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Posts posted by mcjameos

  1. 5 minutes ago, The Ghost of B A R P said:

    Back to the game…

    Wouldn’t be surprised if Muirhead gets the nod in front of Oakley, given that it looks as though the latter hasn’t been training.

    Key thing for me, though, is that Miller and, in particular, Quitongo can get in and about their full-backs, both of whom are better going forward than defending. That’s where the game will be won or lost.

    Quitongo for either a match-winning performance… or a red card.

    Other wee point of interest is what we’re saying about Kilday at 5 o’clock tomorrow: take your pick from ‘class is permanent’ or ‘f**k me, how is he still getting a game for a team at the top of the Championship?’

    Quitingo is a worry for me. Cant remember if he has played against us since joining Morton. Really like him as a player and imagine he will be fired up for this. Wouldn't wish him to get a red card however am hoping he has a stinker. 

  2. 1 hour ago, Dundee-FC92 said:

    Comedy gold.

    Of course when looking at the form book you narrow it down to a four game period - basics in the art of the old form book.

    We've been beaten once in the league since October which was when we were down to ten men.

    We currently have a game in hand so your four point lead is fake news.

    Seriously moronic these Queens buffoons but it's no surprise as they're used to languishing below the likes of Cowdenbeath. Despite having bought your way with the SPFL to four home fixtures in March you'll be winning nothing this season.

    Money can't buy everything and it'll all come tumbling down. Meanwhile us and even the Morten will still be standing with some substantial backing from local communities as opposed to your part time joke fans.

    Thank you.



  3. 9 hours ago, Arachnophile said:

    Sources: Rangers to resolve future of Josh McPake as off-pitch discipline issues revealed

    Rangers are looking to resolve the future of Josh McPake after failing to offload him in the January transfer window, sources have told Football Insider.

    Rangers were hoping to offload McPake permanently in January to save money, but there was no concrete interest to take him.

    The forward, 21, is currently on loan at Championship side Queen’s Park, but he has endured a mixed time at the club due to form and discipline issues off the pitch.

    McPake has 18 months to run on his contract at Ibrox, but they are looking for a resolution on his future as he’s a high earner among the fringe players at the club.

    One option being considered is to terminate his agreement and hand him a sizeable pay-off.




    I stumbled across an article a few days ago. Cant remember where exactly but it was a rangers focussed news site and about him now seeing out the remainder of his loan with us and being released in the summer. Not sure if the article above changes that. 


    Found article;


  4. 18 minutes ago, Bring Your Own Socks said:

    Constructive suggestion 1:

    An EGM of members with a short list of points where the directors of the club have failed, relative to the appropriate sections of the Articles of Association, concluded with a fans motion that certain individuals be replaced.

    Constructive suggestion 2:

    Boycott games and/or walk-outs and/or do it be in a rush to renew membership/tickets.

    They’ve no incentive to do better because we keep turning up.

    I understand that sometimes things are too important however “Constructive Suggestion 2” will inevitably have an impact on those on the playing side.  Just an observation and am not advocating for or against it as am unable to suggest a suitable alternative. 

  5. 54 minutes ago, QPSpider1867 said:

    I’ve not seen the interview you’re referring to but will try find it online. It’s the half time interview I assume. That’s scary stuff however if the super professional Chief Exec plan is to wing it. 

    Dempster spoke about premiership football when she arrived in L2. Now there’s no plan if we get there years later? What the f**k does she actually do? I’m bemused at every turn with her, I find it so incompetent. 

    As I’ve said in other posts, I can accept a volunteer making an error or two but this is a highly paid ‘professional’ that’s hindering our club rather than progressing it. 

    I was disappointed at how poorly Ms Dempster came across in that interview.  Whatever your thoughts of people at this level in business, most are very good speakers – believability is another thing.  I can understand she will want to play down promotion prospects (as there is still a long way to go) and not want to divulge any associated plans - I suspect (hope) her words were poorly chosen (see first sentence).  If not, as you say, what does she actually do.

  6. 12 minutes ago, Northsea80 said:

    The Hampden campus thing was mentioned on the bbc sport website today. It links to a sun article that suggests Steve Clarke wants Scotland to train at Lesser rather than Oriam in the build up to home internationals. 

    Not sure what I think of that. Knee jerk reaction would be to tell SFA to gtf however I realise that, correctly negotiated, this could generate an additional income stream. 

  7. 1 hour ago, an86 said:

    What’s the betting on Coyle being used as a human shield because he’s popular? Send him out to apologise, thinking it’ll suffice. I genuinely think we’d be tone deaf enough to do that. 

    I had thought the same. He may feel its his responsibility of course. However (and even then imo) someone more senior should be taking responsibility publicly. 

  8. 9 minutes ago, GM1867 said:

    Lesser Hampden (from Wikipedia) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lesser_Hampden

    In 1923, Queen's Park were looking for an alternative venue for their reserves and youth teams, with a basic pitch to the south of the main stand at Hampden Park increasingly being used as a car park. The club purchased a farm on the west side of Hampden and built a pitch and stands.  When it opened in 1924, Lesser Hampden had a capacity of 12,000.

    I just found that interesting - I know building standards were less rigorous then, but 12,000 capacity in two years!

    I remember going to lesser in the early 80s but dont recall anything resembling stands only grassy slopes - but that could be my memory playing tricks. Mind you 12000 people would soon have made it resemble the photos posted above ☺️

  9. 6 minutes ago, TxRover said:

    I understand, but after mulling it over, I suspect your hope would be under JPP 303. The punishments are listed A and/or B and/or C, the and/or leaves a small window for an out….but it would be financial or future exclusion if not current expulsion. It may seem strange, but the best thing the Club could do is call the SFA and withdraw from the Cup, citing a paperwork error, due to carelessness. You might keep the cash that way and avoid a fine, because I don’t see any way the JP will allow QP to continue.

    Yup, no excuse, someone has f**cked up. Take the punishment now, move on, and put smth in place to ensure its not repeated. 

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