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Everything posted by Tattie36

  1. Are we going to have to face the fact soon that we can’t look to build or base our midfield around Nicky Low? Feel terrible for him obviously and would love nothing more than to have him back at his best, but we need continuity and have to start looking at having a consistent midfield of guys who can play week after week without injury. Obviously anyone can get injured but just playing without any obvious incident shouldn’t be enough to crock a player for weeks.
  2. Why do Accies fans seem to want to sit as far apart from each other as possible? Also why would you sit as far as is physically possible away from the goal your team are attacking? I understand if the stadium is full but when it’s empty, why not move to get the best vantage point?
  3. I’ve only been to Cappielow once v Clydebank for the last game of the season 2000/01 when we last won promotion to the Championship or First Division as it was called then. We’d confirmed second place and automatic promotion the previous Saturday, so me and a pal decided to drive through for a stress free game. My main recollections are it was a draw, that only the main stand was open, liked Cappielow as it’s a proper old school ground and that the drive along the Clyde to Greenock was surprisingly picturesque. Think we parked just behind the home end, mind you there couldn’t have been more than 400 at the game. Would like to go back, not tomorrow unfortunately.
  4. Utterly abject performance again. At least under Kerr Scotland created a shit ton of chances, just couldn’t score them. Now it’s like 3 or 4 attempts at most over the 90, nothing but slow sideways and backward passes, defensive errors and zero directness. Kerr was crap but Losa is destroying what was a good squad with some world class players.
  5. Yeah was thinking this myself. If things escalate then I can’t see how Ukraine can/will want to or even be able to fulfil the fixture. I don’t think we would get a bye to the final though and reckon it would be next taxi off the rank - Finland who finished third in Ukraine’s group. Unlikely but could Russia also be expelled from the playoffs?
  6. I have a feeling that, with the missing players and tough recent schedule, that we were setup for a draw yesterday, hence the conservative lineup. Also taking into consideration the “new manager bounce” for Queens, I think a draw was a pretty decent result.
  7. We are the top scorers in the league but there is absolutely no doubt that it’s our defence that is the main reason we are where we are.
  8. Never watched today but it feels like we're running out of steam a little. Two very poor league performances back to back against teams towards the bottom of the league - lucky to have come away with two draws. Two very tough games coming up, season defining I think. Not complaining, still absolutely delighted with how the season's going and a playoff place would be incredible.
  9. You heartless bugger - you should have carried her to her seat
  10. I’m hearing that Jack has been I’llso that explains him being out. However I just wish we’d subbed Low and C Hamilton early last week. It was a pretty meaningless game in the grand scheme of things and I think we would all rather have had a fully fit squad today. Some guys really need to step up big time today.
  11. Think I need a lie down as I agree with pretty much every word you say… for once the only difference I would have in that staring 11 is that I would play Henderson alongside Low in the centre of midfield and McKenna wide right. Definitely need Stewart’s dynamism to assist Hammy. All 5 goals conceded in the last week have come down our left, it’s definitely being targeted by our opponents.
  12. What a load of shite. Nicky Low’s just a naturally wee, stocky guy, could perhaps do with losing a wee bit of weight but he’s not long back from a few months out injured. He’s played plenty of top flight football and is a league cup winner with Aberdeen. Poor guys career has been blighted with injury and I’m sure he would still be playing full-time football if he hadn’t been so unlucky. Still easily one of the best footballers in the Championship.
  13. Do you really think I’m going to say and risk getting a telling off for being a bad fan?
  14. You despair because some wanted earlier subs or are pointing out that we would need to strengthen the squad if we go up? Both very valid points imo. Are you saying that no one is allowed to say anything remotely critical of the team or individuals or tactics or subs? We just have to praise everything? I think this season has been unbelievably brilliant, comfortably the best in my 44+ years of going to Gayfield. The players and management have been superb, and deserve all the credit and praise they’re getting - doesn’t mean we can’t have a wee moan or a bit of constructive criticism every so often.
  15. I don’t think Hibs are very average at all. Granted they’ve been on a bad run but they’re definitely one of the better sides in the division. Agree that we need to massively strengthen if we go up. I know this will be unpopular with some but there are a few in our squad that are miles away from Premiership quality. One in particular was glaringly obvious today.
  16. Thought we did ok today. First 10 minutes of each half we looked good but Hibs controlled most of the rest of the game. As usual, I thought we should have kept it on the ground more and targeted their number 33 in particular as he looked shaky and was booked early on. On the other hand Porteous strolled it. Nisbet’s goal was class, nothing anyone could have don’t about it and their third was just one of those stramashes that, unfortunately fell for them. Only criticism is that the subs should have been on significantly earlier, they had 4 subs on by the time we made any (apart from Low for Henderson). Chris and Jack Hamilton were out on their feet and needed replaced earlier. Putting on fresh legs at 1-2 and going for it would have been a better bet imo. By the time the subs came on it was too late as the third had killed the game. Though Bakare looked good in the short time he was on, didn’t see enough of Ford to form any kind of opinion. Almost glad we’re out though as we really need to concentrate on the league without any distractions.
  17. They’ll still mention it though. Read a comment on the Hibs FB page, some guy saying it’ll be tough with the strong wind and small pitch. There’s barely a gentle breeze forecast, and the Gayfield playing surface is bigger than many premiership grounds and almost the exact same as Easter Road (same length, 3m narrower), yet folk (and the media) just bang out the usual lazy cliches. Also read a Hibs fan saying we will have an advantage on our artificial pitch, are people incapable of doing even simple research before spouting guff on social media?
  18. I just meant that when you posted it was 0-1. Agree a draw is still a great result for us.
  19. Very strange post there LichtieSince84. If we can’t come on here and haver pish and inane crap then where can we? Can’t say I’ve noticed Stan3600 being any more or less verbose or irrelevant than anyone else. Perhaps I’m on your list too. Oh well.
  20. Yeah but as Stan3600 heavily hinted towards, we already have someone in the squad with those atributes.
  21. Can’t see him being anywhere near the starting 11 but our squad is small and with the new 5 subs rule he will definitely feature. Our biggest weakness this season has been quality delivery so if he can cross a ball then he’ll do ok.
  22. No way could Chris Hamilton play centre half, especially not last night against Hamilton’s height - they scored both their goals with headers from crosses - but he’s a good full back. Also remember that Ricky Little’s short for that position too so we would have been very compromised. Could have possibly played Hammy or JT as centre half to enable Henderson to play in central midfield with Low, Linn on the left and McKenna right. Doesn’t matter now though as it’s history.
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