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pub car king

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Everything posted by pub car king

  1. I too live in hope that you survive this pox
  2. If any of us are wiped out by this curse will their be a p&b cenotaph
  3. I'm on what I think is day 6, the lethargy is starting to ease as are the aches which are pretty much gone. I wake every day with a headache and I just can't seem to drink enough water my pish is constantly murky. I only cough sporadically during the day but start hacking away in the evening which leads to the breathlessness. Sweating is gone and definitely no temperature. Sense of smell and taste are utterly fucked. I think this fucker is going to linger on for weeks. Tomorrow I get out again where I'm going for a wee walk to the village shop for some essentials like milk and bread but I think the walk will kill me.
  4. Only 28 in England 5 in Wales 6 in Scotland and 2 in N Ireland, quite surprising. Might just be an anomaly though
  5. My own disease ridden existence update. Sure that I'm passed the worst of it, however I have f**k all energy and the sweating has returned although nowhere near as dramatically as before. Also quite dehydrated despite drinking loads. Didn't realise that GAGA had done so many tunes.
  6. If Mike Ashley does keep his shops open they will be a mecca for desperate junkie shop lifters.
  7. They haven't said what is essential business so every fucker running company will stay open and staff will have to travel to work. He has stopped short of calling a lock down because they know that due to the policy of "it's not about the numbers" with policing they have massive eroded the thin blue line. They have also set about army numbers with reckless abandon it cannot be enforced. Especially in some of the densely populated shite towns and boroughs in the south of england. The riots in london a few years ago showed that to the world.
  8. In terms of exercise I live on the edge of a village which backs onto a giant woods. I'll go out there when I'm better because outside time is important, there is nobody about even during the summer and the paths are quite established that should I see anyone I can stay well clear or call out.
  9. Update on the pox. Slept last night for 10 hours with no epic sweating for the first time. Woke up still run down and dehydrated with a light head ache but not much else wrong. Energy is low and trying not to push it which will be difficult home schooling 2 girls who've already had a fight during Joe wickes PE lesson on you tube. I tend to go downhill as the day goes on but last night I had a stupidly hot bath which near killed me at the time but I did feel a bit better after the heat were off.
  10. My fucking in laws will not listen to sense, he's 70 with bad asthma mostly because he doesnt take his inhaler properly and wont be told. She had a massive issue with her lung last summer. Yet they are still fucking about going to shops, moaning everything's off, even a bit of a domestic because its mothers day and they can't come round. Honestly I do wonder should we just let those that are going out just go and let nature take its course and the rest who are being sensible just stay out the way.
  11. The 42 team league would be fucking brilliant.
  12. I too may have fallen prey to this pox. My symptoms are like a bad cold, started with aches and a sore throat then onto a headache and a rough cough. Also for good measure when I sleep I start off freezing then at some point my body totally overheats and I am soaking wet with sweat.
  13. That'll be that c***s license pulled there and then.
  14. These peado hunters are a fucking nightmare for the police to deal with. Their so called investigations are evidentially shoddy at best and dont stand up to any legal scrutiny. Due to this there is little chance of a prosecution and in other cases innocent people are getting targetted which has a knock on effect on safeguarding once they've been named as a beast.
  15. This whole thing is not being managed by Westminster (shocker) if you want to stop people mixing and going out shut everything down don't leave it to the individual businesses who are fucked if they do and fucked if they don't. If people have nowhere to go they can't be mixing and spreading the risk. It's a complete shambles being presided over nightly by a fucking clown who probably can't even tie his shoe laces let alone preside over this. Ffs he just has to copy what every other country is already doing.
  16. With the schools shutting panic buying will get a lot worse as people panic about being home. Plus kids go through no end of food in the school holidays as it is.
  17. I'll chuck some money in on pay day. The biscuit cup is the least of anyone's worries. I do the like the idea of playing it as a season opener like a charity shield the good weather might get the crowd up and it's better than a pre season friendly against Celtic's team for example.
  18. It's just a waiting game now, its foo early fo rush into a decision and it gives the powers that be time to make a decision. Realistically there are 2 solutions. 1. Void the season. 2. Finish the season on the current tables and award prizes/promotions accordingly. Neither is particularly fair on anyone but it's a one off freak occurrence and if we start getting into postponing things for 6 months and shortening this or putting that back it will never catch up and just become more of a minefield.
  19. Can scotland just concede the play off so normality can return
  20. I too had a 4 door nova 1.2 merit which meant it had a clock. Manual choke 4 speed and a diy installed sunroof. It was shite but it was mine and I still have great memories of it. I would swap my current car for it now in a heartbeat.
  21. On the schools thing, Children are disease carriers always have been they're the human equivalent of rats. Is there a school of thought for leaving them in school rather than closing at least they would be in one place. Instead they'll be everywhere and quite likely given to retired grandparents the highest risk group so their parents can go to work.
  22. Guessing this will be going off air
  23. It's a tough call as to what's going to happen, if the league is back on by April then just extend the season to get the games played. If it's going to drag on they'll realistically have to scrap the fixtures. 75% of games have been played it would be fair enough fo declare the champions for each division, league 1 would be harsh but football is a fucker.
  24. The league is going to be suspended but will they just write off the season and reset in the summer. Part of me is desperate to see liverpool fucked out of the title only for anyone to win it next season just for shits and giggles.
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