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Posts posted by Tattie36

  1. 18 minutes ago, Pull My Strings said:

    Surprised by how positive the Arbroath fans are being about the game. That was as easy as the first two fixtures and could comfortably have  been another 4 or 6. United back on it a bit today and it never looked like anything other than an easy win. 

    That was nothing like the first two games - the first one in particular was like watching e.g. Celtic v Elgin City. It was non stop relentless attack after attack and united could easily have scored 10+ that day.

    Up until the first goal, today’s game was reasonably even. Yes United had a couple of decent chances but nothing clear cut. We also had some chances and good attacking play.

    The first goal was a complete fluke, the second looked like a poor error of judgement from Gaston and the third came so soon after that it knocked the stuffing out of Arbroath and killed the game as a contest.

    Aside from that, we looked energetic, dangerous at times and never gave up. As has been said already - considering the mess we’re in at the moment re squad size, injuries, literally one “fit” defender who is playing with a broken toe and the fact that most of our players must be running on fumes - then it wasn’t nearly as bad as it could have been or actually should have been.

  2. Not great but not terrible either. United probably deserved to win but 3-0 was harsh.

    Cant really blame anyone for the first goal, more bad luck than anything - looked offside and the ball bobbled over his foot just as Norey was about to clear it. Second looked like Gaston was way too slow to come for it, hesitated then once he decided to commit it was too late.

    Ref was awful. Stopped the game twice when we were on the attack which allowed United to organise their defence and I’d love to see what that foul was given for when it looked like we might have scored - a stramash and the keeper rolling about doesn’t automatically mean there was foul play. Sea side linesman was behind the play all game and seemed to be very reluctant to put his flag up.

    Showed a lot of fight and on another day could have come away with something. Much more positive than the last couple of games v United, despite the scoreline. A lot to be positive about considering the threadbare, makeshift and walking wounded nature of the squad. Hope we can get some bodies in before the weekend.

  3. On 26/12/2023 at 14:33, Harry Kinnear said:

    My other half is related to Alan Gorries wife so AWB will always get a mention. Also I was at school with Elizabeth Fraser and am still friendly with her sister and brother in law so the Cocteau’s are a favourite as well.

    Away from the name dropping I would probably go Skids, Rezillos, Goodbye Mr McKenzie, Runrig and The Vatersay Boys in no particular order.

    My uncle was Malcolm (Molly) Duncan (my mum’s brother) AWBs tenor sax player. Sadly he died 4 years ago but I was lucky enough to have seen him play loads and met Hamish Stuart a few times and Steve Ferrone twice. Also met the whole band in the early 80s. Unfortunately there was no love lost between some of the original band members - hence the spilt back in the 80s. Never managed to get the juicy details but safe to say it was enough that a reunion of the proper AWB was never going to happen… too late now of course.

    Was quite weird growing up in a council house in Arbroath and watching your uncle on TOTP and seeing their massive success, particularly in the US.

    Cool that you know Liz Fraser, love the Cocteau twins.

  4. Not one person on here, including me, has suggested that we should have a squad of 24/25 players. Aside from clubs having youth teams to dip into, that’s just not feasible for anyone at this level.

    It’s been said that we have a squad of 21/22 but due to long-term injuries and loans we’ve been operating with an actual number of more like 18/19. Throw in the inevitable injuries and suspensions and that’s how we end up where we are. It happened last season too so it’s not like it’s unprecedented.

    The bare minimum should be that a club has enough fit and available players  on the bench to cover for 5 outfield substitutions plus a goalie.

    21 is the perfect number but that has to be players that are theoretically available and have the ability.

  5. I know Balde isn’t everyone’s cup of tea but I for one am looking forward to seeing how he gets on under McIntyre. We’ve seen a big improvement in the team in general and particularly in some individuals - Norey, Slater etc since the new regime came in so it might be just be what he needs. there’s definitely a good player in there imo.

  6. Just watched the highlights - that goal looks better every time I see it, no way was the keeper saving that. Would have loved to have seen it from behind the goal.

    I thought Rovers’ first goal looked like it might have been offside but it’s good to see the officials giving the benefit of the doubt to the attacking team so no complaints…. and better than having the dreaded VAR ruining the game.

    Also thought we had a good shout for a penalty in the first half but understand why it wasn’t given. The penalty we did get was a stonewaller imo, heading for the top corner and well spotted by the ref, but again, I would have understood if the ref had missed it.

    So much fight (sometimes literally too much) in this team now.


  7. 21 minutes ago, lichtie23 said:

    Another thing I don’t understand is sitting in the away end and seeing rivers fans piling out the ground. Have t you lot won a ridiculous amount of points late in games? 

    Us fitba fans are comically fickle aren’t we? Raith having their best season for decades, unexpectedly top of the league, winning week after week with dramatic last minute winners and playing excellent, exciting football. Two draws in a row and it’s suddenly doom and gloom and their fans are starting to get twitchy.

    Not having a go at Raith fans at all, we’re all the same and we went through it 2 seasons ago. Just look at Celtic a couple of weeks ago - draw v Motherwell and lose v Killie and you would have thought they were bottom of L2.

    Yes it’s a wee blip for Rovers but they’re still top and on a great run. Today was a freak game and 99/100 times they would have won that fairly comfortably. Makes up for the smash and grab at Gayfield a few weeks ago.

  8. 25 minutes ago, 1320Lichtie said:

    I feel completely different - I feel like things have been massively shaken up in a good way and we’ve hit the reset button and it is showing in regards to team spirit and organisation. A decent January window will give us a great chance for me. 

    100% - with a bit more luck we could be unbeaten since McIntyre came in. He’s instilled a real fighting spirit in this team (a bit too literally at times) and I’m feeling very positive about what’s to come for the rest of the season. If we’ve been able to pull out the results we’ve had recently with such a threadbare squad then there’s no reason that we can’t continue with or improve on that once some new players are brought in.

  9. Brilliant result today. When it went to 2-0 and with Adams up front I was very worried that we would collapse to a very heavy defeat.

    McIntyre has really instilled a battling, hard to beat attitude in the team.

    Will we even have enough players to field a team on the 2nd? Will we have to play Adams outfield from the start 😆

  10. 3 hours ago, 1320Lichtie said:

    Totally blown out of proportion for me 


    Seen worse at five asides ffs

    Yes we all have. Also go and watch a few amateur matches and you’ll see worse fairly regularly.

    However the fact that people still talk about the Levein/Hogg and Bowyer/Dyer incidents shows just how rare these kind of things are in pro (semi) football. Those games were almost 20 and 30 years ago.

    What annoys me most is that we were well on the way to a victory and a good performance. Those 3 points would have pushed us up the league, propelled us past last seasons points total for this stage of the season and would have given everyone a massive boost. If it had happened during one of the United pumpings or the last time v Dunfermline then I would have probably shrugged my shoulders and thought “f**k sake, what a shambles but at least they’re showing a bit of passion”.

    Hyton just pressed the self destruct button and should be rightly vilified for it imo.

  11. I’m sure that not all players get on and there might be something bubbling under between the two of them, however to raise your hands to a team mate when winning a tight match and pushing for a very important 3 points is atrocious behaviour imo.

    Ok, he might have been frustrated that he never got the pass but everyone knows and accepts that strikers are selfish and will 99/100 take the shot instead of looking to play in a team mate. It’s the same at every level and every age group so it’s pretty astonishing that a seasoned pro would act like that - never seen anything like it in all my years of going to Gayfield.

    Concentrate on winning the game and take that shit to the changing room.

    Bird was incredibly unlucky to be sent off - what exactly was he meant to do? and the first half yellow was a joke.

  12. Not sure what to make of the incident but it probably/possibly cost us 2 points. Also a terrible goal to concede, a free header a couple of yards out. However Dunfermline missed some very good chances so it could have been worse.

    Still can’t believe Bird got the yellow in the first half which ultimately saw him sent off. If a defender is going to stick their head on a ball at waist height in the box when a striker has every right to go for the ball then they will occasionally get a kick. Hope Hamilton’s alright but imo it was just an unfortunate accident and not a yellow in a million years. The only dangerous play involved was Hamilton putting his head there in the first place.

    Yesterday was as much about the performance as the result for me and I said I’d be ok with a point pre match so not too unhappy. 4 points out of 12 isn’t a great return but a bit more luck and it could have been 8, small margins. Things definitely looking on the up.

  13. Really looking forward to this. This will be the first time I’ve seen us under the new regime and, for various reasons, only the third time I’ve seen us in the league this season.

    Judging by what I’m hearing and reading, McIntyre seems to have got us playing better football and we seem to be competing in games now.

    A win would be superb, a draw decent and even a narrow defeat wouldn’t be the end of the world.

    Reaching half way in a similar position (points wise) to last season wouldn’t be terrible as at least… and at last things seem to be going in a positive direction. A few weeks ago I, like many others, thought we were doomed but a few more points in the coming weeks and we’ll start climbing the table. Thankfully plenty of other teams in the Championship are within touching distance.

    The Foundry reopening on Friday is an added bonus for some pre and post match beers.

  14. 10 minutes ago, clashcityrocker said:

    I love football - what an effort from everyone - I knew a result was coming soon.

    Thanks to all the players for putting in another great shift.

    This really is a yo-yo league - Arbroath only 2 points behind Morton who are 5th in the league !

    Have a great weekend.

    🤣 I wondered how long it would take for you to come out with a “telt ye” type post.

    Repeating the same guff 10 times a week for 18 months doesn’t somehow make you a sage when we eventually win one.

    A great, if slightly unexpected result and performances certainly seem to be improving under McIntyre but let’s just enjoy the winning feeling without the “I’ve known this was coming” type posts.

  15. 21 minutes ago, lichtie23 said:

    Picking up Points “soon” isn’t good enough. We need to pick up points now 

    Yeah. At the turn of the year last season I think we had 15/16 points and a large proportion of us thought we were doomed. Luckily Cove shat the bed which kind of saved us.

    I would hope we can be sitting on the same kind of points again this season to give ourselves some kind of chance and hope we have a good window. The big problem is that I just can’t see where those 3 or 4 points are coming from - Dunfermline at home perhaps. If we can even get any kind of half decent team on the pitch that is.

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