish           Hanlon    Stevenson

        Jeggo       Doyle-Hayes       Egan Reilly


                   Nisbet         Kukhareyvch

    I’m not sure how I feel about the shape because there is a real lack of width there but it gets our best fit players on the park, the midfield though does concern me it seems pretty one paced and not much creativity, unless you play Henderson and possibly Nisbet out wide I don’t see how you get around that with our personnel, genuinely interested to see what Johnson goes with.

  2. I’ve been in work all morning and I’ve got very little done, partly due to reading this thread and partly due to being unable to concentrate on work due to being on top of the world from that result.

    Everyone has done it to death but you could go through the whole team and praise everyone individually, going to single out Christie, Dykes & Cooper from the bench because they’ve not been mentioned as much.

    Christie was so clever in his use of the ball, he has a tendency to waste at times but not at all last night, Dykes was playing himself a lot of the time but made it so difficult for Spain with his defensive work, made it impossible for them to play through us and force them wide, obviously something Clarke told him to do but he executed it perfectly.

    And I know he only played 10 mins or so but Liam Cooper came off the bench and just started fucking bodying everyone, that’s why you have a settled squad and don’t pick up you’re favourite guy from the English Championship or wherever.

    Listening to Clarke’s interviews is just music to my ears, the guy is an absolute genius, he’s taken what he did at Killie and completely replicated it as Scotland, we’re greater than the sum of our parts but our parts and half bad either.

    He’s clearly done a lot of research on Spain, at the World Cup we saw them struggle to break down teams, especially in that Morocco game, I know the personnel was a bit different but the game plan wasn’t, Clarke knew it and played them like a fiddle.

    Nothing will ever top Hibs winning the Scottish Cup, but in terms of games I was at that was up there in the top 5 that I’ve ever been to, can’t wipe the smile off my face this morning.

  3. 9 minutes ago, General dissaray said:

    Chris Marshall still hasn't been capped by Wales has 25 games in the championship this season and was open to switching to Scotland in 2019

    Obviously rather have Steele especially if he keeps his place with Brighton

    But its another option will go out on a limb and say he probably doesn't rate him either that much like Clarke and Kelly and McCrorie 

    Is Chris Marshall a David Marshall x Maxwell Blackpool lovechild?

  4. 4 hours ago, StellarHibee said:


    VAR hasn't made decisions any worse than they already were IMO. What it has done is brought greater focus on just how corrupt our game ultimately is. I don't agree that VAR is the main issue, the issue is and always has been the people running our game and it will continue to be the main issue even when VAR is scrapped.

    The fact it hasn’t made them any worse but also no better is the exact reason that it’s pointless.

    There have been a number of goals we’ve scored this season that I’ve not celebrated due to thinking their was a foul/offside in the build up, the reason we all go to football is to enjoy goals and celebrate them and VAR destroys this.

    We’re sabotaging the best thing about football for minimal or in fact no gain.

    The old firm bias will be there with or without VAR and it was well known and highlighted long before VAR came along.

    It’s without doubt the worst thing that has ever happened to football.

  5. 8 hours ago, StellarHibee said:

    People talk about VAR like it's the technology itself that's the problem. It quite clearly isn't.

    Couldn’t disagree more.

    The technology allows referees to re-review every decision and look for reasons to change them, if you’re a referee and you hear someone in your ear suggesting something, you’ve already got that bias in your head that they are correct so when you go and check you’re going to make the decision.

    And don’t get me started on the delays and the life it sucks out of every single goal.

    The technology is the issue more than anything, I can deal with refereeing mistakes, the issue I have is what it’s done to ruin the spectacle, you’ll notice I didn’t even mention Youans red card in my post despite it being completely the wrong decision, we’ve benefitted from plenty dodgy reds this season and it’s probably fair we had one given the other way, that’s how football has always worked and it was so much better for it.

  6. We can feel pretty hard done by there.

    The Red totally changed the game but we dealt with it really well, lots of comments on twitter from Celtic fans about Hibs being the biggest “cheeturz/dirtiest team ever” which is always a sign you’ve done well.

    Was always going to be difficult with ten men, if we’d kept it at 1-0 longer we could have got something perhaps but Hanlons stupidity and Marshall’s crispbaghandedness put paid to that.

    Was impressed with Jake Doyle-Hayes and I’m not his biggest fan, CJ Egan-Reilly and Josh Campbell immense also, which tbh is becoming the norm.

    Last two games were always gonna be difficult, it’s the next 4 that are important, really need to get 9 points as a minimum.

  7. 23 minutes ago, Zing. said:

    It’s nearly as defensive as that time wee Lenny took us to Rugby Park and tried to park the bus. Think we managed seven defenders that day.

    A midfield 3 of Efe Ambrose, Mark Milligan & Stevie Mallan.

    Floodlights going out twice and the Hibs fans willing the game to be abandoned, really was a peak banter era of following Hibs.

  8. Jeez that proposal is utterly grim.

    Will be absolutely furious at my club if we’re planning on putting a B Team in there.

    Even ignoring all the ethical issues, we’ve had to call of a substantial number of reserve/youth games this year due to lack of bodies due to injuries/youth international caps so I have absolutely no idea how they would reckon they could manage 30 odd games.

    This really is a complete nonsense and has to be stopped.

    Sure the players of Brora/Brechin/Buckie/whoever will be salivating at the prospect of travelling down to the central belt 10 times a year to play in front of parents of youth players.

  9. 32 minutes ago, craigkillie said:

    Anderson should be in the full squad if he wants to play for us I'd say, so I'm not sure his absence from the U21s says anything.


    15 minutes ago, Elgin Macca said:

    My first thought on Anderson is that he has refused a call up as i cant see him being in the full squad. Disappointing if that's the case as he also looks a real talent.

    If Anderson is in the first team squad I’ll be delighted however the noises are really that he’s not willing to commit.

    An article I’ve found from yesterday makes me think he’s going to represent England.

    And when I say represent I mean make 4 appearances for the 21s and never be seen on the international stage again, the cynic in me says.

    Be pleased to be proved wrong though.

  10. 8C97ABB5-C5ED-4B2A-AF04-F0628F32D1CF.jpeg.3533f7872b780f2848fdd8dba11b5c29.jpeg

    Interesting to see if Hackney makes the first team squad, would have chucked him in and capped him against Cyprus if he was willing to stop him playing for anyone else.

    Doaks been injured so U21 makes sense for now.

    Tommy Conway injured? Or maybe first team bound.

    Elliot Anderson looks like he’s definitely not interested in playing for us at the moment.

  11. 27 minutes ago, Renfrewblue said:

    No, the reason I support Rangers is because my Dad did. 

    He wasn't a bigot either. 

    It's amazing how you can tell things about people just because they support a specific team. 

    It's almost like you don't understand the word bigotry. 

    I'll help you, here is the definition

    obstinate or unreasonable attachment to a belief, opinion, or faction, in particular prejudice against a person or people on the basis of their membership of a particular group.

    Now which one of us is acting like that? 


    26 minutes ago, Judy Murray said:

    I hate to break it to you. Your dad was a bigot

    Your dad was a glory hunting bigot, @Renfrewblue.

    Hope this helps 👍🏻

  12. 49 minutes ago, Lyle Lanley said:

    The fact Henderson is still on the park is a slap in the face. 

    Probably the worst player I’ve seen play at this club for a while. 

    Come on mate, he’s not even the worst player at the club.

    Tavares, Miller and McKirdy are streets behind him.

    Even if you look at last season he was one of the better players in the team (which is saying something mind you).

    Shouldn’t have played tonight and was pretty anonymous but Hoppe, Jeggo and Marshall were way worse tonight.

  13. Don’t want to be too critical because of recent results but that was utterly shite.

    Kind of feel like David Marshall may be past his use by date now, criminal for the second and for the third it was like he was diving through treacle to get down, I’ve seen balloons get down quicker.

    Shape was all wrong in the first half, Cadden was out of position consistently, now I don’t know if that was his fault of the managers but that was what cost us.

    Along with the penalty of course, at least VAR has “stopped the Old Firm getting dodgy decisions I suppose.”

  14. 4 hours ago, VincentGuerin said:

    Funny seeing the variations in opinion often being down to whether going to the boozer is a big part of your fitba day or not.

    For example, if you don't go to the pub, I can see why Motherwell wouldn't appeal. But I do, and it's one of my favourites as a result.

    St Johnstone and Livi are terrible, Killie isn't great, the Old Firm are both a pain in the arse. The rest are all good with Motherwell, Aberdeen, Dundee (either club) and Ross County among the highlights of any season.

    Anyone who watches Scottish football without alcohol being a big part of their experience has my pity.

    I think the thing is for me, if I’m going to an away game, 90% of the time it’s because it’s a Saturday afternoon and an excuse for a day out somewhere different to normal with friends and that involves pubs and that kind of thing, I rarely go to away games that aren’t on Saturdays and I rarely go to any where I won’t enjoy myself any more than watching it at home.

    What I look for in an away game is completely different to what I look for at home games, I may end up going drinking after a home game but it’s not always the case.

    Having said that, in my younger pre-adult days when I first started going to games with pals and I didn’t drink, my list probably wouldn’t be all that different, obviously the top flight was different, I would maybe have Rangers higher but that’s because I was so used to seeing us win there, halcyon days!

  15. 11 minutes ago, Menga Bus said:

    Don’t get me wrong I’ll whole heartedly agree that Livi for pubs is absolutely awful, and I’m not trying to argue we should be any further up the list. There is a pub at the Livi north station (greene king chain albeit), and another a 10 minute walk closer to the stadium from this station too. My main point from what you’ve said is the car parking is utterly dreadful? It’s probably the easiest stadium in the top flight to park at. Multiple multi story car parks within a 5 minute walk, and if you don’t fancy paying in the other side of the stadium there’s a huge set of school and office parking that lies empty on weekends, and then a lot of free residential parking too. Obviously a lot of the information you need comes from living here.

    Difficulty with the parking is that everywhere you mention (other than that requiring local knowledge) requires a good 20 minute plus wait to get out after, due to the locality, Hibs tend to bring a few thousand there each game, or have done when I’ve went, and on each of these times I’ve found myself sitting in a car park for 20 minutes plus each time.

    Anyhow this wasn’t a Livingston and St Johnstone bashing thread I promise.

  16. So I’m currently on a 90 minute or so train and talking in a group chat about why I don’t ever go to Livingston or St Johnstone and it got me thinking, I wonder what the general consensus is from others about where everyone likes to travel to as an away supporter.

    So, where would you rank each SPFL ground other than your own as a ground to go to for an away match? Factors such as transport, pubs, stadium, view, location or whatever you can think of can all be taken into account.

    Here is my first go.

    1. Ross County - Utterly fed up being scheduled to play up here midweek, missed the away game up here in September due to being in Krakow watching Scotland Ukraine and missed that game, not been here otherwise since before covid due to the league constantly having us play here midweek. It’s a proper amazing trip if you get a Saturday up here, long train journey which allows for a good bevy beforehand and the minute you arrive in Dingwall you’re in The Mallard, and what a superb boozer that is, had a couple of spring/late summer games up here and being able to tuck into a pint sitting on a train station platform in their outside bit is a surreal experience.

    2. Motherwell - Like St Mirren it’s dead easy to get to Motherwell and there’s a brilliant pub choice, I just wish Sky would stop clinging onto the 6-6 game and constantly have it on telly thinking it’ll happen again because I’m fed up of our games here being midweek, the Motherwell fans are all generally pretty sound, plenty places to go for beverages before and after, a good chippy that the name escapes me.

    3. St Mirren - I love coming here, the view isn’t great if you’re in the low down seats but the train is dead easy for here, few pubs in glasgow then out to Paisley which has about 6252 pubs and decent ones at that, St Mirren fans are also a pretty sound bunch all in all.

    4. Dundee Utd - Rate an away day up in Dundee, docked points due to the hill climbing required to get up to the ground, easy train up there, superb boozers, good atmosphere in the ground usually, one of the ones I look out for, not been here for years unfortunately though as we always end up being midweek or a Sunday here, hopefully that changes soon but can’t see it as it looks like they’re championship bound.

    5. Hearts - Suspect I’ll be lower here than most but Hearts is a different away day if you’re from the same city as the ground, the journey is one of my favourite part of away days and not getting this here brings it down, good atmosphere in derbys here, good away pubs, clear segregation from home fans, a lot to like here.

    6.  Aberdeen - I enjoy coming here, day out is good, plenty bars, easy to get to, the reason it’s so low is because the stadium is utter rubbish, I have no idea why they have stairs in between seats like they do but it’s a truly bizarre set up.

    7. Kilmarnock - Another place similar to Aberdeen in the sense that I enjoy going but the grounds a bit of a shitehole isn’t it, your view of the pitch is usually rubbish because you’re so far away aswell, thats the only factor that brings it underneath them for me.

    8. Rangers - Rubbish view of the pitch but oh boy this one is so much fun when you get a result, other than that, it’s not really near many things that are suited for away fans unless you support Hearts or Airdrie or something, subway getting there is decent if you’re fine putting your life at risk, bonus points for being able to drink in Glasgow before/after.

    9. Celtic - Swithered with making this number 10 but due to it being close to Glasgow and lots of good pubs there it edges St Johnstone. The main issue with this is the horrendous view, I don’t know how they actually get away with it, it’s been well documented, it’s also fucking shite being utterly surrounded by the home fans going in and out of the ground.

    10. St Johnstone - Absolute fucking nightmare to get to the ground from the station and it’s not as if you can break up the long walk with pub stops, stadium is uncomfortable and there’s been many times I’ve went and it’s been a miracle no one was hurt in concourse squashes, will never visit this place again unless we get a cup quarter final there or something, beats Livingston due to being easier to get to via car.

    11. Livingston - Concrete jungle of a place, no pubs other than soulless chain bars, see St Johnstone for issues with walking to the ground from the station with no real viable pub stops, if you’re going via car parking is utterly dreadful, not going to start the plastic pitch debate but I don’t really ever remember there being an entertaining game there that I’ve been to either.

    Honourable mentions to Partick Thistle, Ayr, Greenock Morton, Annan, Arbroath, Montrose & Dunfermline from the lower leagues.

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