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Everything posted by LatapyBairn.

  1. If the new board hadn’t backed the manager with cash in the last January window and made the effort at promotion there would have been absolute uproar. The comment BPM makes is totally fair, we were only a few points off the play off places! Look what QP done who weren’t much better than us and finished 4th…..Apart from anything else we had to give the new manager cash if only to prevent us getting drawn into relegation bother things were that bad!
  2. Don’t think that’s true, we’ve consistently funded better playing budgets than most teams in the championship never mind in our league. The simple problem is we have wasted that money on terrible players and management teams. Closing the academy hasn’t t helped matters either.
  3. Don’t quite follow you here, are you not being a bit contradictory? Your telling us on one hand the manager is no good and the players he’s signed are wasters yet you put us as favourites to win the league?!
  4. It’s a big ask but it would be great if the group could did deep again, having said that there are only so many shares available and the idea was for these to be purchased by the FSS to allow both groups to have an equal shareholding. A few hundred more fans signing up to the supporters society would help massively.
  5. Problem here is you’d be asking him to take a wage cut and go part time, he’s not going to do that unless he’s given an incentive (I.e, a payoff from us!)
  6. If you were the manager of another club would you want to sign a Heatherington or a Nisbet?
  7. This is it, unless we can find a club prepared to take them McGlynn isn’t going to waste what’s left of his playing budget paying up a players contracts leaving nothing in the pot for a replacement. We are already operating with a large squad and potentially the highest playing budget in the league, there will be next no no wiggle room now.
  8. Kabia, Griffiths and Dowds were better than any of the strikers we have now. Hopefully Burrell can hit the ground running and disprove that assumption, in fact we really need both him and Lawal to hit the ground running.
  9. Bar maybe Allegra it’s not Mcglynns signings we have a problem with here.
  10. How do you force players to leave that are under contract?
  11. They won’t holt up much longer if we are stuck in this league unfortunately, just look at the shity gates Airdrie get
  12. Think this is the largest part of the problem but McGlynn did know the situation he was inheriting, the expectations and by all accounts was vey happy with the playing budget. There’s no excuse really for a performance like that in the 2nd 45 today.
  13. Shits really going to hit the fan here, trying my best not to be to reactionary after two games but I honestly don’t see where we go from here this season now. Especially with 99% of the playing budget apparently already used up. The two new players this week and Kennedy better turn out to be absolute superstars or I can’t help thinking it’s going to be another disaster for us this year!
  14. Telfer was capable of having good games they were just always few and far between, very frustrating he couldn’t turn it in more regularly and it eventually got him released. Actually didn’t expect him to find another full time gig so I’m surprised he hasn’t bitten the hand off Airdrie if you have indeed offered him a deal.
  15. Has this not happend yet? What’s the hold up, I thought B4L had stopped now? Surely it makes sense to get the money transferred ASAP to give McGlynn as much time as possible to use it before the transfer window closes, 10k could see us a decent loan player for the season.
  16. Think we’ll see at least one more coming in on loan going by Mcglynns comments at the Q&A. Think anything over and above that will depend on getting players out the door first.
  17. Never said I wasn’t interested, always interested in all things Falkirk FC. Amazed was the word I used, the level of tantrum and negativity over a particular hospitality package that apparently hasn’t been well enough advertised for some is a good example of what I mean tho. If you can’t see that then that’s fine, might just be me
  18. I’m continually amazed at some of the daft stuff some of our fans find to complain about on here, to the point it’s actually now quite amusing. Is it just a Falkirk thing?
  19. It’s open to all yes and no you don’t have to go into the board room if you don’t want to, lol. If your interested contact the club and they’ll sell you the package if there are still spaces available, I’d presume an accommodation of discount can be made for the Montrose game.
  20. I hope so, getting both would seem a long shot however and taking a punt on two of them would probably be madness considering wages/injury records but if we could one of them in there’s definitely quality there that we currently lack in the final third of the pitch.
  21. Sorry your correct, it was a 5 man BOD not 6. My calculator obviously not working! Lol
  22. I always presumed Gordon Wright was the financial guy with the club accounts being outsourced to Drummond Laurie but I am happy for you to tell me that’s wrong if I’m mistaken, we also have a new head of commercial who I can tell you from experience has already been extremely active in bringing in new money. On the this so called voting “clique” are you telling me DM has voted one way on an issue or issues and the other 5 have voted differently? If that’s all it is then I’m sorry but it’s how a board room functions and I see no reason to dis trust the decision making process at this juncture, a lot of new sponsorship has already been announced under the new BOD and we are making slow steady progress on the pitch. There are also two reps from the FSS, has Nigel Serafini been part of this “voting clique” as well? Who’s to say Nigel’s take on things is wrong and Douglas’s is correct? Or indeed who’s to say the other directors are wrong with Douglas being correct? And that’s me taking you at face value that Douglas has not been happy about being out voted on certain issues as other than from you on this forum Douglas himself, the club, or the FSS have said nothing to suggest this is the case.
  23. Would you mind spelling it out to me in that case, I’ve obviously missed it. Just put in black and white what the perceived issue is please because I’ve still not read anything of substance.
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