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Everything posted by PSJ.84

  1. The fact that’s how he saw the game should make the alarm bells 10x louder to those that don’t already hear them. As I’m sure I said last night (was pished), the performance was fine in the first half, you could see as soon as the second started there was one team winning. Once Aberdeen took the lead, we completely fell out of the game (again). To come away with that drivel is unreal. Clueless.
  2. Also, the player Michael O’Halloran has become under Callum should never be the answer. The way he has gone from looking like a serviceable top-flight footballer to looking like a League 1 (at best) footballer is astonishing. Speaks volumes for both the manager’s ability and the players’ footballing intelligence
  3. His comments regarding a striker make me think there’s no chance he gets sacked before the first international break. Like others, I felt he’d earned the chance to keep us in the league last season, but should’ve been gone following the playoff. He said all the right things in the summer but actions speak louder than words. His time is up. I’ll be forever grateful for everything he’s done for the club and he should forever be remembered as the St. Johnstone manager that won the double, but he’s doing a fair bit to destroy that now.
  4. Said in our thread, first half we were fine and going well, but within 5/10 minutes of the second half it was pretty obvious the game was going away from us. If we can see that, why can’t the manager - the one who is supposed to see these things. The squad is there, imo, maybe striker apart. I still think this season is salvageable. With this management and their decisions, I’m not so sure.
  5. Of course, football is only a minor inconvenience in the bigger picture. My thoughts and prayers go out to anybody reading impacted by what happened prior to kick off today. Always open for a chat if it’s needed.
  6. Suppose that’s fair. Like for like changes are hardly reacting, but merely being seen to do something
  7. I can see what he’s getting at most of the time but he doesn’t half f**k it up. Was fairly impressed with Phillips last week, but today has lowered my expectations quite a lot. Decent enough at winning the ball back, but looked quite unfit - to be expected. His use of the ball? Deary fucking me.
  8. Aberdeen’s first away win, and first away clean sheet (in the league) since… Yep. Game at McDiarmid in December.
  9. See, first half, we were fine, not great but it was fine. Within 5 minutes of the second half, the game was really getting away from us and yet again, he’s reactive. The theme of waiting until we’re a goal down to change anything is absolutely killing us. The interviews defy belief.
  10. Following a defeat I’d usually find myself in a pretty rotten mood for the rest of the weekend - pretty sad, I know. I’m now beginning to find I’m not even bothered beyond leaving the stadium. The absolute dross being served up each week is beyond mind-numbing.
  11. Top end of Tesco car park now fenced off for ‘event parking’, for those interested in how they’d work it
  12. Thought Milne was an excellent piece of business in the summer, head and shoulders above the rest any time I watched Cove last season. From the outside looking in, could be doing well to hold on to Tiffoney beyond next summer
  13. That’s what I took from that interview as well. It didn’t actually sound as though clubs will be spending too much money on VAR - could be totally wrong though
  14. Replies to their lineup tweets since Lowe took charge have consisted of a lot of McCann anger. Find his treatment of a 22-year-old baffling
  15. I’m feeling unusually optimistic and I’ve not a clue where it’s come from
  16. Agree it looks extremely like a Sweden kit - a nice one at that
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