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Everything posted by LatapyBairn.

  1. Of course there is a problem but is it a calling in the liquidators in 10 weeks time type of problem? Unless I’ve totally misread the tone of the statement I don’t think we are at that place or timescale yet and despite being in a relatively serious predicament I also don’t believe there isn’t an alternative plan in place should further investment in either the FSS or Patrons groups not be to sufficient levels, that plan may be a bit more unpalatable to some than the majority fan ownership we had been striving for but we are where we are.
  2. Think I’ll take it with a pinch of salt in that case
  3. So you’re telling us in 10 weeks the club is going to run out of money completely and there is no plan B what so ever, we won’t see the season out? Where are you pulling this information from? Although striking a pretty serious tone it’s certainly not the message the club have conveyed.
  4. Glad to hear our fans have been proactive and the FSS have had a bit of a boost in subscriptions and a few folk upping there existing subscription. If the fans can get the club through this period we’ll be a stronger club for it long term. I really don’t like the idea of going back to an MSG type ownership model, genuinely believe fan ownership is a positive influence as has been shown at other clubs our size.
  5. Promotion in itself would manage the projected loss, without being reckless the phrase “speculate to accumulate” applies here or we could easily become and Airdrie and rot away to a shadow of our former club if we were to remain in this league much longer.
  6. Difference is at that time there was alternative investment available with immediate cash injection via the BtB buy out which the club chose to ignore in favour of the crazy Mark Campbell effort.
  7. Of course the BOD have the right to refuse an offer but as you’ve already pointed out there won’t be a que of wealthy people ready to invest such a large amount of money and the club’s financial position may dictate we have no option but to accept whichever offer comes along purely to get the immediate cash injection needed, I’ve already heard rumours of one particular investor hanging around waiting like a vulture claiming to be interested in acquiring potentially up to 26% who would give me the absolute fear if it was genuine and I doubt it would be at the 40p rate. Realistically the best option for the club would be for the fans to buy the shares via both the FSS and Patrons groups in my opinion.
  8. Reading between the lines the club is trying to push/expedite the sale of the unsold shares which were originally intended for the FSS / Patrons Group to cover the end of year financial short fall. If this isn’t successful and the two fans groups don’t buy these shares it will either be back to soft loan territory which will hamstring the club going forward or the shareholding will then be flogged in bulk to which ever Tom, Dick or Harry is prepared to pay the money, the latter for me in itself is massively disappointing, it totally ruins any chance of proper fan ownership and opens the club up to more of your Lex Miller or Mark Campbell type owners who are in it for all the wrong reasons.
  9. Most of the people involved with the NB group have already invested as patrons now. Not sure how much more they’d want or be able to afford to invest again as a group, some may well invest further but I doubt to the level the club needs.
  10. I actually quite like the brutal honesty of it, it certainly doesn’t offend me. There is no point in sugar coating things and to be honest I do agree the FSS numbers are pretty poor for a club our size, I’d like to think fans who can afford to do a bit more will. Do we want want to be a fan owned club or not? The model seems to be working well at other clubs of similar size so surely we can step up as a group and buy the shareholding that’s been made available to us, the idea that the club could sell of those unsold shares not to the fans but to another Mark Campbell type or even a Lex Miller type crook actually makes my blood run cold. We’d literally be back to square one from an ownership perspective, MSG mark 2!
  11. I might be stating the obvious here but to get any more players in will depend on moving a player or two out to free up wages, think McGlynn made that pretty clear when the window closed. I’m sure we are trying to shift a few out the door to allow for a new player coming in but it’s not that simple, another club would actively have to want to take a Wilson/Ross/Heatherington ect of our hands and pay them a wage similar to what they are already on at Falkirk for them to then agree to leave.
  12. Unless we can somehow shift a player or two out the door I doubt they’ll be anybody coming in. However if McGlynn does manage to shuffle the pack a bit I’d like to see a right back coming in.
  13. I wasn’t aware the patrons group had ever been a closed shop? They are continually looking for investment and new members are they not? I know a few of the guys already there are considering putting in more cash which would obviously increase the groups shareholding. Ideally however the FSS should be grown in tandem to match the patrons overall shareholding but unfortunately the membership seems to have stalled at the 500 mark so it may well be left to the patrons group to pick up the slack by increasing its shareholding and injecting liquid cash if the guys are indeed able to scrape some more finance together and fair play to them if that’s what they do having already invested a considerable amount last year.
  14. Not convinced that will be the case, Morton fans told us what to expect from Telfer and for the most part they were correct, see no reason to think he’ll change his stripes now. When the going got tuff he would invariably vanish from games and only really turned it on in the rare occasions we were on top in games against the poorer sides and he didn’t need to dig deep or graft. It was the correct decision to release him as it would have been for Nisbet or Mcguffie had they been out of contract also. If we are going to win the division we need to find better than the likes of those 3.
  15. Don’t think anything is going to happen until we move a couple of players out the door anyway, even a couple out on loan to get one in.
  16. Shares have been made available for fans to purchase individually as well. I bought some myself. However for me it does make more sense to invest in the FSS creating a large single voting block that carries actual clout, small shareholding’s are pretty much useless in a functional sense.
  17. Surely the footballing reasons are exactly the motivation fans should need to invest in order to both drive change and also help finance it. We needed a change in ownership and higher management to get out of the mess we are hopefully now starting to climb out off.
  18. I’m also a little frustrated we’ve not been able to hit at least the 1000 mark, especially when looking at other fan ownership schemes at Hearts, Motherwell, Morton, St Mirren ect who all seem to have had a better response percentage wise from they’re fan bases.
  19. The corroding metal work the plastic seats are fixed to is what’s causing the problem! The council are spending are fortune fixing the internals, the clubs bill is minimal by comparison in replacing the seats. There’s nothing to see here, it’s yet another issue you seem to be creating out of nothing similar to your imaginary “leaking” of confidential information from the club over the summer. Can we stop the ill informed rants please. Unless your on the wind up here your views on the ownership structure of the main stand are your opinion, the are not factual. We now all know your opinion, thankfully most seem to have a more balanced view and can see both the pro’s and cons. Regardless of this it’s well down the list of priorities facing the club right now so can we just leave it at that please!
  20. The club are not lease holders! We own part of that stand, if the seats are fucked it’s our responsibility to sort them! End off.
  21. It’s a complicated ownership structure, I’ll give you that but there is no secrecy. You really seem to consistently get yourself in a state over various things that aren’t actually happening, just chill out and step away from the keyboard unless you have all the facts in future.
  22. It was a lot more than 4 million I think, remember we had 2 million debt to clear as well tho. When we originally moved to the new stadium we owned 51% of Falkirk community stadium limited which was a joint venture with the council, that was all carved up a few years ago as the stadium company was running up debts, hence the reason we have the current convoluted ownership structure.
  23. Not correct. We have a free 125 year lease on that land and also already have outline planing permission granted for a structure in that area so any 4th stand would be built on the clubs terms. It’s pie in the sky stuff anyway tho, there’s no money to build the thing! Using the south stand for club operations is far more feasible a way of cutting out the council service charges.
  24. In theory if we stopped using the function lounges, corporate and catering facilities in the main stand and only used the pitch facing seating and the changing rooms we could cut out the council altogether giving them not a penny, would be interesting to see what they done if we moved all club offices, the shop and corporate hospitality over to the south stand. The internals of the main stand would become a bit of a white elephant for the council, not sure how feasible that actually is right enough or even if the south stand has the required facilities.
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