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Everything posted by StuartA

  1. Thank you Otis. Civility costs nothing. f**k Annan.
  2. Apathy is much more damaging than anger. You've got a decent support and no other major clubs nearby (sorry Annan) so I would've thought a good candidate for fans' involvement. Lots of different ways to do it, but needs a few folk to come up with a plan and put the work in - and set aside egos.
  3. Again though - in the absence of a sugar daddy, if your current administration is failing, isn't the only option for fans to tool-up and get involved? It doesn't have to be a full-on takeover, but current owners have responsibility for the decline so surely have to open the door.
  4. Oh well. Pitchforks, torches, tar and feathers it is! Good luck.
  5. Would the ex Chairman or others consider a deal where he’d gift shares to the supporters trust in lieu of direct investment in the club? Not a “hunt the board” approach but a commitment to fans mobilising and slowly taking control. It isn’t easy, but QoS would surely be a decent candidate for the SG cash that Falkirk benefited from last year.
  6. I think something successive regimes at Falkirk have done well is to keep engaging kids and growing the support. Be that Junior Bairns, free tickets, kids’ teams etc, it’s showing now and it’s clear we should keep doing it.
  7. Not sure of that - we don’t even have the highest budget in this division. Possibly not even top 2. But given where we were a year ago, financially, that makes sense.
  8. Owning your own ground might be a curse. Before you know it you’ll be in a 2-stand box in an industrial estate 5 miles outside Dumfries. Lots of scheissters out there. Why don’t the fans get together and buy them out?
  9. I know everyone likes a tense, competitive run-in, but after the last few years, I’d really like this wrapped up before the clocks go forward so we can have some time to enjoy it before having to think about next season. There, jinxed it.
  10. I’d put the fella Zengin on notice. Accies fans should get together and tell him to either succeed or disappear.
  11. Really don’t want Pars to go back down. Part of the fun is playing them. But they are a salutary lesson about how to go up and how to stay up.
  12. I’m obviously totally buzzing after your result today, but it’s fair to say that “any other season” Accies would have been solidly on top. As a football fan, it seems like your club is run by monsters. Whether it’s the mad crazy Gerry freak or whoever is in charge of the stadium, or an individual businessman who believes he owns the franchise. You guys need to tool up and burn all these folk. They’re fucking your club. If you don’t catch Falkirk this season then the cuts will start and fans will be bled.
  13. I tried to find a funny meme to post but can’t work out how to do it. But f**k me, that must hurt Accies. Falkirk wobbling, you at home to a junior team, a chance to go just 2pts behind next week. As a football fan, I feel you.
  14. Every decision is a risk, but if you don’t take a decision when you’re riding high, when would you? I’d say it’d be a bigger risk not to show confidence in them now. Imagine the impact on their morale and that of the players he’s trying to tie up. We’ve had so much uncertainty and turnover for years, this feels like the right decision at the right time.
  15. Seems a bit risk tbh. It’d clutter the area and in any case, the ctty pitch will have to go at some stage. The Scotdrone picture is just an illustration but the ctty pitch is slap-bang in the middle of where the approach and I suppose car park will have to be for the final stand. Guess this planning application will need tooked closely at.
  16. No Dave, it isn’t and I think it’s out of order to scapegoat like this. Individuals caused this and individuals should be held accountable on the basis of evidence. It’s intellectually lazy to just try and blame a group because they’re prominent.
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