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pub car king

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Everything posted by pub car king

  1. This is unravelling at quite a rate now. I wonder if the board will u turn and start chucking folk under the bus ie the CEO who sanctioned and negotiated this deal. Or will they ride it out?
  2. Everyone and their granny has been dragged into this debacle apart from Karen McCartney. You would think that the person appointed to run this thing with previous experience in the field would have been wise enough to say hang on here and now the shit has hit the fan should be front and centre in the response to this.
  3. If the treads gone where can we bitch and moan? McGlynn must be under intense pressure at the minute over our latest striker. however he needs to sort the defence out sharpish we have been giving away leads all season and a frankie and bene partnership is not the answer.
  4. If we had signed him 3 years ago there would have been an outcry but nothing on this scale. However in the time that has passed we have had the me too movement, Sarah Everard and "cancel culture" Which has (rightly) highlighted violence against women and girls. As such this signing was always going to be toxic for the club. His career at Clyde was tolerated and almost under the radar as he'd been there so long. There is no good way out if this situation and the club will be tainted by it for a very long time. The board have and will double down hoping to ride it out.
  5. 5 goals conceded in 2 games against the the sides 9th and 10th in the league. Its not just goalscoring that's the issue.
  6. Had better atmosphere when the fans were locked out.
  7. Moot point in all of this but that's a bizarre team from McGlynn Benedictus and Musonda were both gash on Friday
  8. If this doesn't calm down in a month or so I can see him begging to be let go from his contract. Everyone knew the reaction it would get but I doubt anyone expected this level of media interest and scrutiny.
  9. Fucking hell that's a horrendous statement, mind you there's nobody left to write it up.
  10. I can't see him being in the squad tonight while they work out what to do.
  11. Fucksake even the ball boys have chucked it. This is going to be damage limitation (if possible) and eat shit for a long time regardless of what the club do to try and rectify this situation. Also if the figures are to be believed he will be one of if not our highest earner which can only have gone down well in the changing room.
  12. This is a we are going full pelt for promotion statement and hope it pays off. On a footballing basis this has been a good window and we've bought very good players in positions we need. The fallout from it though will be horrendous especially if he fails to perform (please excuse the pun). Well it's seldom dull at the Rovers.
  13. Why don't we go back in for Bowie if they are loaning him? He'd settle right back in or do they rate him as a premiership player.
  14. Looks like Greenwood has an extension on his custody time. Police might be going for a charge and remand tonight. Normally these things get bailed and the investigation drags on for months.
  15. Massive attitude problem there which is frustrating because he's got the talent. In transfer business I think it'll be the loan market now.
  16. If we sort ourselves out and come up with a plan B we could hit the run in on form and to do that we need a league win sharpish.
  17. I think the officials got most things right, it was a good call for the offside. The handball has been missed and sometimes it happens. It was a proper blood and thunder match played in a hurricane though.
  18. Disagree I'd rather Partick beat Arbroath and blow it wide open.
  19. I'm hoping this is just a shite rin of results and form. We actually created good chances tonight but Morton really wanted it more. Back 5 does not work for us as Dick is a bread and butter old fashioned left back he common do much else which leaves the team unbalanced. We have really missed having 2 mobile full backs although Tumilty put in a shift tonight. Stanton is starting to grip up the midfield, hom Matthews and Spencer will be decent. We really need a focal point in attack tonight would have been ideal for Varian and i dont know why Poplatnik wasnt given a start. we have so many wingers/forwards to play off them it's almost an embarrassment of riches.
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