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Posts posted by mcjameos

  1. 3 hours ago, Rudolph Hucker said:






    fuxake, what a seething, foaming mess some of you guys get yer selves intae over a game of fitba’.  Embarrassing.

    Those above are just a few examples of why I feel like wiping my feet whenever I leave a Dundee match thread.

    You’ve a few half-decent posters, well, sometimes, but too many have that weird Billy BigBaws delusional mentality that actually just comes over like they’ve just left the primary school playground..  

    If you do go up, not many on here will miss you. Unfortunately you’d be back down here soon enough - as much incentive as anyone needs to try and get promoted next year…….   😁



    ps -      Thank you.


    To quote you, "nobody cares" 

  2. 2 hours ago, Pens_Dark said:

    Queens Park fans have basically nae right to make comments like this. Massive gap at the top and then as soon as your team shits the bed you try to mask your frustrations by saying 'I'd rather be in the championship anyway'.

    It isn't over at all. I just hope your team are as defeatist as you are.

    Despite what may have been said in here I'm not sure any Queens fan truly believes they'd rather we were in the championship. I get what you are saying about it not being over however after our recent performances its hard to see where results are coming from in the remaining games. For some reason we haven't been able to  respond to the loss of Murray. Some kind if change required by Coyle starting Friday or we may struggle to stay in the play-offs. 

  3. 2 hours ago, Dave said:

    Last five weeks have been a rude awakening for this squad. Some clearly had their heads turned in January, and others completely lost theirs. 

    It obviously looks ridiculous to say it now, given where we have been recently, but objectively we'd have taken staying in the league this season and that has been achieved. But bottling the chance to go straight up again in the manner we have done it is borderline unforgivable. 

    Absolutely agree.  The season is clearly not over (yet) however something needs to change (and quick) or we will throw away the play-offs too.  What we're doing doesn't work anymore (without a Murray), maybe it’s time to start some younger members of the squad and/or go two up front.  

  4. 59 minutes ago, Dave said:

    With the Hamilton game moving to Friday night as well.

    After Raith this week, three Friday nights in a row (Thistle (A), Hamilton (H), Ayr (A)) all a day ahead of Dundee playing. Got to be some kind of psychological advantage to that, assuming we win those games of course...

    As for the announcement itself, what else did we really expect. If they start now and get the rumoured temporary stands in place for next season, then fine. But it's yet another egg on the face of the club and the powers that be supposedly in charge of this. Three full years of no home games. 

    Puting aside the misinformation from our esteemed leader 🙄, moving any of this season's remaining league games just never made any sense to me.

  5. 38 minutes ago, ExiledLichtie said:

    I actually don't mind Queens Park as a club, I've got no feelings about yous either way.  Its the whole stadium nonsense that annoys me.  I was outlining a hypothetical exaggerated scenario to demonstrate how just switching stadiums on a whim could be perceived as unfair.  

    Think you'll find the stadium annoys QP fans too. Dont think anyone is suggesting we be able to switch stadiums on a whim (as that would be unfair) Whatever happens should be for a full season. Lesser is not going to be ready for next season irrespective of which league we are in. For me Hampden would be better than Ochilview (which is too far away). 

  6. 9 minutes ago, PB1994 said:

    What clubs are these? I presume they didn’t have any other place to play? Queens Park literally have their own ground so that would be a big difference.

    Pretty certain Dundee didn't own Dens for a while as there was talk of them buying it back. Raith don't own Starks, Haughey owned Celtic Park at one time, Clyde didn't own Shawfield or Broadwood, Rangers debacle.... do I need to go on? 

    Historically we owned both. What we choose to do with our property portfolio diesnt enter into it. 


  7. 10 minutes ago, PB1994 said:

    If Lesser Hampden is ready there they should be playing there. They shouldn’t be able to cash is on ticket sales playing at Hampden just because they didn’t make their own stadium big enough.

    A number of clubs have previously sold their stadium to third parties and continue(d) to play at them so the precedent is there. How would us playing a full season at big Hampden be any different?

  8. 4 minutes ago, PB1994 said:


    I don’t think it would be allowed.

    I only brought it up as didn’t the BBC ask that question to Leanne Dempster at half time during the QP v Ayr game and the reply was something along the lines of its certainly an option?

    It would have been interesting to hear her response if the interviewer had (properly) challenged her on that


    6 minutes ago, Boris the Spider said:

    I think the use of terms like "Hampden Hub" and "Hampden Complex" tell you what is the plan going forward. Lesser and Hampden both part of that hub .

    I tend to agree however it doesn't feel right for the reasons set out by others. I'm sure there will be rules to prevent this (for good reason) but how then did the Hamilton league game manage to get played at Hampden?

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