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pub car king

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Everything posted by pub car king

  1. This absolute shower of self serving shitcunts thst is the UK government will sell it to one of their mates for f**k all. Then these shameless wankstains will buy shares in it for next to nothing. The old girl will be stripped bare, their HQ is a big buying in Central London so that will be cashed in. The fact even an uber torycunt like Kirstie Allsopp is balking at this tells you all you need to know.
  2. Zanatta caused problems the second he got on the park and did one of his trademark cut ins although the finish was poor. It also moved Ross more central and him along with Poplatnik running at them Queens couldn't cope. That said if it wasn't for the wood work we would have been dead and buried by half time but that's football for you.
  3. Zanatta and the shape change turned the game and 3 great goals from the rovers. But f**k me the defence is awful.
  4. Our defence yet again. They've been hopeless all match but queens have conspired to miss a fuckload of chances. We are playing fine everywhere apart from at the back. Mackie and Dick are fucking brutal defenders.
  5. If we finish with the same number of centre backs that start the game please.
  6. That's really shite news for a young man to go like that and miss out on so much. As for the heartless dead inside c**t that I am it's a relief to get off the mark after a frustrating start to the campaign. (I'm looking at you Betty White)
  7. Just to take the thread off track for a quick minute. Stirling Albion are rereleasing an old kit from the 90s made by spall who are also remaking the kit (I was amazed they were still going) Anyway it must be knocking on the door of 30 years since the unbeaten season with that great team who also wore a kit made by spall. Would be good if the club could get a few made like the recent copa cup final and europe ones. Here is Sinky looking resplendent in the afore mentioned design.
  8. Very strange set up within the Smith House from the outside looking in. It seems like Mrs Smith does what she likes, publicly shagging around and keeps Wills baws in a jar. From watching the clip it has a look of Will laughing at the routine before he is thrown a look of "what are you doing about this then, hust you wait till we get home". Before making an arse of himself. The children are a bit fucked up as well the daughter has been open about her mental health struggles and growing up amongst the circus of Hollywood won't help that. The son Jaden is the result of pushy parents to the point he seems to be having some kind of crisis about who he is Likely in part to wanting approval. I don't think last night was fake in the least. Secretly the academy will be loving the publicity its generated with its waning viewing figures in recent years.
  9. Shopping list. Defence 1x rb tumilty will be away 1x lb it's a weakness and mackie isn't proving to be the answer. 3x cb Bene will probably sign. Musonda is an unknown but I think he will be gone and we need one more unless there is a youth prospect? Midfield This is our weakness for me what we have is good for this level and I'd happy keep them all. Spencer is the priority get hom signed again. Next season could be big for Arnott. I think we need someone else to play in front of the defence. So 2 bodies (including spencer) Forwards For me we need 2 Poplatnik being one I think he is decent and now he's had a decent run with a strike partner he is proving it. You wlnt get 20 goals out of him but you will get a team player. For the other we need a Varian type to hold up the ball. Hindsight is wonderful but we should have held onto Ugwu.
  10. I think we should either get someone in who can overhaul set pieces or look within what we have, ie Berra who I believe is/was coaching at Hearts just to focus on them in training. We give away so many soft goals from them and at the other end our corners are absolute shite and have been for as long as I remember. Clearly our current training is not working.
  11. In terms of the injuries. Vaughan is a gamble every season but its the only reason we have a player of that quality, however with that said we should mitigate that by signing cover for him. Keatings was a very strange PCA and it transpires he is fucked, you would like to think a bit of due diligence would have been carried out before hand. Berra despite being in great shape is knocking on and the recovery time is always going to be longer. The other thing here is I doubt he was meant to play as regularly as he has. Macdonald was just one of those things against the cursed mob from the hills. Spencer again one of those things players will break bones but his recovery is dragging on. Musonda was injured from last season and again the recovery took longer than hoped. Lang is unfortunate, I don't know if he has a history of similar problems but again I would hope due diligence was carried out. So we've had 2 ACL, 1 broken leg and 1 player physically had to be paid off. As well as a recent outbreak of diphtheria or some such thing tear through the camp. Its actually not that bad on paper but it's made a huge mark on the season.
  12. I think we should have a look the midfield for the leaky defence. Regardless of the various permitations played in defence we have shipped goals. Although not an exact science the midfield has been more settled. I think this is another impact of losing Regan Hendry. If you have control of the middle there is a lot less pressure on the defence.
  13. Now we've all but ended Arbroath's title challenge can we send the pars to the bottom of the league next.
  14. On the face of it with our makeshift defence and what was at stake for arbroath a draw is a good result. However it's the season long story of what 18/19? Matches where we've blown the lead in the last quarter of the game. Nice for varian to actuly score a goal hopefully he can get another couple by the end of the season. Matej is on fire at the moment and I don't know why he never git a run of games until so late in the season. That's a better result for Kilmarno k than either of the teams in the match and gives them some breathing room. Arbroath need to prepare themselves and get in the right set for the play offs. As for us we get string along with false hope for another week at least.
  15. This should be the decider t the end of the season instead of goal difference. Each team sounds out the finest dugs from the town to battle it out chasing a giant beach ball.
  16. All this underdog business has got me thinking. Anyone have a dog that can play centre back?
  17. Just seen the highlights and scotland were decent tonight with good performances across the park. Patterson was lively and ran straight through the poles a few times. McGinn industrious and such a sweet cross for the goal. Tierney took the goal well and strolled the match. Gilmour still has a slight build but has learnt how to use every ounce of it to hold up against bigger players. He was really on song tonight and brilliant to get back on the line and block that certain goal. Which brings me on to McTominey, who has at least one massive brain fart in him every match he plays in defence. I think he is almost a luxury in a way and it's good he can cover defence but for me he shouldn't be starting there. It was a shocking dive for the penalty but such is life.
  18. I'm intrigued as to how the team will be set up.
  19. Wonder what the deal is with that lad on Saturday that was warming up.
  20. Spencer is out again and even if he makes it is unlikely to start. Honestly it's going to be a lashed up side that we send up to Gayfield.
  21. Partick getting horsed along the road there. It truely is the hope that kills you, if we'd managed to see out all those games we gave away late goals in we would be challenging at the top if not well clear. I know I know if your auntie had baws she'd be your uncle.
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