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pub car king

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Everything posted by pub car king

  1. I am surprised Spencer would go to Falkirk but perhaps he feels he owes/trusts McGlynn.
  2. If the CEO only deals with off the field matters and the wider running of the club as a business. Then to be honest we're not seeing a great deal of return on that side of things either.
  3. If said CEO has had no dealings with contract matters then. 1. What is her role 2. Why is she now spearheading the recruitment of a manager. Was it a case of there previously being a conflict of interest in which case back to point number 1.
  4. The thing is looking at the rest of the championship of we could pick anyone else's manager I think you would struggle to get overly excited. Campbell has done wonders at Arbroath but doubt he could do it again and I'm expecting an Arbroath collapse as his side get older and teams work them out. Imrie has had a great start at Morton getting them organised. That's about it I just don't think there's all that many managers to get excited about. In terms of the unemployed nd likely candidates it's even worse. Some of the names give me genuine fear.
  5. Who is Thomsons assistant at Kelty? He may have potential with the coaching background and a solid assistant as a sounding board.
  6. I wonder if Kilmarnock would go in for Tumilty, he gave them a torrid time this season. Spencer I would be highly surprised if he dropped down to league 1. Benedictus could do a job there as would McKay with a bit of game time.
  7. The CEO has to go as well for me. How the f**k have we lost our management team when she's living in the same house as one of them. Not to mention various other debacle she's overseen. The timing of of it is fucking horrendous. What decent players we have out of contract will most definetly be away. Other clubs will swoop in like vultures now. Even the likes of Benedictus will likely be gone as well because he's not going to wait around for some new guy to come in and decide he doesn't fancy him. Talk of a reduced transfer budget is also going to put off any decent manager not to mention our fucking embarrassment of a board who couldn't find their own arse with both hands.
  8. It's got to be down to more than money. If Falkirk want him to spearhead a 5 year plan then that is a massive buy into McGlynns management. Our own boards inaction also speaks wonders for what their buy in is.
  9. The fucking board have sat on their hands. Falkirk are offering McGlynn the keys to the kingdom and we're probably offering a 1 year deal for less money and "there's 41 other clubs to manage" if you don't like it. Yet the best they can come up with is James McPake? Who comes across as someone who struggles to spell his own fucking name.
  10. There is something to be said with how McGlynns view of the board is. After the whole fiasco in January he has been the only one to come out hold his hands up and show some contrition. The board have otherwise stuck their fingers in their ears and pretended it wasn't going on.
  11. Yeah Livi have that trigger in Poplatniks contract for an extra year. Those fuckers clearly don't want him but they hold the cards. I think we should sort something out because we know what we are getting rather than gamble on another Varian who worked hard but scored what 2 goals?
  12. Poplatnik was a find it's just a pity it took so long in to the season to actually find him. He would be high on the list of signing priorities for me along with the new defence we will need. I think with a bit of time he could form some kind of partnership with Ross playing off him and who knows perhaps even alongside Vaughan. For a small guy he is like a little tank and he wins a lot in the air.
  13. Stanton has been good tonight but he looks like he'd rather punch his granny in the face than have a shot. We need to get the best fullbacks we can find next year they are so key to our attacking.
  14. Has the look of a goodbye sadly. What the f**k is that fredrick for handball he's fell on it.
  15. This isn't the year for a rookie manager if indeed that's what happens we potentially need a sizeable rebuild in defence and midfield. There seems to be a lot going on behind the scenes as well. Next season is a crucial one for me, we either rally and recruit well going for the play offs/championship. Or we are looking at play offs at the other end of the table.
  16. Berra would be a bad call imo, players promoted from within rarely if ever work. You are going from colleague and team mate to managing these people. Then there's the issue with signed players he doesn't fancy. Berra may well be a good ma ager one day but needs to be somewhere he didn't play.
  17. I'm in the keep him camp, not fanatically so but looking at his history overall, his achievements at fhe club and alternatives he stays for me. I think a reasonable sit down conversation needs to be had about his signing policy and maximising what we already have. Especially seeing as we are likely to have a hefty shopping list. Thus needs to be done ASAP. This season has been an absolute basket case which is saying something for us. I think everyone needs a break for a few weeks after Friday.
  18. Let us win 8-0 only for Partick to scrape a last minute goal to shatter us. I just don't think we've had enough drama this season.
  19. What cost us was our game management throughout the season. That consistent ability to turn wins into draws and draws into defeats late on in matches. Apart from the Ayr game nobody gave us a real doing score wise. Put the mortgage on us winning on Friday and Patrick losing just to mock us.
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