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pub car king

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Everything posted by pub car king

  1. well here in the multicultural metropolis of south befdfordshire we have had and i kid you not in excess of 1.5 cms of snow. for some reason it has completely missed us and its only -1. if you go down to the m25 (20 min drive) that has been fucked to various degrees for a couple of days now
  2. the sheep on there think he is not up to the high standards the mighty aberdeen who have won f**k all for 20 years deserve. suits me
  3. Really good last night the sheriff guy takes no shit and Kim wasn't mental he saw the future
  4. The thing is we play everybody four times so managers will have to have different systems that can be implemented. One of the main reasons Stirling used to do us over was because they changed systems and mcglynn didn't deal with it quick enough or at all
  5. 433 isn't as suicidal as it sounds we don't use wingers it is a weakness on our play so packing the middle of the park and lett the full backs loose on the wide areas is worth at least looking at. In mcglynn we trust
  6. The beating was class but i thought the rest of last nights was a bit shite
  7. does anyone know what the crack is with this red and blue kit are there only 200 in existence and will it be worn by the first team at some point?
  8. who can we wear this against? the only team i can think of is the pars. also notice its a fiver dearer than the other 2 kits.
  9. as someone who lives 400 miles away and only makes a couple of games a year i would like to say that the rovers official site is a god send and has been for a few years now. the reports photos and highlights are excellent and greatly appreciated. the fact you have to wait a wee while for everything to appear isn't here nor there. they are obviously a dedicated bunch of fans that give up a lot of time to update the site and it shows with the quality and quantity of content.
  10. the club must be a we bit pissed it has leaked out like this i imagine they had some grand unveiling planned
  11. i had the original one with jackie o on the front. apart from the pars who can it be worn against?
  12. had exact same thing with the home top small last year medium this year. but the sleeves are strangely long they came way past my elbows ? don't know about the away one
  13. the a team 8.5/10 being a massive a team fan and going into this with a fear of my childhood being ruined i thought it was great very funny and the casting was spot on. rampage jackson did a very good job as ba but burdock was the star of the show
  14. f**k sake how many useless fucking strikers does one club need tade. enegmatic at best but no striker weir. just does not score baird. jury is out mole. see weir unknown youngsters to step up from youth team. they get ten minutes at the end so little hope there
  15. jimmy nic bought craig mcewan and duffield was scoring for fun the previous season. i think they sacked the janny a couple of games too soon he had a plan and a system it just needed a wee bit of time. i do wonder how we would have faired under the hamster but we will never know and iain munro was a shite manager
  16. fantalk is utter utter pish inhabited with inbred stereotypes who have never left fife. that is all
  17. the zombie diaries 6/10 cheap cheap cheap badly acted but fair play to them for making it zombie land 7/10 good fun and a cheeky wee appearence from bill murray dawn of the dead (original) 10/10 my favourite ever film a master piece which shits all over survival of the dead 1/10 what an absolute unmitigated disaster please stop making them you are killing my enjoyment of the classics by churning out this shite badly acted badly written abortion
  18. quantom of solace. 8/10 really like the new bond films the fact they show up his weaknesses and troubled personality. transporter 3. 5/10 liked the first one but the rule of deminishing sequals dark knight. 9/10 it is always on sky and i always end up watching it. diary of the dead. 8/10 second time i have seen this and it really has grown on me
  19. does anyone know how much kevin smith would cost? just thinking aloud really if we were to beat airdrie and make a few quid from the aberdeen game coupled with the rumoured skintness of united
  20. i hope the big freeze has saved our season. before we were running on empty with a load of injuries. now the team is rested injuries have healed it may just be enough to secure our safety
  21. i would have jimmy nic back and i am not even joking as long as he brings martin harvey with him. failig that danny lennon hmm maybe. or alan moore?
  22. there is currently a blizzard on the go here which means my drive home is goosed
  23. cambridge must be lovely covered in snow
  24. woke up to about 6 or 7 inches od snow this morning an absolute b*****d to get to work in there are rear wheel drive cars abandoned everywhere
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