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Posts posted by Tattie36

  1. 15 minutes ago, 1320Lichtie said:

    Nobody is moving from Tampa to take charge of Arbroath - if they did I would seriously question their decision making and wouldn’t want him here 😂


    Not heard Tam Courts either 

    Imagine the press conference.

    ”Well aye Florida was alright I suppose - there was the weather, great lifestyle, fanstastic training facilities, working with top quality professionals, huge budget and massive salary but you know - the lure of a Marco’s mock chop supper and getting a Vauxhall Astra from Mackie Motors with my name on the side was far too good a deal to turn down. Can’t wait to get going and the cold, wet nights in Perth”.

  2. Some interesting names being suggested so far - some who will definitely have applied, also no doubt some unexpected left-field applicants… but there’s also some absolutely wild shouts.

    I take it that’s the Graham Alexander who manages Bradford City? Calum Davidson who turned down Dundee? Steve Hammell head of Celtic’s Academy? Robbie Neilson head coach of Tampa Bay Rowdies? Jack Ross - no chance.

    Just because they’re out of the public eye or out of the game in Scotland doesn’t mean they’re sitting twiddling their thumbs waiting for the call from Mike Caird.. 

  3. 49 minutes ago, ellichtie said:

    Supposedly Yogi is up for it, so we could be seeing him appointed in the next few days.

    Tbf Yogi would be “up for it” even if my son’s u13 team were looking for a new manager.

    He’s had far too many failures for me I’m afraid so I really hope it’s not him. However, if he’s appointed then so be it and I’ll get behind him and hope for the best.

  4. 18 minutes ago, 1320Lichtie said:

    Hoping the Mick Kennedy and Yogi Hughes shouts are attempts at a wind up but there is also a part of me where I am thinking f**k it it’ll be a laugh anyway 



    I agree.

    I’m trying to keep as open a mind as possible on this. Would rather it was neither of those two but we have to give whoever it is full backing, initially at least.

    I'm sure quite a few of us were very sceptical when Campbell was appointed so who knows. Just want someone in asap so we can get cracking on.

  5. 17 minutes ago, clashcityrocker said:

    The recent run of defeats has placed doubts in the player's minds - resulting in them losing confidence, this is one of the reasons they are making mistakes - they have a fear of losing, which is putting them on the edge (this is common among teams on a losing run).

    One of the first tasks for the new manager will be to restore the player's confidence, get them believing they can win games and guide them to start winning games - then the confidence will return.

    Last night was a horror show ( there have been a few this season), but we still have time to turn this around - we need a new manager who can inspire the players, lift their confidence, get them organised and get them back playing good football ( which they have proved they can do).

    We need to rally round, support the players and back the new manager when he arrives - get a win and the confidence and self belief will slowly start to return.




    What does any of this mean… really?

    What self belief? What confidence? what doubts?

    Aside from a 4 game window (5 if you include squeeking past a poor QoS in the diddy cup) and the occasional isolated game last season, this is our form and has been for the guts of 18 months. Although arguably, this season (aside from those 4 games) is far worse than last season.

    You constantly talk as if we have some form to return to when the reality is that the 4 wins was an anomaly - this is reality.

  6. 2 minutes ago, RedLichtie86 said:

    If only we had a youth/development team to fall back on have options on the bench.

    I would make this a priority. We’ve recently started up a women’s team so why not boys - youth - development squads? Even Elgin City have agegroup teams from very young. Ok you could argue that it’s not worked for them but our youth team produced quite a few first team players in the past.

  7. 1 minute ago, lichtie23 said:

    So looking towards Ayr we could be without McIntosh, Gold, McKenna & Dow. Does that leave us with 3 on the bench? 

    Yep but yet again - me and RedLichtie86 got pelters here for saying our squad was too light on numbers. We had 4 on the bench (3 outfield) v TNS and I was told “it’s fine” when I said it was embarrassing.

    A couple of training knocks, a suspension or two and we could literally be unable to fulfil a fixture or have a single outfield player on the bench. Has that ever happened before?

  8. Just now, 1320Lichtie said:

    Sending Balde on loan an absolutely horrendous decision - Dicks left us in a mess 

    Yet Facebook will be rammed with Dick loving happy clappers saying we should have stuck with him. This entire shambles is 100% his fault and still will be even if we bring someone else in and go down anyway.

  9. 4 minutes ago, 1320Lichtie said:

    More so on player types - there is not too much difference between Gold / Slater / Norey / Lyon / Jacobs - all pretty small central kind of defensive midfield players but not really defensive midfield players with no standout attribute. Dick loved filling the squad with these players, usually so they could play in several positions. 

    Dow doesn’t really offer anything out wide - Turan pretty similar in all honesty. Neither are wingers but it is the only place for them in the team.

    Stowe and Hylton are our two real players with pace - Hylton virtually the only spark in the side cause Stowe never ever plays. Stewart cannot get out of defence 


    I really rate Bird but he was poor tonight - if he’s poor then nobody is scoring cause the whole system is built on him bringing the team into play 


    So much work to do - I would just send Norey and Turan down the road in January. Get rid of Jacobs if possible. Try to get a bit more balance to the team 


    I really hope McKenna is ok 

    Agree with you but you also need physical numbers - how many will we have on the bench on Saturday 3, 4? I keep saying this but it would be embarrassing for a junior team to be incapable of filling the bench never mind an established championship team. Yes we’ve had bad luck with injuries etc but so does everyone else, you have to build that in to your squad because it happens every season to every team.

    To put Balde out on loan was one of the worst decisions made by Campbell.

  10. 10 minutes ago, 1320Lichtie said:

    McKenna off in a stretcher - f**k me man it was 3-0 who cares about all the additional time just blow the whistle. Gold off injured too. 

    We look absolutely lost - a shadow of ourselves. 

    Fully reliant on Hylton and Bird to score goals and are so light on numbers. 

    It is all a bit of a shambles 

    Not going to say “I told you so” (not you literally) but very early in the season I was being castigated by some here for saying our squad was far too light on numbers - and even as recently for commenting on how embarrassingly small our bench was v TNS. This isn’t the 80s anymore - you need at least 21/22 of a squad to function in the modern game.


  11. 19 minutes ago, SimonLichtie said:

    A side from Petrie, the only other name that's been mentioned to me that I found interesting was Andy Webster....

    In all honesty, every other name on this thread or mentioned elsewhere doesn't really interest me or I don't think would ever happen..... I'm really hoping we get some applications from people of a good standard that no-one has yet mentioned.

    Billy Dodds, Jim McIntyre and suchlike are absolutely no's for me, and likewise I don't want some ex old firm player who thinks he's the bollocks to swan into the hotseat.

    As I say, I hope some other names come to the fore in the next few weeks, as the vast majority of options don't excite me whatsoever.

    I’m on the same page - out of all the names mentioned, Petrie is the only one I would like.

    I think it would be a great fit for him and us. He’s probably taken Mo as far as he can - move along the road, stay part-time, a bigger challenge, get a larger budget and even if things don’t work out he would have a large queue of other part-time clubs willing to give him a job.

  12. 17 minutes ago, RedLichtie86 said:


    Who would we want or think might be in the running for the job?

    Petrie for me.

    Davidson obviously has a good track record but if he turned down Dundee in the summer, there’s probably a 0% chance of him coming to us. Not sure I would want him anyway though as by all accounts he’s dour as f**k and so is his football - the last thing we need after the past 18 months.

    If not Petrie then someone young who likes attacking, exciting football. Do they even exist? Thomson?

  13. 43 minutes ago, mo83 said:

    Be interesting to see how this pans out as certain posters on here over the years have been telling us Mo fan's  SP will be the next manager once DC had left.

    DC has now left the building rightly or wrongly it's now time for the AFC board to find a replacement.


    It’s very interesting and I suppose it all boils down to Petrie’s thoughts and ambitions. It’s already been established that he wants to stay part time and there aren’t many, if any part time teams that would be a step up from where he is, aside from Arbroath. So the big questions are - is he happy at Mo? - I’m sure he is; does he feel that he’s taken them as far as he can, on and off the pitch? - Possibly; does he fancy a new, bigger challenge? - again possibly.

    The reality is that Mo are probably at the limit of their potential, consistent top half of L1 and a realistic chance of the promotion playoffs every season. Arbroath on the other hand have become (for now 🫣) an established championship club with huge advancements on and off the pitch. He would have a much larger budget to play with and he’s remembered very fondly by our support so there would be no anti Mo sentiment. There’s also the situation where, if he came and failed, there would still be a queue of part-time teams willing to give him a job.

    Just might not fancy it though and think it’s too much of a risk. If i was the Arbroath board then I’d be throwing the kitchen sink at trying to get him. Then again, maybe he’s not even in their thoughts?

  14. 2 minutes ago, Bring Back Paddy Flannery said:

    An absolutely disgusting comment to make towards a fellow football supporter who is showing genuine concern for a fanbase who are showing signs of losing the plot.

    I’m sure you lost the plot a little last season watching your club throw away the biggest league lead since fitba began. Must be tough.

  15. 3 minutes ago, Bring Back Paddy Flannery said:

    You are 4 points clear of bottom placed Morton and if you win your game in hand you’ll be 6th in the league. What the hell are Arbroath fans expecting? You are quite literally the only part-time team in the league, surviving on the last day of the season is a success, not something to beat Campbell with and use against him.

    That one freak show of a good season has ruined you. Ideas above your station IMHO. 

    Garbage. No one was ruined by season 21/22. Read back on here and you will find that, even at the time, every single poster knew it was more than likely a once in a lifetime season, fantastic but unlikely to be repeated. No one expected anything like that ever again. Also, to a man (and woman) our support would be delighted with an 8th place finish from now until the end of time. However there has to be more to it than watching soul destroying football week in week out, weird tactics, poor signings, bad treatment of individual players, blaming the fans etc etc etc etc etc.

    We are only 4 points above Morton because we had a fluke 4 week spell where we were playing the football that this squad is capable of but has been hindered in due to the now departed management team.

    I am 100% certain that we would have been relegated automatically if there was no change - we may still go down but something fresh has to be tried. I guarantee that if you had stood on the terraces at Gayfield for the last 18 months and watched what we have then you would be in total agreement.

    Everyone wanted Dick to turn this round and as such he was given a far far longer time than any other board/fanbase would have given anyone else but it had to come to a head eventually. I am positive that Dick was given the opportunity to resign instead of being sacked as one last opportunity to save a bit of face and leave with his head held high, deservedly imo.

  16. 1 minute ago, Bring Back Paddy Flannery said:

    I genuinely think Arbroath will regret this. None of the names mentioned so far could lace big Dick’s bunnet so be careful what you wish for.

    Campbell would’ve kept you up comfortably and realisticly that should be the aim and nothing more. Despite the success of a couple of seasons ago, part-time teams should be looking to survive and anything else is a complete bonus. Arbroath are sitting pretty in the league so I just can’t fathom why there is such a clamour to get rid of Dick and his team.


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