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I Clavdivs

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Everything posted by I Clavdivs

  1. Not sure how we didn't get pumped rotten tonight especially on our right wing.We contravened every law known to man including natural justice....but hey ho we'll take the point thanks very much .
  2. Jags prevailed 5-4 last time @Hampden v Queens Park. Could do with that again to brighten up a dreich Friday in the soggy South ,however, will settle for an ugly 1-0 courtesy of BBG sclaffing a 94 minute winner off Ferrie's bahookey .
  3. Yeah,maybe a variation of our halftime cross bar challenge would suffice.First one to knock off Harry the Hoopo's head wins .
  4. Looks like another shrewd move by Thistle ....can't play on day one of a short term loan and no sign of him doing so anytime soon .
  5. What's the script with McGinley ?,was he brought in on loan unfit or injured or a combination of both ?
  6. Can't complain about result or score,United did their homework and exposed out weaknesses time and time again .....ponderous in Central defence and powerderpuff in midfield.Big Aero getting red carded at 4-0 down totally inexcusable and unprofessional . Big Kev Holt showing why he was my favourite player for Thistle last year only brought home how far we are off the pace now with current team . United's league to lose and Thistle will do well to limp into midtable once the reckoning is done .
  7. 4 or 5 different pies Inc Pie of the Month ,hot dogs,Vegan option for Byres Road clique and the usual selection of hot and cold drinks /sweeties/Crisps .
  8. Some of the seats at either end of old stand have also been cannibalised to repair other seating in said stand due to some of the more "fragrant" away fans tanning seats. BTW blue sky and sun currently over the glorious West End and winds decreased to feck all ...get yersels over tae the big City ! .
  9. Always liked big Dowds and think he'll do well for you ,however, don't think he was unfairly treated.Probably more of a case of him not fitting into Dools style of play /team set up which demands an element of strikers covering in defence when needed.
  10. Why? ,he only commands a 12.25 % win avg as a Manager and Caley couldn't hit a hairy coo's arse with a radio guided caber even against an, on the day,meh Jags.
  11. Would that be Brian Graham ? ,the league's top scorer?....that one ?, just clarifying like .
  12. You can keep your Hammerthrowers...make way for the quiet ,ninja like assassin that is Kris Doolan and the highest career win % of any current Championship Manager .
  13. Yeah ,draw a fair result ,Thistle can and do play a lot better and were undoubtedly meh today ,however,big worry for you guys is no shots on Target today with Morton breathing down your neck and a new manager with a 12.25 % career win stat .
  14. Well done to the Troops making the journey home,safe passage . It's a point at a notoriously difficult ground for us and given the extra dimension of the much hyped "Dunkey bounce " mildly pleasing at keeping us in touch with the top ...so can't be disappointed.
  15. Oops,cheers ,Dundee v Ross..game off.Anything North of Ruchill is "up there somewhere" to me
  16. Pitch inspection at Ross so will give some approximate indication for game at Inverness I'm guessing.
  17. I'm sure this is not what Fan Ownership is supposed to feel like .More like a couple of bruised egos needing massaging...just get tae the pub and sort it out !
  18. Not sure what has gone on here,however,always found Alastair very approachable as well as being full of energy and ideas .
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