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Posts posted by Tattie36

  1. 1 hour ago, 1320Lichtie said:

    If there is only 10 players training I just struggle to see how we can put a team out that can do that - it’s grim


    It looks like we are having to wait on any potential loans. Noticed a few Premiership managers say they’re not letting guys go until they have players in themselves. 

    Hoping atleast Slater is back available tomorrow and maybe ToB and Gold


    Steele and Little potentially done for the season


    McKenna still a good 5/6 weeks away by the sound of it 



    Yeah it’s almost too depressing to think about. These 2 games v Ayr could/should be a turning point in our season but the fact we could still be struggling to put out any kind of proper team is grim.

    I’m sure we all thought that getting to January would see an immediate improvement in signings and squad availability but it looks like it’ll be another couple of weeks before we see much change. It’s so frustrating as I think we can see green shoots of improvement under McIntyre.

    Here’s hoping that the full week’s rest will enable a few of the crocks to return tomorrow, not to mention giving all the “fit” players a much needed rest.

  2. 8 hours ago, Melanius Mullarkay said:

    Here's wiggy's hoose if you want to buy it. 


    Absolutely horrendous gaff. Tacky, cheap looking.

    ETA he does appear to have a 5-a-side pitch though. 

    The saddest thing about it is that he somehow got permission to demolish the original house on the site in order to build that monstrosity. If I remember correctly, it was a very nice old building - previously owned by Princess Di’s granny supposedly. The kind of building you can imagine being listed. I wonder how he managed to get the kind of permission that most would be denied?

  3. 42 minutes ago, relichtie said:

    I got the impression from  post match Jim Mac and chairman that we were prepared to push the boat out to stay in this division and that signings were imminent. I agree that it's difficult to get players in and also that Jim Mac is probably doing his damndest to bring players in. It's just that this Saturday presents an opportunity to move up the table with a win, and we need to get this one right. 

    I sincerely hope they do push the boat out. The financial implications of relegation would be fairly massive I would imagine.

    We are setup as a Championship club now and the knock to sponsorships, merch sales, season tickets, hospitality, gate receipts, tv money, prize money etc would be huge.

    I would rather the board splashed the cash (within reason) to try and keep that as opposed to dropping to L1 and starting again. Could quite easily be another QOTS…. Or worse.

  4. We’re all desperate for new signings or returns from injury but I suppose there’s a gulf between expectation and reality. I had hoped that there would have been a number of players identified (perhaps there are) and ready to be announced as soon as the window opened. As already said, there will be tireless work going on behind the scenes and I’m sure we’ll see signings or returns, hopefully very soon… as in this week soon.

    Seeing a team like Dundee United, who don’t really need much, announce a few already makes it a bit more frustrating.

  5. 43 minutes ago, 1320Lichtie said:

    Praying we have some bodies back for these 2 games. Honestly have no idea what the team would look like currently but if it is the same as Saturday past we are gonna struggle and will probably have to rely on Jay Bird having a stormer if we are taking anything.

    Yeah. Doesn’t really matter how shit Ayr are at the moment, if we can’t field any kind of functioning defence then it puts us at a massive disadvantage no matter the opposition.

  6. Underrated: Olives - black, green, pimento, stuffed, sliced, tapenade etc etc. Love them on their own, in sauces, with bread, on pizza, etc. big part of my death row meal if/when that happens.

    Also Veg in general.

    Overrated: Prawns, basically insects of the sea. Agree that steak is overrated - now I quite like a steak now and then but it doesn’t merit the exalted status it has.

    Also don’t get the bacon worship. Don’t mind an odd bacon roll but it’s nothing special and I can take it or leave it even in a fry up. Chewy and salty.


  7. 2 hours ago, King Kenny said:

    I knew Arbroath had injury issues but couldn’t quite believe their starting line up, absolutely decimated.

    Didn’t help that Slater went off so early either. 

    To be fair, they battled away well in the first half although Thistle weren’t exactly brilliant.

    Second half was one way traffic, the Arbroath right back was abysmal. 

    Bannigan, Milne and Fitzy all very good. Neilson strolled it again. 

    O’Brien, Steele, Little, Dow, McKenna, Gold and Hylton all out injured and Slater off early today. You could argue that that’s 8 (7 at least) of our first choice starting 11 out injured at the same time.

    When a team has a small, imbalanced squad lacking depth in certain positions, particularly at the back, barely enough players to have a functioning bench, added to the fact that this was our 3rd game in a week against the top 3 in the league then it’s no real surprise how things panned out today.

  8. We also have to remember that in the last week we’ve had 3 extremely tough games against the top 3 teams in the league, 2 of those games away from home.

    Not really a huge surprise that we’ve only come away with a single point, particularly when you take into account how poor the squad and injury situation was going into these games.

    Our players are running on fumes as it is so the added pressure of playing 3 games in a week against the best teams in the league means today wasn’t really a surprise for me.

    Hopefully after a weeks recovery, a new player or two and, hopefully some injured players back then next week’s game will be a bit better. If this becomes the norm then we can start panicking.

  9. 1 minute ago, ecto said:

    Seems an impossibility at the moment 

    It feels like it but just need to take it a game at a time. Hopefully another player or two in/return from injury next week. Ayr are in a terrible run of form so it’s a good time to be playing them…. Although we said the same v ICT and Dunfermline. A win and we’re back in the mix, lose and it’s staring to look bleak.

  10. Just thinking aloud here but could one of the reasons we’re having so many long-term injuries be anything to do with being part-time in a full-time league?

    These guys all work day jobs and train two nights a week (the same as my 13 year old). A lot of their fitness will be down to their own fitness regime and discipline - gym, running etc? and I imagine they won’t have daily access to physios like the full-time players.

    Are a lot of our players just not fit/football fit/strong enough to play game after game, season after season at this level?

    Add in that many of the guys getting injured are our older players.

    I know there are other teams in the league with a similar injury crisis - e.g. Dunfermline so perhaps it’s just bad luck.

    Also not suggesting that being full-time is the answer but I wonder if there’s scope for extra training sessions.

  11. 8 minutes ago, Hammerafc said:

    You got a new favourite now Little is injured.

    What? Come on, I’m only saying what many are thinking?

    Gaston (and Little for that matter) have been two of our best servants, and two of my favourite players in my time watching Arbroath. Doesn’t mean I can’t comment on a drop in form. Every player goes through it. Gaston looks to me lol he’s possibly carrying some kind of knock so a rest would do him good.

    Seriously what’s wrong in saying that?

    Where’s you condemnation of Lichie23 for blaming Gaston for the goal?

  12. 18 minutes ago, Cardle is Magic said:


    If you think any Pars fan would have been excited about losing every derby, barely averaging a point per game at EEP and struggling to score a goal then I’m afraid you are mistaken.

    If other clubs have lower expectations then that’s up to them.

    Fair enough. Just doesn’t look, from the outside, that the Pars are having a particularly poor season and will comfortably end up mid table imo. I also know that there’s nothing worse than fans of other teams defining your expectations and place in the pecking order, particularly if the product on display is grim. We had plenty of both of those last season.

  13. 13 minutes ago, RebelsHere said:

    Cork City fan here lads. Couldn't help but notice the overall positive reaction, so thought it best to register and give ye some insights on Walker.

    I'm sorry. I'm so, so sorry. You've been had by an agent here. He's not only a terrible footballer, but he has an absolutely disgraceful attitude. Maybe the change of scene might slap some sense into him, but honestly we're all in shock at him getting this move - we thought he'd be lucky to pick up a Sunday league team.

    That’s good to hear 🤣☹️

    The main reason for the positivity is for the simple fact that we’ve been embarrassingly short on defensive options for nearly a year now so it’s more a relief than anything. E.g. we played on Tuesday against Dundee United and our back 4 consisted of one recognised defender and 3 midfielders. We also subsequently discovered post match that our one “fit” defender has been playing with a broken toe for a few weeks.

    So you can see why we’re all delighted to have a defender coming in.

    Thanks for the input and that’s all a wee bit worrying. Time will tell and hopefully it’s not as bad as you make out.

    Best of luck to Cork in getting back to the top flight.

    ETA as 1320Lichtie says, perhaps he just needs a change of scene, setup etc. we had a guy play for us last season - Toyosi Olusanya, who was universally thought of as dreadful. This season he’s a regular and, by all accounts playing well for St Mirren who are 5th in the Premiership.

  14. 15 minutes ago, Thumper said:

    . Arbroath and QP look pretty rudderless but it's yet to be established whether that is better or worse than having a bald man point you directly at an iceberg.

    Doesn’t feel like it to me and, I think, most of our fans.

    The difference in performances, collectively and individually, in the last few weeks is night and day compared to most of last season and this.

    The fact that we’ve picked up points and been competitive in all games since McIntyre came in is pretty decent considering the fact that our small, imbalanced squad has been decimated by injuries.

    A few new bodies in (2 already) and a return from injury for a few other key players and I can definitely see us having a better second half to the season.

    Whether it’s enough to keep us up remains to be seen but there’s definitely a more positive feel about the place at the moment.

  15. 9 minutes ago, 1320Lichtie said:

    Well well well


    How random - welcome Goags 


    20 plus games for Cork City last 2 seasons - must be decent 


    18 month deal too 

    Banks was decent enough from that league so hopefully Walker can do a good job for us too.

    Never sure how to place the LOI Premier quality wise. The top few teams would probably hold their own in our Premiership but I can’t imagine that recently relegated Cork City would be any better than average Championship level here.

    Still, he’s a good age, looks versatile enough and is on a decent length of contract. If he’s solid then that’s good enough for me.

  16. 5 hours ago, Cardle is Magic said:

    I’d have us at a 4 or 5 tbh. 

    Can’t lose three derbies, collect 23 points from 18 games and say we’re doing better than average.

    Considering they have only lost one game and have conceded just SEVEN goals, it’s remarkable that United are not top of the table. Of course, they win their game in hand and they would be 1st but still only on goal difference.

    Understand that historically Arbroath and Dunfermline have completely different expectations but surely the no1 priority after promotion is to safely consolidate in the first season back at the higher level?

    The Pars are currently comfortably mid table. Do exactly the same for the second half of the season and they’ll likely end up around 6th/7th place. Do marginally better and there’s a possibility of a promotion playoff, slightly worse and it’ll be 7th/8th at worst. It would need a pretty big collapse and collective improvement from the teams below for Dunfermline to be at serious threat of relegation.

    Surely this time last season all Dunfermline fans would have bitten your hand off to be where they are now?

    I feel that Raith doing so well has coloured Dunfermline fans’ views on the season so far.

  17. On 02/01/2024 at 08:48, Dons_1988 said:

    Sad to find this thread on page 6!

    Today is day 1 for me of training for the Edinburgh marathon again. This will be my 3rd marathon. First one was fine but 2nd ended badly with being unexpectedly hot and I really struggled. Despite being a better runner than first time round, I ended up doing it in 4:53 (vs 4:15 first time). 

    Still been running but took a bit of time off from that sort of distance running after the disappointment of last time, but now feeling good to go after this again. Learned lessons that some of my training was dumb and did plenty of ‘junk miles’ last time. Lots of other external factors I think worked against me too but you can’t stop life happening. 

    Next week or two is about shaking off the past 10 days or so of drinking then starting an 18 week program of training. I think as a stretch target I could make a 3:30 marathon (I did 3:10 for a 22 mile run before my last marathon). But anything under 4 I would be pleased with. 

    Excited to go again. 

    If you can run 22 miles in 3:10 in training then 3:30 is well within your capabilities, I would say that if your training goes well, and conditions and health are good on the day then there’s no reason why you can’t run even faster than that.

    As an example - when I used to run marathons, I always tried to run my final 22/23 mile training run in the same time as my target race time. It’s amazing how good training, a proper taper and the adrenaline on the day can make a previously hard pace feel easy.

    Train and prepare well and I reckon you’ll smash your target.

  18. 1 hour ago, adamntg said:

    Just watched the United TV footage.  Can’t see what’s happened, if the go pro is behind the goal then maybe it’s a better angle. 

    United’s first goal looks offside tbh, but it’s Louis Moult that’s off, not Tony Watt who makes the cross. 

    Scott McMann looks like he’s got a nasty injury from his reaction, although I didn’t think it was a foul at the game and I’m not convinced now either.  

    It’s on our Facebook page - keeper throws himself at the cross and misses it, then grabs for it but doesn’t appear to have full control and looks like he chucks it backwards, he stands up and looks fine then collapses like he’s been shot in the stomach or arm. Yes there are a couple of Arbroath players trying to kick the ball but there doesn’t look like much or any contact.

  19. 36 minutes ago, ecto said:

    Someone said it was a colour blind thing, as the maroon and green are similar 

    I’m red/green colourblind and that first game of the season was awful for me, I found it almost impossible to watch. I wondered at the time if Balde is too as he passed the ball straight to a United player to run through for their first goal.

    It doesn’t mean that I don’t know what red and green are and I can tell the difference most of the time - it’s obvious for instance when Aberdeen play on grass, they don’t disappear. It’s more when the colours are the same tonally and in small size. It’s hard to describe. I remember being told as a kid that I couldn’t be an electrician, airline pilot or work in bomb disposal.

    Don't understand though why United couldn’t just wear their home kit today.

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