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I Clavdivs

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Everything posted by I Clavdivs

  1. 100% that, he gives his all.I felt during playoffs for us last season he soldiered through injury just to get us over the line,however, you could see he was struggling a bit towards the end of that still raw ordeal .I really wish Doc all the best .
  2. What's the script with Docherty ?...seems to be playing even less games for Utd than us last season ,and your fortunes take seem to take a dip when he's sidelined.
  3. Bizarrely we are the League's top scorers both as a Team and Individual, yet our defence is a dithering mess with little or no options for Doolan other than Mitchell for Stewart and Williams for Muirhead. 3-2 United and the Estuary Clunkers to leapfrog us.
  4. Thats quite an incredible set of statistics and could only be served up by Thistle.
  5. Still third,yup I know delusional but that's all we've got left in this now unfolding bin fire of a season .
  6. Get big Tomi signed up for half time Cross bar challenge at half time on Sat .
  7. The Thistle returns to Partick would be nice...there's something Tolkien and prophetic about that with mist swirling visions of glories to come .Failing that hot water taps in the bogs would be nice .
  8. Dowds current strike rate v Adeloye says otherwise and to be fair ,and politics aside,he did not get enough game time at Thistle when in the shadow of the League's top scorer.Adeloye can bag a few when in the mood but just doesn't look it the mood most of the time IMHO .
  9. Been a horrible couple of weeks for us exiting Cup after a commanding two goal lead,scoring three at Caley and only getting a point and then the Refereeing/defensive abberation on Friday night.Would take a point now and await our ragdolling at the hands of United on Saturday. Only bright spot is Dowds will be not available, still can't understand why we let him go in favour of Adeloye.
  10. Holt is the biggest miss,you could always be assured he would put his body/head on the line to intercept cross balls in the box.He also more or less tracked right to cover Muirhead's now too obvious failings .
  11. McMillan must have the biggest knee in fitba.I was sat in the JHS in line with McMillan and was onside all day ....anyhoos I hope you enjoyed your night in the big City and hope you stay up.
  12. We can moan all we like about poor match official decisions, and yes there were some howlers,however,our now inherent weak defending and not being clinical enough tonight in front of goal was our ultimate undoing .Fair play to Dunfermline for taking advantage .If we somehow stumble into playoffs again I'll be gobsmacked .
  13. Better boozers in Partick,quick jaunt on the Clockwork Orange from Kelvinhall up to St George's Cross and then a wee sprint up Maryhill Road...nae bother.
  14. Never bought on to the Thistle v Clyde rivalry ,always had a soft spot for Clyde and the old Shawfield Stadium but looks like the club is in a flaming tail spin right now .Hope you manage to pull it out the hat ,get back to Glasgow and survive in the Senior leagues .
  15. These results would make an interesting accumulator.
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