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pub car king

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Everything posted by pub car king

  1. Does anyone know if you can just pop into wellpark and go to the shop? I'll be over that way in a copulle of weeks and want to pick up a couple of bits.
  2. Will the club approach Denise/rape crisis in an attempt to better understand and genuinely make amends?
  3. Is Sim in the country at the minute or through any of this? If not they might be waiting on him turning up to face this mess and make some decisions.
  4. I think I'd rather get as much information and perspective about the whole thing before committing either way to how I feel at the moment it's a fucking mess. From what Bill Clark is saying even he doesn't know the fullness of events and he's on the board at the time.
  5. Fair point I think this season Gullan has had 2 bene has had 2 and zanatta had 1. I'd give them to tumilty the boy can strike a ball.
  6. The club should be proactively engaging with everyone who left and having honest discussions about where we go from here. For me the worst part of this whole fiasco was seeing people who love the club and donate so much of their time and efforts just walking off because of the actions of others. This club relies on volunteers and it relies on the fans generosity with so much bad feeling I don't know how tomorrow will play out. The Tuesday match was played against a nackdrop of a surreal kind of shock almost like a sudden bereavement.
  7. Regardless of the moral position and everything else. The fact is he has a contract and the club as employers have a duty of care towards him. This could get very messy because I'd imagine he has all kinds of promotion bonuses, appearances and goal bonuses.
  8. Briefly dipped into the 107 thing on twitter but was on my way to work. Will catch up with it at the weekend particularly interested on Margie Robertsons input.
  9. Back to actual football on field matters. We really need to grip up this defence. 3 at the back doesnt work as we have no wing back on the left which leaves it all lobsided unless one of our many wongers can slot in there? if its a back 4 Lang plus a n other probably Bene ad big Frankie has been gash. Is it worth giving McKay a go? We've been much better getting on the ball and going forward which is in no small way thanks to Stanton who was sorely needed. Up front Poolatnik deserves a run of starts to build a relationship with somebody. He won't score many but he is industrious and due to the situation that is to never be mentioned again there are few other striking options.
  10. I think McCartney will be thrown under the bus for this by the board. They will say thay she was hired to do the day to day running of the club. She did not do enough due diligence in regards to this transfer and did fully understand/disclose to the board the potential ramifications of this move. Being married to Smith she has not been impartial in this which in itself was ridiculous when appointing her really. McGlynn and Smith will go at the end of the season unless we do by some miracle go up. Smith might go before hand if his Mrs is emptied. Allan Temple wrote that Benedictus was the only person from the club to speak to the press and has probably tried to make the best of a bad situation using only football clichés. As a side note it would have been interesting to see which players left the club in June as a result of this.
  11. Those is good news indeed and I am thankful he never played a game. Absolutely nobody will come out of this unharmed. The player will likely end up in the juniors as he is now such toxic property to even go back to Clyde. The club have lost so much good will and so many amazing volunteers and sponsors many of whom will never come back. We are in a crisis with a third of the season to go but I would urge calm at this time we need to limp over the line this season in whatever position that will be and look at everything in the summer. McGlynn and Smith are out of contract and may choose to walk away themselves. The board need to have a long hard look in the mirror and the club needs to pick up the pieces with the community and start again. For what it's worth I think McGlynn has felt the pressure to go up and has looked at it solely from the football point of view no doubt under pressure from Sim and the board who have seen the pound signs of promotion.
  12. The raith TV guys have been injured to far flung fans like myself. I would like to thank them for the brilliant work they've done especially through covid and are an absolute credit to the support. I suspect they'll be replaced by a half as good overpriced pay per view alternative.
  13. This is unravelling at quite a rate now. I wonder if the board will u turn and start chucking folk under the bus ie the CEO who sanctioned and negotiated this deal. Or will they ride it out?
  14. Everyone and their granny has been dragged into this debacle apart from Karen McCartney. You would think that the person appointed to run this thing with previous experience in the field would have been wise enough to say hang on here and now the shit has hit the fan should be front and centre in the response to this.
  15. If the treads gone where can we bitch and moan? McGlynn must be under intense pressure at the minute over our latest striker. however he needs to sort the defence out sharpish we have been giving away leads all season and a frankie and bene partnership is not the answer.
  16. If we had signed him 3 years ago there would have been an outcry but nothing on this scale. However in the time that has passed we have had the me too movement, Sarah Everard and "cancel culture" Which has (rightly) highlighted violence against women and girls. As such this signing was always going to be toxic for the club. His career at Clyde was tolerated and almost under the radar as he'd been there so long. There is no good way out if this situation and the club will be tainted by it for a very long time. The board have and will double down hoping to ride it out.
  17. 5 goals conceded in 2 games against the the sides 9th and 10th in the league. Its not just goalscoring that's the issue.
  18. Had better atmosphere when the fans were locked out.
  19. Moot point in all of this but that's a bizarre team from McGlynn Benedictus and Musonda were both gash on Friday
  20. If this doesn't calm down in a month or so I can see him begging to be let go from his contract. Everyone knew the reaction it would get but I doubt anyone expected this level of media interest and scrutiny.
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