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Everything posted by LatapyBairn.

  1. I am a member and I don’t see the FSS in that way in the slightest so I’ll respectfully disagree with your opinion here, I think you are wrong. Having two reps on such a small board is quite considerable clout, especially for the current level of shareholding. If there are individual issues where the two guys are outvoted by the other 4 on the board then that’s inevitable in a board room situation, we have to trust which ever consensus the people we have put in place decide upon and make it work, they will stand or fall by that. Incidentally what exactly is the “issue” you mention here? I am not aware of there being one as nobody has stated specifically other wise, all we have had is some smoke and gossip created on an anonymous online forum without any actual substance.
  2. As far as I am aware every single member on the board is trying to “fix” the club as you put it and up to this point I’ve been impressed with how they have started to turn things around, I wasn’t aware that DM was carrying the full thing on his own shoulders with the rest of the guys sitting about picking there nose but if you have evidence of this please do tell?! In reality this will be a storm in a tea cup, the FSS will elect a new member soon enough (Nigel Serafini will represent us himself until then) to sit on the BOD and the world will keep spinning. Falkirk fans do seem to love a drama, if we are struggling to find something to have a moan about at any given point by god somebody will find something somewhere!
  3. I’m not assuming anything regarding the Douglas Moodie resignation gossip, I’m not even presuming there has been some kind of “disagreement” yet and nor should anybody else be to be honest, in fact I actually think him stepping down is most likely storm in a tea cup type stuff that shouldn’t really detract from the bigger picture. I was merely responding to another post regarding running the club by consensus and how it should work which in my opinion is totally correct, we are heading toward majority fan ownership and no single shareholder or director should presume they’re opinion out weighs that of the collective.
  4. I’d guess we are making good progress on this just going by the number of new sponsorship deals announced since that statement (bare in mind our previous main sponsor hadn’t been paying the club anything at all!) and also progressing in the league cup which wouldn’t have been budgeted for. Of course the BOD can’t be expected to give a minute by minute account, I presume and expect the AGM would be the normal time and place for this information to be relayed to shareholders.
  5. Surely in a BOD situation unanimous consensus can’t always happen but every director should agree to go with the majority vote on any particular decision. People in these positions should surely realise that.
  6. I’d be taking stuff like this read on here with a massive pinch of salt unless the person posting is actually prepared to substantiate it or give even the remotest hint of detail, wouldn’t even have to be to the extent of breaking a confidence but just something more that what could well be bog standard shit stirring with no tangible information given.
  7. The group had an agreed notice period all members signed up to and would need to give should they want to withdraw themselves/they’re shareholding from the group. Think it was 6 months.
  8. Is this a genuinely ITK type post or just a stir the shit type post? It’s not something I’d automatically presume concerning or worrying unless the guy has given reasons for leaving that suggested it should be.
  9. Just seems to be speculation on here unless theres something more substantial I’ve missed, somebody on the Facebook page also claimed we were in for him a week or so ago.
  10. Adam Rooney is definitely worth a punt if he’s available and interested, thought he’d maybe have had offers to play at a higher level tho. Does seem a tad ambitious
  11. None of the strikers we currently have are any better than Kenna. Hopefully that changes when we get another couple of bodies in
  12. Don’t recall him having any of the off field issues Griffiths had, seem more of a professional than that. Might be wrong tho
  13. Seen somebody mention on the Facebook page Adam Rooney is without a club, 34 years old now. Worth a punt?
  14. I thought the same, they seem to be going under the radar a bit but have made a few reasonable signings and will obviously now have an additional few hundred thousand to spend after drawing away to sevco in the cup.
  15. Dunfermline 2-1 Alloa Falkirk 1-0 Montrose Kelty 2-1 Edinburgh city Peterhead 0-0 Airdrie QOTS 1-0 Clyde
  16. If you look back at the previous posts it appears Jamie Swinney responded to fan who raised this on Friday, accepted there was an issue, said the club had identified it and a fix was being put in place in time for next week at some point.
  17. So Jaimie Swinney responded swiftly on Friday regarding the issues reported to him with the website, explained the reasons for it and said it should be rectified next week? Surely that’s good communication and exactly how the club should be handling constructive criticisms? Hopefully we park the website chat now and give the club its time to sort whatever the issues are.
  18. Whatever it is that’s wrong with the website could one of the posters who have an issue with it please email the club! Maybe they’ll take it on board and sort it! Agree with BPM, the amount of attention it gets on here for something as trivial is getting a bit boring/tiresome. Especially after we just won a league cup group containing Hibs and Morton, I’d have presumed we’d more be discussing that to be honest.
  19. Dunfermline falkirk queen of the south alloa montrose kelty airdrie clyde edinburgh city Peterhead
  20. Think he means Margaret as in Margaret Lang! After some of the bizarrely negative stuff said poster put up about the FSS and the patron group.
  21. Back when he initially signed I think this was always the intention however us not have any other option up top with the squad being so thin he’s had to play Oliver in that strikers role throughout pre season. Oliver will almost certainly occupy one of the three positions in behind the striker when McGlynn gets his full squad together and available IMO.
  22. Complaining about an organisation your not even a member off seems a bit ridiculous but your probably right.
  23. Just found it a bit surprising there only being one candidate after there being quite a bit of noise on here, a few posters have been quite critical of the FSS for no particular or obvious reason other than the directors being members of both the FSS and the patrons group and have tried to paint this as a negative where in fact I actually see it as a positive. If there genuinely was a like minded feeling amongst our fan base I presumed somebody would have stuck they're head above the parapet. Maybe I’m just reading to much into a few pedantic posters on here, could well be the case most don’t agree with that sentiment.
  24. Quite amazing the amount of know it alls within our support yet not a single person was prepared to take on this role other than Nigel. I’d most probably have voted for him anyway as in his short stint so far he’s always come across well but it would have been nice if a few other candidates had thrown they’re hat in to the ring.
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