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pub car king

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Everything posted by pub car king

  1. Steak pie is great and near impossible to source where I live. So stop moaning and get fired into the steaky goodness.
  2. That's one if mine gone already, sub on Gene Hackman please Miguel
  3. That's the teamsheet in mixture of experience and promising youngsters
  4. I'm a last minute deadline day submitter as well. I've got a solid 12 despite Tutu jumping the gun with 3 spots up for grabs.
  5. So no review for another 3 weeks. She's going to dig in and I think England will hold out as well. More to do with rabid tories and boris desperately trying to cling onto his job
  6. Playing devils advocate for a minute It does bring up an interesting point on the rehabilitation of offenders. Where would people draw the line with a signing would they for arguments sake give someone convicted of murder or manslaughter a chance or would that be a compete no go? For what it's worth I don't want him for a few reasons. 1. it would cast a shadow over the off field work the club are doing. 2. It could create a very uncomfortable working environment for employees of the club. 3. It's a ticking time bomb should he have any further allegations laid against him even if they were 100% malicious. 4. From a footballing perspective I don't think he is at this level anymore.
  7. We absolutely need a striker. Varian has played almost every game and there are a couple of points to raise with this. 1. He is 18/19 years old and that is a lot to ask of a player at that stage. 2. He does work hard and creates space for others but ultimately he has scored twice. Poplatnik is similar but doesn't get starts. Now this style has been conducive to McGlynnball so far but we ultimately need a forward that scores and other options for playing.
  8. Striker please. Varian is not a goal scorer, poplatnik doesn't get the game time and the midfield have dried up. Though in fairness its not their primary job to score goals. Also Zanatta has been off the boil for at least a month.
  9. This is shocking the absolute lack of any changes is the worst part though.
  10. That's plenty we're not here to deal in any negativity. Now post a pic of the good lady or gtf.
  11. I'm fairly sure that a turkey cooked at 200 degrees fir ages will not contract covid.
  12. We have roughly 1100 ST holders and 3 games at about 380 tickets. Could they draw all 3 games at once which would mean every season ticket holder gets a ticket for 1 match. Fans could then trade tickets amongst themselves if you can't make your own match nut can make someone else's. Or draw game 1 then leave everyone else in for a week then draw game 2 and what's left after that gets game 3
  13. I've got 12 solid starters with 3 spaces up for grabs. Just waiting now for the little gap between Christmas and new year that usually has a little death or 2.
  14. How are they doing the tickets a raffle or first come first served?
  15. I wonder if after Christmas boris is going to drop some minor restriction in England if the numbers continue to fall. Just for shits and giggles.
  16. What if you had 500 in the stands and said bar at the ground was showing the stream.
  17. It's ridiculous, hypothetically speaking styx for arguments sake (with their covid record) pack the place out to watch a stream (unsure of the broadcasting legalities of this) of the match and this is safer than opening the ground.
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