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Everything posted by Kenneth840

  1. If it makes you feel happy to believe that Britain is a country, then who am I to disagree.
  2. 56 out of 59 MPs elected in Scotland 2015 UK general election. Now if that is not a reason to declare Independence then I don't know what is. I know that this fake preterendum and bullshit about the majority of votes as well as seats is an extra burden put upon us by our dear leader. It was 45% in 2014 and from what I gather by opinion polls support for Independence is 50/50 at best. 8 years and a 5% increase (was it 23% when Salmond was in charge?) so lets be honest here Sturgeon has done f**k all to increase support. Sturgeon has successfully managed to alienate women, why I ask? Feminist to the fingertips my arse. Why focus on a minority of 0.3% of the population that are transgender when there are over 50% you have to convince. 0.3% and 50% What the f**k is she doing.
  3. I don't believe I am. The decision has been made long ago whether soft no's and soft yes's will convert. There are no converts left. People have decided long ago whether to stay with the Union or go with Scottish Independence. You are quite wrong.
  4. Why do you want to deny women their rights? What has got into you? What have you all become?
  5. And who do you think got up off their arse and actually tried to do something about it!! So how about calm down the slagging.
  6. The issue wasn't settled. Since 2015 there has been a majority vote for an Independence referendum by the people of Scotland, whether you like it or not. To deny this would be a denial of democracy. Now I see that the UK is changing in such a way that I believe it is going too far right for my liking. I am a socialist at heart.
  7. There are no soft nos left, the choice has already been made. There are no soft yes either. My opinion.
  8. Yes they were blind to Tories abuse of power, now they may have their eyes opened.
  9. Legitimate in what way? Civil disobedience has to cross the boundary.
  10. It points out that we can depose Kings. We the people of Scotland. Scots sovereignty The Convention of Estates has been ignored for too long. Time to reconvene it. Even more now we have a Scottish government that is fucked up.
  11. Contained within the Claim of Right 1689 is the Scottish constitution. https://salvo.scot/ Sovereignty of the people of Scotland. To choose the form of government best suited to their needs. Which the UK parliament has confirmed the Claim of Right for many years since. To be honest it is wearing me down, we have an SNP government that appears to be doing it's best to deny Scots their sovereignty, their right to hold government to account (Scottish), and the whole piss take and pretence of holding a referendum that will make any change. Our First minister even said that nothing will change when we hold our referendum. What kind of fucking message is that to send. To me that is not the words of a true leader of Independence. The man that could have taken us to Independence has had his character assassinated by false allegations. People still believe he was guilty, even though he was innocent but it still affects their voting choices. The only person to make Scotland close to being Independent again. But, we will still keep voting for Scottish Labour, sorry I meant SNP to deliver Independence.
  12. Why wouldn't someone that is pro Independence not be interested in something that will help the cause to make Scotland Independent again? Why wouldn't you as a pro Independence person be interested in the Claim of Right? I do read the Yours for Scotland website. I think the criticism of the FM is warranted because who else would miss the many opportunities of the past few years to go for it. This could all have been done years ago. I don't understand why it is being done now, when it could have been done ages ago. What are your views on the proposed referendum in October 2023? If it goes ahead and there is a Yes vote, what happens next?
  13. No thanks, I don't need to justify anything my friend. (ok I will) I am Scottish. I am sovereign. I am asserting my sovereignty through the claim of right which has been acknowledged in westminster since before 1707 that I am sovereign. That is enough for me. Now I hope you have a good night, I am off to enjoy some burritos. It was nice talking to you and I hope to do so again. All the best.
  14. And it isn't difficult to google salvo.scot. Explains it better than I could.
  15. Thanks for your admiration, it is returned to you. My understanding is that the 1689 Claim of Right shows that the Scottish people held their sovereignty. To deny the Claim of Right would be to deny the Acts and Treaty of Union. For many years the Claim of Right has been spoken to Westminster, but the Scottish people have not done anything about it because they are fannies. It always has been recognised by Westminster that the Scottish people have the choice to decide the form of government best suited to their needs. Now we are pushing that right, The right to our choice. If you have watched the video, it will show that have a convention of the estates. We can hold the government to account if we choose to. Why? Because the Scottish people are sovereign. People don't realise this though. Your Union is safe. The Snp have been infiltrated by Labour wannabes since 2015. Independence is off the agenda, at least a serious attempt. Why did Nicola say it would have no effect?
  16. When we are finished talking about other stuff, would anyone like to take a look at our Claim of Right. It is the path to our Independence. https://salvo.scot/
  17. More bollox to believe we are subjugate to wm.. Lets go. Show them the Scots are up for it. Are we forgetting that nothing changes even if it is agreed? Nicola Sturgeon herself more or less said it won't result in Independence. We are getting too carried away. Again.
  18. Scots sovereignty. At the polls we decide. (We have a constitution, check out Salvo.scot I honestly can't name any here, but if this is a voluntary peaceful union, then there must be a peaceful way to leave.
  19. I apologise if you take that as an insult. There were 2 MPs that stood up for Scotland in the glorified parliament that is called Westminster, against many MPs that back the British way. The 2 pure Scottish MPs are fighting, like most of us, to get Scottish Independence. Please help with this, to get our Independence.
  20. Unionist point of view. If you weren't a Unionist, you wouldn't be backing up Westminster actions.
  21. I read it yesterday and can't remember. I still remember the anger of watching Scotland be humiliated.
  22. Yes. Still Don't know what you are saying though.
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