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pub car king

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Everything posted by pub car king

  1. Is there anything can be done about stress during pregnancy we are in the middle of a house move and she has a lot of stress at work. So hardly ideal plus she feels like shite all the time
  2. Now I know why my old man looked fucked off fir all those years.
  3. Well the last three days have been trying. She feels icky and stressed and as a result is and her words not mine " a right miserable bitch " everything makes her angry. I found her shouting at the cat today for some misdemeanor. Please tell me this will pass. We are in weeksix by the way
  4. sherlock holmes. 5/10 didn't do much for me although jude law was very good in it stepfather. cheapo thriller about a mental milf hunter 4/10
  5. Fair enough I thought it might be too soon. I'm amazed at how excitable I am about the whole thing I thought I would be the practical one worrying about money and where to put all the stuff.
  6. Doing dome late night shopping tonight is it too early to buy a book of names? Don't want to jinx it
  7. Well it's been confirmed by the gp she has to see the midwife in three weeks. Been given a rough date of September 15th. Shit just got real
  8. Thanks for the words of support going to wait a few more weeks before telling our parents then we will let everyone else know after the first scan. That said I'm certain the cat will escape from the proverbial bag sooner than expected. I am actually looking forward to the pregnancy which is easy for me to say.
  9. using the anonymity of the internet here as i can't tell anyone else i was awoken this morning to woman waving a plastic stick with two pink lines on it in my face. now although we hadn't been actively trying we had eazed off the birth control to let nature take its course. she believes she is 4 or 5 weeks down the line going to the quack tomorrow. now although i don't particularly like children i am highly excited by this revelation. what have i let myself in for? all advice taken as i havn't a fucking clue about this stuff
  10. I am no comic geek I just enjoy the batman films. However wouldn't the riddler be similar to the joker would they not be better going for the penguin or cat woman. Either that or Adam west in a dastardly disguise
  11. You can always look out for a pre registered car. This means the dealership has registered the car to themselves in order to make it a used car. So in essence you get a brand new car with a minimal amount of miles at a vastly reduced price.
  12. 500 days of summer. 8/10 a strange sort of indie rom com for want of a better phrase. Both leafs very good. As for batman 3 tell me all you know
  13. Inglorious basterds 7/10 good but very over indulgent that said christoph weltz is excellent. Back to the future 10/10 always excellent
  14. It's hard to find them these days but a a smaller franchise often family run are the best for buying a car cos these guys live and die by a good reputation and the repeat business. These days it is all car super markets and giant companies like Arnold Clark and Evans halshaw
  15. Big car companies work on volume bonus they will go to the manufacturer and screw them to the floor on price because they will buy x amount o thousand cars every year.lots of people who work for large companies get treated like shit so don't give a f**k about up holding the good company name.
  16. the great raid. the story of american pow's being rescued in the phillipennes during ww2. 6/10 stop loss. about how american soldiers who are due to leave the armt after iraq but get fucked over by the army so they have to go back it lso deals with the emotional problems of being in a war zone. 7/10 home alone 2. that child is an evil little fucker. 6/10 carlito's way. class film sean penn is brilliant 8.5/10
  17. This part of englandshire has had a fair amount of it today roughly 4/5 inches on the ground and a f**k load of side way beemers and mercs
  18. Yeah I think I need a bit if a lay off from the undead myself.
  19. The police should have at least been Rhee to check everyone was at least safe and provide info what little there was. It's just a daft thing but if I was stranded for hours it would at least show they knew about you and wanted to help. Cold comfort now I suppose
  20. The a team 7.5/10 saw it at the cinema still entertaining Law abiding citizen 7.5/10 could see the mans point of view to be fair. Didn't like the Jamie fox character
  21. I agree mcglynn has a bit to learn him and the rovers are a good partnership both are progressing together well and I would like to see him there for another couple of years because he is doing a great job of the pitch as well
  22. regarding back to the future him seeing himself in 1955 and reverse. could they not edit him in with new fangled cgi things for special edition releases etc. and see if anyone notices
  23. 1.5 cm of snow here its a chaos i tell ya

  24. enlighten me are we talking about a player because i think paul smith would go with mcglynn. saying that danny lennon might get the heave from st mirren due to them being shite
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