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pub car king

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Everything posted by pub car king

  1. I too had no idea that the CEO was infact Mrs Smith. I did however at the time question why did we need a CEO and what the f**k does she actually do? Imagine my dismay When the question was answered.
  2. Plenty of our team are good players the first half of the season shows this. Despite ongoing results we have good players.
  3. Of those players listed only Bene will stay in my opinion. McKay Isn't going to make it and the rest will be off.
  4. We were going off the boil when we scraped the win at home to killie. At that point the team were buzzing as were the fans. Following that the record went at Partick and we hid some Really shite form, however it was due and we had injuries but these things normally pass. However ever since the turn of the year when rumours of the impending move started to surface the team has been another level of dross. The players obviously knew the ins and outs of it all well before it happened and that buzzing team have gone. I don't think ma y if any of those out of contract in June will return and I think a few of the ones still in contract will be hounding their agents for a move.
  5. I think that's the season done, we won't go down but that's got to be the play offs all but gone. There is something seriously wrong here. I think the impact of he who shall not be named has affected more than the fans. I wonder how many of this team out of contract will return in the summer.
  6. This is by far the most reasoned high brow debate on p&b, probably ever. P60 bring yer maw.
  7. £5.90 worth of salvation in an unholy land. Oh and there's a hook for your jacket.
  8. We can tell Clyde to get fucked but that only buys respite until the end of the season. Get your cheque book out Sim, pay him off and get him away from the club. There is no cheap easy fix for this that has just been blown out the sky.
  9. Frank is most definetly in the fabric of the club. One of the great managers the McGlynn of his day and without who the success of the nineties would not have happened.
  10. Armstrong was a frustration with us. He consistently wasted dead balls and was anonymous. Yet he could be great, the away game at Dundee in the playoffs he was like a man possessed.
  11. I wouldn't normally be bothered but it is an opportunity to try and win a game. At this stage we need to beat someone, anyone at any point in any game. Kilmarnock to rin out 3-1 winners.
  12. Erm I'd imagine we are still paying a good portion if not all his wages. Wouldn't surprise me if we've begged Clyde to take him for free until the end of the season.
  13. Anyone else keeping tabs on Britney "living her best life" on social media since the recent court ruling?
  14. Because we have denied him the opportunity to earn those bonuses.
  15. Should we just open a new thread to discuss he who shall not be named. Folk can then do their nut in there with fellow posters who also wish to vent.
  16. Love a pub with a proper old wood bar and a collection tin on it.
  17. We lost the unbeaten run against thistle and despite everything that's happened since there is some kind of weird symmetry about playing them again. Rovers to win. Blind faith/drunk based prediction.
  18. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/home-news/captain-tom-foundation-charity-daughter-b2018320.html Wow I am so shocked by this revelation, how will I recover from this crushing blow.
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